International - 20 set 2022

PUCPR & Global Conversations: creating connections from home

PUCPR students, and the academic community as a whole, are invited to register for the next edition of Global Conversations program, which will be held online from October 03rd. The event, promoted by DePaul University (USA), brings together students from all over the world to discuss,  in the English language, current topics of global interest, always mediated by professors from different universities.

Global Conversations sessions are 90-minute lively Zoom synchronous sessions in which students from several international partner institutions interact in a guided, facilitated manner on a list of global topics. In these sessions, DePaul faculty members have partnered with faculty from our international partner universities from countries including Brazil, India, Mexico, Nigeria, Australia, the UK, and more.  These dynamic sessions have cultivated intercultural, meaningful discussions on how global issues affect various academic disciplines and industries, such as psychology, public health, business, and more.

The sessions will be held between October 03 and 13 through the Zoom platform, and all participants will receive a certificate. In addition to the sessions coordinated by PUCPR professors, a series of other debate sessions are available for student registration. You can check them out by clicking here.

Check out below the sessions coordinated by PUCPR Professors on October 6th:


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