
The Postgraduate Program in Theology (PPGT) develops the training of highly qualified individuals in teaching, research, and consultancy both in the ecclesiastical and in the most varied cultural, social, and professional spheres. It aims at providing training for cultural, ecumenical, interreligious, and social dialogue. It promotes research for epistemological and methodological clarification, on biblical and confessional hermeneutics, and contributes to ethical debates in an interdisciplinary approach in the context of the university. Research and teaching are developed in three concentration areas: Exegesis and Biblical Theology, Systematic andPastoral Theology, and Ethical andSocial Theology.


The PPGT aims at producing theological knowledge pertinent to the challenges of contemporary society through the development of research at a high academic level that deepens the meaning of expressions of faith through a lucid appropriation of critical and hermeneutical tools. These allow the concomitant renovation of a confessional theology and the production of a public theology capable of dialoguing with the religious and cultural plurality of the globalized world and impacting the social sphere.


The creation of the PPGT within the School of Education and Humanities and the Direction of Postgraduate Studies, Research, and Innovation, was approved by the PUCPR University Council—CONSUN Resolution: 87/2008 of August 5, 2008. The program was recognized by the Ministry of Education’s (MEC) Ordinance No. 590/2009, published in the Federal Official Gazette on June 19, 2009. The PhD programme was recommended on January 17, 2013, by the Technical-Scientific Higher Education Council and received a four-point score in the first CAPES evaluation.


Consistent research into the Sacred Scriptures is increasingly necessary in the midst of injustices, violations of the right to life of the human being and our planet. Fundamentalisms with a individualistic spirituality, alien to the clamor of those who suffer, are on the rise. Not rarely, religion and the Bible itself are used as instruments to foster hate between groups, racism and prejudice, as in the times of Amos (5,7): “Ah, you that turn justice to wormwood” and of Isaiah (5,20): “Ah, you who call evil good and good evil”. In view of such situation, a Biblical hermeneutics is proposed that fosters hope and promotes peace and solidarity, based on the Covenant of God with God’s people. By means of modern methods of exegeses and the recente discoveries in the field of History and Archaeology, a collaborative production of knowledge is sought in order to ground relevant and liberative comprehensions, practices and  theologies for contemporary society. It is also about the creation of a priviledged space for the sharing, realization, deepening and updating of research in a dialogical process for the formation of researchers of the Bible.

Line of research: Analysis and Interpretation of Sacred Scripture


This area of concentration aims to develop research in the field of fundamental theology, dogmatic theology, and pastoral theology, with bridges to the Church’s Social Doctrine, patristics, and the history of the Church, from the perspective of the renewal of Vatican II and the Latin American liberating tradition. The systematization of the revealed message is also proposed, which includes dogmatic formulations and the teaching of the Church’s Magisterium, the celebration and announcement of the gospel message, as well as the most diverse expressions and historical manifestations of the Christian faith by the people of God. The pastoral focus of this area seeks to keep in mind the thematization of historical mediations capable of making the contents of faith land in the concreteness of history.

Line of research: Theology, Evangelization, and Religious Diversity


This area of concentration is dedicated to the study and research of the so-called realities of the present time; the ethical and moral dimensions of faith; the experience of faith in personal, family, and professional daily life; and the political and social engagement of religion. The field of theology is constantly challenged to deal with the complex facets of reality. Thus, the Area of Ethical and Social Theology assumes the following characteristics: a) valuing cultural, ethnic, religious, political, family, and gender diversity; b) accepting and respecting multiple forms of knowledge; c) positioning theological protagonism aimed at social and political transformation marked by the defense of human dignity, care for the environment, and the consequent search to overcome excluding social structures; and d) promoting personal and relational care, highlighting the role of theology in the comprehensive care of human beings, especially in the field of health and education, with the consequent overcoming of reductionist approaches.

Line of research: Theology and Society

1. Research lines
Analysis and interpretation of the Sacred Scripture

Investigates the socio-religious context of the biblical world and analyzes texts from the Bible at the literary and theological level using modern methods and interpretation approaches in its “original language”

Research projects:

  • Analysis and interpretation of prophetic and wisdom literature
  • Old and New Testament theology to support pastoral care
  • Translation and exegesis of the Bible in Brazil
  • Monotheism, colonialism, diversity, and human rights
  • Analysis and interpretation of Pentateuch texts
  • Analysis of miracle reports and parables from the perspective of the mission
  • Pauline Letters, historical context, analysis, and interpretation
  • Analysis and interpretation of Jesus’ parables in the synoptic gospels
  • Hebrews and Catholic letters
  • Study and interpretation of texts in the synoptic gospels
  • Theology and gender and power relations in the Sacred Scripture

2. Theology, Evangelization, and Religious Diversity

This line of research is focused on the life and mission of the Christian person in academia, church, and society. It proposes the production of knowledge that seeks to “explore the signs of the times and interpret them in the light of the Gospel” (Second Vatican Council, GS 4). To this end, it aims to develop research especially in the fields of ecclesiology, Christology, the doctrine of God (Trinity), theological method, the sacraments, pneumatology, missiology, spirituality, ministries, catechesis, liturgy, and pastoral practices in general. Regarding religious diversity, the objective is to research contemporary religious diversity with the purpose of identifying its characteristics, challenges, and perspectives for theology. The approach focuses on systematic-pastoral issues involving ecumenism and interreligious dialogue as horizons of intelligence in the Christian faith, rethinking Catholic doctrine in a dialogical perspective.

Research projects:

  • Conciliar renewal, contextual and Latin American theology
  • The evangelizing mission and Latin American magisterium
  • Profile of “new priests” in Brazil
  • Systematic theology and ecumenism
  • Christian faith and religious pluralism
  • The ecumenical movement in Brazil
  • Pneumatology and Christian experience
  • The Trinity and Abrahamic religions
  • Theology and ecology
  • Theology and mythography
  • Mapping the fields of religious sciences and theology
  • Theology of culture: Spirituality, culture, and praxis in Michel de Certeau
  • Church, state, and society—a comparative look at Brazil, Germany, and South Africa
  • The public Trinity

3. Theology and society

This is aimed at the development of theological research that examines human action in a socio-political-cultural context. Study and research on the following subjects is pursued: educational and formative activities; subjectivity and religious expressions; social and cultural transformations; gender issues; interventions in human life provided by science and technology; care in health contexts.

Research projects:

  • Religion, gender, and Church history in Latin America and Brazil
  • Theological-philosophical contributions to the interpretation of the religious phenomenon
  • Human rights, gender, and youth
  • Memory and identity of the Diocese of Joinville toward the Centenary Jubilee, 1927-2027
  • Religion and phenomenological approach
  • Complex thinking and theology
  • Family and parenting projects—Family planning in the context of bioethics
  • Intercultural and interreligious care and counseling: Interdisciplinary perspectives
  • Contemporary subjectivity, religiosity, and health
  • Subjectivity and religiosity processes
  • Theology and bioethics and their interconnections with social issues
  • Theology, bioethics and spirituality

The Postgraduate Programme in Theology (PPGT), in line with the guidelines of the university, values and encourages internationalization processes through research at the international postdoctoral level and research periods at the doctoral level, in addition to active agreements for the exchange of professors and students and joint publishing projects to collaborate with international theological debate both on the North-South axis and on the South-South axis. The PPGT promotes international seminars throughout the year with high-level professors, and encourages the improvement of foreign languages, especially English, through PUC Languages and the English Semester, carried out in conjunction with the other Postgraduate Programmes in the School of Education and HumanitiesCurrently, the PPGT maintains or participates in formal agreements with the following partner institutions, also involving solidarity actions:

  1. UNIVERSITY OF AVEIRO, Aveiro, Portugal.
  4. LAVAL UNIVERSITY, Laval, Quebec, Canada.
  8. LA SALLE UNIVERSITY, Bogota, Colombia.
  10. PONTIFICAL UNIVERSITY OF MEXICO (UPM), City of Mexico, Mexico.
  15. PALACKÝ UNIVERSITY, Olomouc, Czech Republic.

Partnerships with institutions in Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands.

In addition to the research projects listed in the “lines of research,” the PGPT also develops some research projects that integrate professors from the three areas of concentration and that may become interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary lines of research, namely:

  • Missiology: The missiology project aims at meeting the demand for a new meaning of the concept of mission, which historically legitimized the colonization processes, especially in Latin America. Such reframing reallocates the role of Christianity within an intercultural dynamic from a counterhegemonic perspective, incorporating the public policy and human rights agenda. It is necessary to rethink the religious imagery of culture in order to review the production of meaning in the discursive and social practices of the mission concept. Such a project involves professors from the three concentration areas.
  • Theology and Literature: Research project developed between PUC PR/UNICAMP/University of Aveiro (Portugal), financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Higher Education of Portugal. In the matrix of Western culture, the Homeric Poems and the Bible stand out. Over the centuries, these and other works have generated a wealth of myths, symbols, topics, and ways of thinking about the human condition and national identity. Following on the events and scientific publications that we have been developing, we propose a project that allows the expansion and consolidation of research on this broad domain of knowledge. Organization (i.e., structure of the subprojects): 1) The art of mythical narrative; 2) Rereading and transcoding; 3) Reception, representations, and intertextualities; 4) National heroes, myths and legends. Objectives: In each of the five years of the project’s duration, we intend to conduct research and disseminate it in at least one International Conference and a collective publication.
  • Public Theology and Human Rights: The Public Theology and Human Rights project aims at analysing and evaluating the presence of religious communities, especially Christian churches, in the Brazilian public space, marked by growing religious diversity. Therefore, while it seeks to guide and validate the public presence of these communities and revendicate their space in society, it presupposes the acceptance of and collaboration with the secular state. Public Theology is interdisciplinary and sensitive to the dimensions of gender, ethnicity, colour, and special needs, aiming at the common wellbeing of the citizens and the guarantee of rights as well as the due exercise of the duties in the democratic state of law. It is led by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN and its consequent new generations of economic, social, cultural, and environmental rights (DHESCAs), as well as related conventions and treaties. The project collaborates with formulations of foundations of ethics and their specific applications from a theological-Christian perspective, ecumenically open and sensitive to intercultural and interreligious dialogue.


Agenor Brighenti

PhD in Theological and Religious Sciences and Master in Pastoral Theology by the Catholic University of Louvain. Specialization in Social Pastoral Work from the Pastoral Theological Institute of the Latin American Episcopal Conference (CELAM). Degrees in Theology from the Theological Institute of Santa Catarina and in Philosophy from the University of Southern Santa Catarina. Visiting professor at the Catholic University of Mexico, at ITESC, and at ITEPAL of CELAM. President of the National Pastoral Institute of the Brazilian National Bishop’s Conference (CNBB). Productivity in Research Scholarship of the Brazilian National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Research areas: Theological Method, Theology and Pastoral Action, Theology and Modernity, Church History, Theology and Science.

Alex Vicentim Villas Boas

Principal Investigator and executive co-ordinator of the Center for Research in Theology and Religious Studies (CITER) of the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP) in Lisbon through the Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal (FCT, 2019-25). Professor fo Theology and Literature in the Doctoral Programme in Theology and of Hermeneutics of Religious Texts in the Integrated Master’s Course in Religious Studies at UCP. Professor in the PPGT and the Programme of Postgraduate Studies in Human Rights and Public Policies (PPGDH).
Visiting Professor in the Programme of Literary Studies at the University of Aveiro (UA); in the Programme of History and Literary Theory of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Habilitation in Ethics and Theological Language by the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC SP).
Post-doctoral studies in Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University at Rome. Doctorin Theology by PUC Rio. Master in Theology by PUC SP. Professional history: Coordinator of the Postgraduate Programme in Theologyat PUCPR from 2017-19. Research productivity scholarship by the Araucária Foundation for Scientific and Technological Development of Paraná (2018-20). Member of the Postgraduate Programme in Theology and Co-ordinator of Undergraduate Studies in Theology at PUC SP (2014-16). Collaborating professor in Undergraduate Studies in Theology (2010-11) and in the Programme of Postgraduate Studies at PUC Rio (2013-14). Visiting professor and researcher: Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies at the Laval University (Quebec, Canada); Doctorate in Humanities of the Catholic University of Moçambique (UCM); Faculty of Social Sciences at the National University Arturo Jauretche (Buenos Aires, Argentina). . Leader of the Theopatodicy Research Group: Spirituality, Culture, and Praxis (CNPq, 2016-21). Editor of Teoliterária - Brazilian Journal of Literatures and Theologies (2011-20). Member of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Society of Theology and Religious Sciences (SOTER, 2016-18), where he co-ordinated the Working Group on Religion, Theology and Literatur (2009-19). Vice-president of the Latin American Association of Literature and Theology (ALALITE, 2016-18).and president of its Brazilian section (2018-21). Founding member of the Center for Literary and Religious Phenomena and Arts Studies at the State University of Campinas (CELTA - UNICAMP); Center of Languages, Literature and Cultures of the University of Aveiro (CLLC UA); Researcher at the Oriental and Western Medieval Studies Center, CEMOrOC, of the Faculty of Education of the University of São Paulo (USP); Brazilian Society for Logotherapy (SOBRAL). Research areas: Theology and Literature, Theological Anthropology, the Meaning of Life, Theological Ethics, Mysticism and Praxis, Alterity, Theology of Culture, Public Theology, Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Epistemology and Theological Hermeneutics.

Clélia Peretti

PhD in Theology from the School of Theology, São Leopoldo-RS. Master’s in education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná. Specialization in School Management from the PUCPR; Distance Education from the UnB. Degree in Pedagogy from the Maria Santissima Assunta Free University in Rome, Italy, and a Master’s in Religious Sciences from the Pontifical Ateneo Antonianum Roma, Italy; Bachelor of Theology from PUCPR. Research areas: Theology and Gender, Phenomenology and Anthropology in Edith Stein and Contemporary Thinkers, Cultures and Religions, Human Rights, Youth, Interculturality and Sexuality.

Elias Wolff

Doctorate in Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University (2000); Master’s in Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University (1998); Master’s in Philosophy from the Pontifical University of Santa Cruz (1999); degree in Theology from the Jesuit School of Philosophy and Theology (1993); degree in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (1987). Full Professor at the Theological Institute of Santa Catarina-ITESC and at the Catholic Faculty of Santa Catarina-FACASC. Coordinator of the ITESC Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue Group. Coordinator of the Theological Commission of the National Council of Christian Churches of Brazil. Research areas: Ecumenism, Interreligious Dialogue, Religious Pluralism, Spiritualities and New Religious Movements.

Ildo Perondi

Doctor in Biblical Theology by the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2015); Master in Biblical Theology by the Pontifical University Urbaniana (Rome, 2002); Bachelor in Theology by the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (validated 2007); Licenciate in Philosophy by the Entre Rios Faculty of Piauí (2017); Undergraduate Studies in Theology by the Theological Institute Paul VI (1989). Consultant for the Center of Biblical Studies (CEBI) and the National Catholic Bishops’ Conference (CNBB); member of the editorial board of the Estudos Bíblicos jornal; associate member of the Brazilian Association of Biblical Research (ABIB); peer reviewer for the journals Teoliterária and Pists & Praxis. His research áreas are Biblical Theology, especially History of Israel, Old and New Testaments, Spirituality of the Bible, Ecology and Ecumenism.

Luiz Alexandre Solano Rossi

Post-doctorate in Ancient History from UNICAMP and in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. Doctorate in Religious Sciences from the Methodist University of São Paulo. Master’s in Theology from the Higher Evangelical Institute of Theological Studies (ISEDET), degree in Theology from the Theological Seminary of Londrina. Experience in the area of Old Testament Exegesis. Research areas: Spirituality and Politics in Jeremiah, Ezra and Nehemiah, Theology and Consumer Society, Archeology of War and Army in the Ancient Near East.

Luiz José Dietrich

His first degree was in Pharmacy and Biochemistry by the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC, 1980). Involved in the movement of Church Base Communities, the reading of the Bible in the perspective of the poor, Liberation Theology and the struggles for democratization in Brazil and Latin America, he changed his field and studied Theology with his Bachelor and subsequent Master of Theology with emphasis in Biblical Studies at the Faculty Our Lady of the Assumption at São Paulo (1985-89), and realized his doctorate in Religious Studies in the area of Biblical Studies under the supervision of Professor Milton Schwantes by the Methodist University of São Paulo (UMESP, 2002). He undertook post-doctoral studies at the Near Eastern Languages and Cultures Department of the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), in dialogue with Professor William Schniedewind.
He is national counsellor for the Center of Biblical Studies (CEBI) and the Biblical Center “the Word” and vice-president of the Brazilian Association of Biblical Research (ABIB). From 2009-12 he was parte of the team responsible for a complete revision of the Pastoral Bible by the Paulus Publishing House, contributing mainly with introductions, editions, notes and comments on the Pentateuch.
His fields of research, within Theology, are Hermeneutics and Socio-Literary Exegesis of the Bible, focusing in research and teaching on: Hebrew, History of Israel; History of Monotheism in Israel; Pentateuch, Deuteronomistic History, Pre-Exile Prophets; Canonical Gospels; Hermeneutics and Politics; Christianity, the Bible and Citizenship; the Bible and Politics; Ecumenism and Inter-Religious Dialogue; Intolerance and Violence in the Name of God and Human Rights.

Marcial Maçaneiro

PhD in Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University (Rome), with a dissertation in the field of Trinitarian theology. Master’s in Theology from the Jesuit School of Philosophy and Theology (Belo Horizonte), with a thesis in the field of soteriology. Taught ecclesiology, ecumenical theology, and theology of religions at Dehonian College (Taubaté, SP) and systematics, ethics, and religious topics at the Graduate Program in Theology Studies from PUC-SP. Member of the International Commission for Catholic-Pentecostal Dialogue (Santa Sé): Participates in annual International Colloquiums and collaborates on the production of “Charisms in the Church: Theological Significance and Pastoral Reach” (final report, 2015). Over the last eight years has worked on the Religion & Ecology interface and developed studies on Islam. Research areas: Systematic Theology from a Pentecostal Perspective, Subjects of Islamic Thought and Christianity, Salvation and Religions, Religion/Ecology Interface.

Márcio Luiz Fernandes

PhD in Psychology from the University of São Paulo; Master’s in Fundamental Theology from the Pontifical Lateran University; Master’s in Psychology from the University of São Paulo; Specialization in Psychopedagogy and in the Teaching-Learning Process from the Claretian University Center in Batatais. Doctorate in Pontifical Fundamental Theology from the Lateran University. Research areas: Theological Method, Baroque Scholasticism, Religious Phenomenology, and Figures of Contemporary Thought.

Mário Antonio Sanches

Full Professor at PUCPR; postdoctoral studies in Bioethics at the Chair of Bioethics at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, in Madrid, with a scholarship from CAPES/Carolina Foundation. He holds a PhD in Theology from EST/IEPG in São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. His doctoral thesis in bioethics was the result of research - with the support of Capes - at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University, Washington, DC. He holds a Master's degree in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of Paraná at Curitiba. He is a specialist in Bioethics and has a degree in Philosophy. Today he is a professor both in the Postgraduate Programme in Theology and in Bioethics at PUCPR (where he is also head of Programme), leader of the Theology and Bioethics Research Group, member of Brazilian Society for Bioethics, Paraná section, and member of the Bioethics Committee of the Pequeno Príncipe Hospital. Visiting Professor at the Higher Institute of Philosophy and Theology D. Jaime G. Goulart, Dili, East Timor. Researchs in bioethics and Family, with emphasis in family planning and sexuality.

Mary Rute Gomes Esperandio

PhD and Master’s in Theology from the School of Theology; degree in Pedagogy from the Regional University of Northwestern Rio Grande do Sul State; degree in Psychology from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos. She has experience in the area of theological teaching, with an emphasis on the interface between Psychology and Theology. Main Research areas: Contemporary Subjectivity, Subjectivity Processes, Psychology of Religion, Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, Sacrifice.

Rudolf von Sinner

Of Swiss origin and naturalized Brazilian, he holds a degree (1993) and a Doctorate in Theology (2001), both from the University of Basel, Switzerland, and a Habilitation in Systematic Theology from the University of Bern, Switzerland (2010). Before moving to Curitiba to become a professor at PUCPR, where he serves both the PPGT and the Postgraduate Programme in Human Rights and Public Policies (PPDGH) and is, today, head of the Postgraduate Programme in Theology, he was professor of Systematic Theology, Ecumenism and Inter-religious Dialogue at Faculdades EST (formerly Escola Superior de Teologia) at São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, where he also served as vice-rector for Postgraduate Studies and Research and founding director of the Ethics Institute (2003-19). Since 2013, he has been professor extraordinary in the Department of Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology at the Faculty of Theology of Stellenbosch University, South Africa. He holds a productivity in research scholarship from the Brazilian National Council for Scientifc and Technological Development (CNPq) and held research fellowships at the Center of Theological Inquiry (CTI) in Princeton (2007); the Lichtenberg-Kolleg at the University of Göttingen (2011) and with the Humboldt Foundation/CAPES at the Universities of Göttingen and Munich (three periods between 2013 and 2016). Visiting Professorships at the Biblical University of Costa Rica (2014 – Mackay Lectures); the University of Halle-Wittenberg (two periods between 2015 and 2016) and the Catholic Private University of Linz (2021). He is moderator of the Commission on Education and Ecumenical Formation of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and a member of the board of directors of the Foundation, where he also presides the Academic Committee. Currently, he is also the chairman of the Global Network of Public Theology (GNPT). His research areas are: Public Theology, Political Ethics, Bioethics, Ecumenical and Interreligious Hermeneutics, Religious Mobility, Pluralism, Contextual and Ecumenical Theology, Doctrine of the Trinity.

Vicente Artuso

PhD in Theology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro focused on Biblical Theology. Master’s in Biblical Sciences from the Pontifical Biblical Institute of Rome. Degree in Philosophy from the University of Passo Fundo; degree in Theology from the Center for Higher Studies of the Society of Jesus. Main research areas: Exegesis of the Old and New Testament, Biblical Theology, Bible and Pastoral, Bible and Human Relations, Conflicts in Relationships between People and Leaders and Spirituality.

Waldir Souza

PhD in Theology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Master and Bachelor of Theology from the Jesuit School of Philosophy and Theology. Degree in Philosophy and specialization in Bioethics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná. Research areas: Bioethics and Pastoral Care, Moral Theology, and Bio Technoscience/Biotechnology.


Teaching Internship in Theology in Higher Education

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Project Seminar (Mandatory for the three Concentration Areas)

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Topics of Theological Anthropology

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Topics of Christology and Theology of Religions

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Ecclesiology Topics

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Find out more: Reflection on the Church can be performed from several perspectives; the Church can in fact be approached from the perspectives of history, sociology, social psychology, philosophy, and theology. Ecclesiology can work with images, as chosen by the Fathers, and it can also work with notions and concepts, the route preferred by late medieval and modern theology. For some decades now, “models” have been used, not always in a strictly adequate manner, to interpret the diversity of understandings underlying ecclesial practices. From a strictly theological point of view, since Vatican II (for example, Lumen gentium 2-4 and Ad gentes 2-4), a Trinitarian understanding of the Church has been imposed, a subject that has been developed with great competence by theologians both inside and outside Brazil. Some topics approached in the conciliar documents, such as the issue of Church-World relations in the new context in which we live, are subject to new questions and require a renewed effort of understanding. Others, only hinted at by the Council, such as synodality, have received greater attention in recent times. Ecclesiological reflection ultimately cannot refrain from addressing certain challenging issues, such as the renewal of ecclesial ministries, intra-ecclesial conflicts, and interreligious dialogue.

Topics of Fundamental Theology and Theological Epistemology

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Interdisciplinary Topices of Spirituality and Health

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Topics of Theology and Society (Mandatory for the

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Concentration Area of Ethical and Social Theology)
Find out more: Development of the professors’ research areas in relation to Theology and Society focusing on the following topics: Theology and Bioethics, Theology and Gender, Study of the Religion-Science Relationship, Bioethics from the Perspective of Pastoral Care, Identity of Religious Education, Theology and Phenomenology, Psychology of Religion, Contemporary Subjectivity, Religiosity and Mental Health.

Topics of Church History in Latin America

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Topics of Method and Theological Hermeneutics (mandatory for the three Areas of Concentration)

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Topics of Scientific Methodology (courses offered by the Library)

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Topics of Pentecostalism and Systematic Theology

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Topics of Pneumatology

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Topics of Theology of the Vatican Council II (Mandatory for students without a degree in Theology)

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Topics of Theology of the Sacraments

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Topics of Theology and Bioethics

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Find out more: Introduction, fundamentals of the relationship between bioethics and pastoral care. An introduction to the study of bioethics, health, and pastoral care, although different disciplines present and share the same objective: the wellbeing of people. Develop and discover bridges that contribute to what unites them and, above all, the possibilities of its practical application. Study Topics:

– Advances in bio- technoscience/biotechnology
– Concepts of bioethics
– Pastoral care
– The impact of knowledge on bio- technoscience/biotechnology in relation to the current culture and the emerging vision of the human being
– Impasses and the real alternatives developed by pastoral care as a proposal to respond to the challenges that the advancement in the natural sciences has posed to theology in the bioethical dialogue.

Topics of Trinitarian Theology

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Topics of Public Theology

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Topics of Theology and Ecology

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Topics of Theology and Literature

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Topics of Theology and Psychology

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Find out more: The discipline discusses the following topics: the Sacred, Faith, Spirituality, and Spiritual Conflicts and the Search for Meaning from a psychological and theological perspective, and the implications of such notions for research in the field of theology.

To debate the relationship between Theology and Psychology and the possibilities of Theology effectively contributing to studies at this interface based on theological studies and articles in the field of Psychology of Religion.
To discover certain leading theologians such as Otto, Bonhoeffer, and Tillich, and certain contemporary theological expressions, such as the theology of retribution, prosperity, and grace.
To become familiarized with certain constructs specific to the Psychology of Religion, such as Logotherapy (Frankl), the Cultural Psychology of Religion (Belzen), Religious Coping and Spiritual Conflicts (Exline and Pargament), and the Production of Meaning (Herman, Park).

Topics of Latin American Theology

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Topics of Pastoral Theology (Mandatory for the Concentration Area)

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Topics of Practical Theology and Gender

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Find out more: Emerging issues and provocations for practical theology from a gender perspective. Contributions of phenomenology and sciences to the study of epistemological matrices and gender sexual relations. Feminism and Feminist Theology. Theoretical discussions and historical/sociological studies on the production of asymmetric gender meanings and practices in modernity/(post) modernity. Gender, identities, and sociability. Gender representations in cultural production and in the diversity of current experiences. Gender, development, and public policies. Gender and pastoral and social care practices.

Topics of Systematic Theology and Ecumenism

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Advanced Seminars

More Information

To attain the master’s degree, the following requirements need to be fulfilled:

  1. A minimum of 40 credits within a period of 24 months, with 24 credits in subjects; 10 credits for the thesis; and 6 credits in complementary activities.
  2. Publication or submission of at least one article in a higher qualifying academic journal, which may be co-authored with the supervising professor.
  3. After the defense, the master’s student will have up to 90 days to submit the final version, printed and bound, as well as in a digital format.

To attain the doctorate, the following requirements need to be fulfilled:

  1. A minimum of 50 credits (with up to 24 credits recognized as earned within the master’s degree) within a period of 48 months, with 24 credits in subjects; 9 credits in Advanced Seminars; 12 credits for the dissertation; and 5 credits in complementary activities.
  2. Publication or acceptance of at least two articles in a higher qualifying academic journal, which may be co-authored with the supervising professor.
  3. After the defense, the doctoral student will have up to 90 days to submit the final version, printed and bound, as well as in a digital format.

The social insertion of the PGPT consists of several forms of assistance, offering specialization, short-term, university, and community outreach courses; publishing magazines and journals; contributing to education and media; as well as providing an active and supportive presence in situations of vulnerability at the international, national, regional, and local levels.


Center for Child Protection—in partnership with the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Marist Childhood Defense Center

Episcopal Conference of East Timor—in partnership with the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil, PPGT professors, Postgraduate Programmes from the School of Education and Humanities, and the PPG in Bioethics of the PUCPR for training professors and social educators

Justice and Peace Commission of the Episcopal Conference of Mozambique to train doctors linked to the School of Political Science and Development and train social educators on the subject of human rights.


The PPGT operates in religious, cultural, social, and civil institutions with national coverage. Some of the main institutions are: CBV—Verb Bible Center—SP; CEBI—Biblical Studies Center; CEBs—Base Ecclesial Communities; CEPAT—Center for the Promotion of Transformation Agents of the Society of Jesus; CNBB—National Conference of Bishops of Brazil; Dominican Commission for Justice and Peace of Brazil; CONIC—National Council of Christian Churches; CRB—Conference of Religious of Brazil; GREBICAT—Biblical and Catechetical Reflection Group of the CNBB; OSIB—Organization of Seminars and Institutes in Brazil; Sacred Heart of Jesus Education Network.


CETEP—Pastoral Theology Center: Training aimed at understanding pastoral, cultural, and social demands, discerning intervention forms as a task of the academic community, and proposing activities that involve students, such as teaching internships supervised by the professors.

NEIR—Ecumenical and Interreligious Nucleus: Its proposal is to enable the expression of the dialogical profile of the PGPT and PUCPR, providing members of the academic community with research possibilities and outreach activities to express themselves, individually or in groups, in their own religious traditions, also enabling exchange between different traditions.

NDH—Human Rights Nucleus: The PUCPR Human Rights Nucleus—NDH/PUCPR, located at the PUCPR School of Education and Humanities, holds collaboration with the PGPs on Human Rights and Public Policies, Philosophy, Education, and Theology. It is constituted as a permanent space for discussions between academics, professors, and other social actors, involved in teaching, research, and university outreach in human rights and public policies.

Advisory services to the Dioceses of CNBB (Regional South 2) and religious communities of other denominations.


The project aims to welcome and accompany people living on the streets, offering, through referrals, the rescue of human dignity and the promotion of life. This project of an ecumenical character is conducted in partnership between the Anglican and Catholic Churches of the São Tiago Cathedral in Curitiba.


This project is linked to the research that has been carried out in the Graduate Program in Theology, more specifically in the following projects: Theology and Gender: Perspectives and New Social Configurations; Theology, HIV/AIDS, and Gender; Human Rights, Gender, and Youth; and the training of educators. The objective is to hold short courses with communities (parishes, schools, and other socio-educational institutions), lectures, and other cultural activities involving teachers, researchers, and students (scholarship holders or volunteers) in the dissemination of the knowledge produced in the academy.

The PUCPR Postgraduate Programme in Theology is in line with its educational proposal and envisions a student with a profile capable of performing in the following areas:

a) in qualified teaching in higher theological education;

b) in research, seeking to advance the understanding of contemporary challenges and the reframing of theological issues in contemporary times;

c) in theological consulting from the perspective of a public theology, promoting dialogue, with an interdisciplinary and intercultural vision.

Therefore, the PGPT aims to develop the following competences:

  • critical competence in analysing and problematising religious phenomena in their discursive and social practices, distinguishing common-sense of the knowledge of religion and faith from scientific knowledge produced by theology;
  • exegetical competence in the historical contextualization of a theological discourse, placing it within the historical evolution of theological semantics;
  • hermeneutic competence of analysis, contextualizing and updating a given theological discourse;
  • competence in dialogue, seeking with intellectual honesty to understand other religious, cultural, social, and academic interlocutors;
  • communicative competence, seeking to develop different skills for different audiences, such as academic and theological advice and communication.

Since 2011, PUCPR has engaged in a project called Excellence in Stricto Sensu that is aimed at internationalizing the institution’s programs to achieve maximum scores of 6 and 7 and to promote transdisciplinarity and innovation in different areas of knowledge, especially in its strategic areas. The PIBIC master program is one its greatest differentials (it allows talented students to attend both undergraduate and graduate stricto sensu programs and develop part of their research in a highly qualified foreign institution) as well as being in harmony with society and focusing on innovation.

The institution must also be constantly attentive to the changing needs of the society, with alignment/realignment to the CAPES criteria and oriented to develop internationally, having internationalization as its main guide in the search for quality in teaching and research.

Every graduate program must meet the criteria set by their corresponding committee; therefore, each program strategic planning and operating criteria needs to be done accordingly.

Criteria for each area need to be discussed within the program annually so that all necessary and appropriate corrective actions can be taken during the four-year period. Each program is committed to structuring and readjusting its strategic planning annually in search of excellence. In addition, the programs are encouraged to rethink their lines of research in order to adapt to the rapid changes that may occur in international and national scenarios.

This graduate program’s dynamism and flexibility must always meet quality criterion both in master’s and doctoral training and in the development of research and innovation, essentially aiming at the improvement of society. Thus, an annual review of each program strategic planning is requested that contains the topics below at a minimum:

  • i. Mission and vision of the program;
  • ii. Summarized annual opinion produced by an external evaluator; the annual evaluation by an external member is an institutional practice conducted since 2006, which allows for the annual performance of each program to be assessed according to the area criteria;
  • iii. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and risks (preparation of a SWOT matrix showing external and internal factors) considering the goals for the current and next four years;
  • iv. Goals (measurable objectives) established for the consolidation and development of strengths and improvement of weaknesses;
  • v. Actions (processes) necessary to achieve the objectives, people in charge, and monitoring instruments; in this topic, the coordinator and the institution should get involved to consider resizing the faculty and the student body, criteria for accreditation/re-accreditation, infrastructure, selection process, strategies to increase fundraising, and citations and innovation, among other items;
  • vi. Preliminary text of the program’s self-assessment describing the last four years containing at least the following information: stages of the self-assessment process; analysis of results and achievement of objectives; necessary actions for its consolidation and internationalization;

The IDP (Institutional Development Plan) document presents the strategic plans of all the programs aligned with the institutional planning, containing the Mission, Vision, SWOT Matrix, Canvas, and road map, and providing information on the needs and intentions of the programs for the 2017–2020 and 2021–2024 quadrennium of the CAPES evaluation.


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