

To be an internationally recognized center of excellence dedicated to re-search, production, and dissemination of philosophical knowledge.


Train human resources toward the development of research in Contemporary Philosophy, with the aim of producing highly qualified professors, researchers, and citizens with ethical and social commitment.

Aurora Philosophy Review


  • • Develop academic research excellence in the field of Philosophy;
    • Promote training for researchers in Philosophy;
    • Promote training for students at the master’s and doctorate levels to work in Higher Education in Philosophy, to enable the improvement of Elementary and High School teachers.
    • The academic master’s degree aims at fostering research and philo-sophical discussions, providing master’s students with conceptual and methodological mastery over the field of Philosophy, and training stu-dents to conduct research in and teach Philosophy.
    • The academic doctorate’s degree aims at incorporating the objectives of the master’s level of study, the course also offers doctorate level training toward producing original research, and training for researchers and teachers to work in the field of Philosophy. In addition, the doctorate program aims at deepening the symmetric internationalization of the program’s research lines, that is, an intensification of post-doctorate in-ternships for the PPGF faculty in foreign universities, consolidation and expansion of the visiting professor program at PPGF, realization of a “sandwich” scholarship for PPGF students, expansion of agreements and exchanges with foreign universities, and the intensification and ex-pansion of publications at the international level.


The Graduate Program in Philosop hy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, linked to the School of Education and Humanities and the Dean of Graduate Studies, Research and Innovation, was established after receiving approval from the University Council of the Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR) through Resolution 44/2003 of June 23, 2003. It was rec-ommended by the Technical and Scientific Council of CAPES (MEC) in a meeting held on September 15 and 16, 2003. The history of the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia (PPGF) is linked to the Philosophy Graduate pro-gram at PUCPR, which has been active since 1953. This 50-year history be-tween the creation of the undergraduate program and the master’s program can be revisited with a focus on three different phases. The first phase starts with the beginning of the programs in 1953 and extends until the creation of the Department of Philosophy in 1974. This period was characterized by train-ing in philosophy in preparation for theology. At that time, the students were mostly from religious congregations and the faculty were members of the cler-gy. The next phase began in the second half of the 1970s and extended until the 1980s. This period was characterized by the presence of non-religious professors in the program and by greater participation on the part of the lay public. During this period, especially in the 1980s, religious training, which was still a part of the program, gained a new orientation following the Church’s tendencies, especially those linked to what is currently known as Liberation Theology. During this period, there was greater focus on the training of profes-sors, who began to take graduate programs at PUCPR (lato sensu) and other urban centers (stricto sensu) mainly in São Paulo, to broaden their horizons by expanding on the topics covered and giving new shape to the idea of studying and teaching philosophy. Both shifts were reflected in the contents addressed in the program, which began to contemplate, alongside classical topics, issues particular to Contemporary Philosophy, such as the problem of existence, power, the subject, and language. The third period, which extended from the beginning of the 1990s until the first years of the new millennium, was marked by an even more pronounced presence of contemporary topics in the Philoso-phy program. This period also saw the progressive consolidation of the role of research alongside teaching. Students’ interest in research and participation in events at PUC and beyond was also enhanced. In the third phase, markedly from 1998 onward, the tendency to restructure the program by connecting teaching and research took shape in the reformulation of the Pedagogical Pro-ject, which was carried out as a result of the changes in the federal legislation for undergraduate programs (New LDB – Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Edu-cação Nacional). The program operating since then has the History of Philos-ophy as its central axis. It unfolds in two lines of research: Ethics and Episte-mology. As a result of the work carried out at the undergraduate level and the research projects that were developed there, specialization programs in phi-losophy with a concentration in Ethics and Epistemology are offered regularly. During this period, Ethics and Epistemology were also offered to other mas-ter’s students at PUCPR, which served as an opportunity for them to pursue higher studies on these lines, and to engage in dialogue with other areas of knowledge that were also being deepened within the field of Philosophy. The proposal for a master’s degree in philosophy by PUCPR, with two lines of re-search, namely Ethics and Epistemology, meant the unfolding of this historical process and the continuation of activities pertaining to undergraduate, re-search groups, lato sensu graduate programs, and exchanges with other stric-to sensu graduate programs. Therefore, it translates the tendency to deepen the research initiated in the undergraduate program with support from re-search groups and additional development in graduate activities.

In its first three-year period, 2004-06, the PPGF worked to consolidate the lines of research, especially through the development of research projects. Since its first triennial, the PPGF opted for nuclear projects that provided an integrated body of research and guidance for professors engaged in the program. Each nuclear project was structured by the thematic intersections of individual pro-fessors’ research, and was coordinated by a professor and welcomed the work developed at PPGF in the form of individual research, guidelines, events held, dossiers published in scientific journals, etc. In the first three-year period, the PPGF established a solid partnership with the PPGF at PUC-SP, which result-ed in the exchange of professors, the organization of joint activities, and publi-cations in partnership with Aurora Philosophy Review, in addition to joint work in the areas of Logic and Philosophy of Science, the publication of books, and teaching and research activities. Another productive partnership that dates back to the initial years of the PPGF, which continues to remain active to date, was built with the PPGF of UNICAMP, mainly because of the connections that the professors at the PPGF of PUCPR had with those at this Higher Education Institution (HEI). This link resulted in the publication of articles, translations, reissues of works, publishing of journals, participation in study and research groups, and organization of events and congresses.

This trend in dialogue and integrated work with other graduate programs in Brazil and abroad intensified during the second triennial, that is, 2007-09. Dur-ing this period, five PPGF professors undertook post-doctorate internships that lasted up to one year at Brazilian and foreign universities, especially in the USA and Germany. PPGF began to welcome visiting professors to collaborate in research and other guidance activities. From September 2008 to August 2010, Professor Valério Rohden worked as a Visiting Researcher at PUCPR’s PPGF. At the end of the second triennial, with the aim of structuring the Pro-gram to meet new demands, the PPGF restructured its research lines with the creation of the Philosophy of Psychoanalysis line and changed the Ethics and Epistemology lines to the Political Ethics and Philosophy and Ontology and Epistemology lines, respectively. This strengthened PPGF’s connections in the field of Contemporary Philosophy and made it possible to locate research pro-jects in the area with more philosophical accuracy, thus strengthening the in-tegration of the work and individual research of professors. These changes also took place in response to new research proposals developed at PPGF. First, with the inclusion of new professors, at the end of the first three-year pe-riod, the faculty consisted of 9 professors.

In 2009, the PPGF had 13 permanent professors. This restructuring represent-ed continuity, as it was born out of the deepening of the first research projects of the PPGF. The three lines of research that remain today were structured ac-cording to the density and impact of these pioneering projects, as a direct re-sult of the production and guidelines developed by professors. From the per-spective of the training of human resources, the PPGF awarded 69 master’s degrees in its first two trienniums. Allied to this vocation to guide and train master’s students, PPGF professors produced consistent and relevant re-search in the field of Philosophy in the first two years. This manifested in the form of the translation of texts and classical works into Portuguese, and the publication of books, chapters in books, and articles in journals ranked by CAPES. The second triennium was marked by the consolidation of the Pro-gram through its opening and insertion in the national and international philo-sophical scene.

The 2010-12 triennium was characterized by exchanges with other programs in Brazil and the beginning of the doctorate program. In 2013, PUCPR’s PPGF, together with UFES and UFSCAR PPGFs, concluded several research activi-ties with approval from Programa de Cooperação Acadêmica (PROCAD). These partnerships resulted, for example, in the permanent engagement of students in partner universities and vice versa, research missions by profes-sors in different HEIs, and the improvement of research output. In addition to PROCAD, other exchange activities with national researchers were common, many of which were financed by projects linked to PPGF Research Groups and other partner institutions. Both approaches followed in the 2010-12 trien-nium, at PUCPR’s PPGF were directly associated with the qualification and expansion of the Program with the opening of the Doctorate in Philosophy by CAPES in 2011 and activities beginning in 2012. From that point onward, PUCPR began offering complete training in the field of Philosophy: Bachelor’s degrees, specializations, master’s degrees, and doctorate programs. As a re-sult of this comprehensive training, the program grew increasingly attractive, and hosted several master’s and doctorate students from HEIs from other parts of Brazil.

In this quadrennium, the PPGF expanded its extension activities. We can high-light the organization and its regular offering of eight study groups coordinated by PPGF professors, dedicated to Michel Foucault, Hans Jonas, Rousseau, Edith Stein, Wittgenstein, Merleau-Ponty, Lacan, and Freud. PPGF offered several regular mini-programs to discuss issues and problems pertaining to the teaching of Philosophy with undergraduate students and high school teachers. In 2013, PPGF promoted the XI Congress of Contemporary Philoso-phy around the topics linked to its three lines of research. That year, it orga-nized, in partnership with the French Alliance of Curitiba, the Café Philosophique, aimed at the community in general, with monthly meetings and the collaboration of professors from PUCPR and UFPR. In 2013, PPGF profes-sors (Eládio Craia and Jelson Oliveira) participated in the creation of the Na-tional Technological Studies Network, which brings together national re-searchers from several Brazilian universities (including PUCPR, UFPel, USP, UFMG, UFU, UFJF, UFABC, and UFPI), and also collaborated with GT Deleuze and GT Hans Jonas, from ANPOF, in projects that were coordinated at that time by PUCPR Professors Eládio Pablo Craia and Jelson Oliveira, re-spectively. The increase in international research activities by PPGF profes-sors is also noteworthy. Some of these included conferences at universities in France, Portugal, Colombia, and Argentina and post-doctorate internships abroad with funding from CAPES (Ericson Falabretti at the University of Lyon III). At the end of 2013, the PPGF had 24 doctorate students and 46 master’s students. In 2014, PPGF continued its study groups and expanded its exten-sion activities, linking them with the historical moment of Brazil and Latin America. An edition of Café Philosophique focusing on the topic of the 50 years of the military dictatorship in Brazil was presented around the time. With the aim of promoting reflections on the political memory and the actuality of Human Rights in Brazil and in Latin America at large, the XII Congress of Con-temporary Philosophy, together with the International Congress on Human Rights of PUCPR, was organized around the topic “Policies of Memory and Policies of Oblivion.” Professors, researchers, and students from Colombia, Argentina, Chile, England, Uruguay, and several states in Brazil participated in the Congress. In 2014, continuing with the permanent policy of updating their professors, Professors Francisco Bocca and Cesar Candiotto undertook, with CAPES’ support, a post-doctorate internship in France, at the Universities of Paris VII and Paris Est-Créteil, respectively. Since 2014, the flow of the PPGF faculty has undergone important changes. The first was the voluntary depar-ture of three professors who took up civil service exams and were approved by public universities in Brazil. As a result of this movement, with the support of PUCPR, PPGF launched public notices calling for replacements for these pro-fessors, with the aim of strengthening its lines of research and continuing its existing projects and works of guidance, publication, translation, national and international cooperation, etc. As a result of these notices, in July 2014, Pro-fessor Federico Ferraguto (PhD in Philosophy from the University of Rome) joined the program as a permanent professor in the Ontology and Epistemolo-gy line. At the end of 2014, the PPGF had 39 doctorate and 29 master’s stu-dents. In the selection process for 2015, PPGF approved 12 and 10 students for the master’s and doctorate levels, respectively. That year, two professors from the Philosophy program who were already collaborating with the PPGF were accredited through the incubator program for young researchers: Léo Peruzzo Júnior (doctor at UFSC) and Eduardo Ribeiro da Fonseca (doctor at USP). In September 2015, Professor Alexandre Franco de Sá (PhD in Philos-ophy from the University of Coimbra) was integrated into the PPGF faculty in the line of Ethics and Political Philosophy, as a permanent professor. In 2015, the PPGF had 1 collaborating professor and 16 permanent professors across the 3 lines of research. This way, the program, always supported by the uni-versity, responded very quickly to the biggest challenge posed at the begin-ning of the quadrennium, which was teaching flow. This restructuring, in addi-tion to strengthening the lines and research projects, ensured the continuity of all master’s and doctorate guidelines, and as planned, fostered new interna-tionalization activities like the formation of new agreements and research net-works. In 2015, the XIII Congress of Contemporary Philosophy at PUCPR, held in honor of Professor Zeljko Loparic, promoted a reflection on the concept of man and ipseity in the main contemporary philosophical approaches. Café Philosophique, in turn, reflected on the topic of women and philosophy. In 2015, the Aurora Philosophy Review, which at that time, already had interna-tional reference indexes, became a quarterly publication and rose to the A2 level in the QUALIS CAPES classification. In this quadrennium, as part of the policy of internationalization, the PPGF maintained the tradition of welcoming visiting professors from foreign universities. In May 2015, the PPGF received Professor Roberto Tibaldeo from Turin, who was recognized for his work with the philosophy of Hans Jonas. In July 2015, the PPGF received and hosted Professor Robert Hanna, an expert on Kant’s work, for a year. The same year, the PPGF, together with the Graduate Program in Theology at PUCPR, began to cooperate in the training of students and professors in the fields of Philoso-phy, Theology, and Portuguese Language of East Timor, having established, with support from PUCPR and Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB), an agreement with the Institute of Philosophy and Theology Dom Jaime Garcia Goulart from the city of Dili in East Timor. To prepare the Institute’s professors to develop master’s and/or doctorate research projects, and to deepen the training of the Institute’s students, PPGF Professors regularly engaged in col-laborations with the Institute, guiding professor and student research projects and teaching intensive programs in Dili. Within the scope of student activities, the excellent use of PPGF students from the CAPES PSDE program stands out. In 2014-15, 9 PPGF students took up doctorate internships in universities in France, Germany, Canada, Italy, England, and Portugal.

In 2015, the PPGF held its first doctorate defense, awarding the first Doctorate in Philosophy in Paraná to Carlos Eduardo de Carvalho Vargas. PPGF professors have sub-stantially increased their participation in international activities when com-pared to previous periods. PUCPR’s PPGF became part of the COOPERA pro-ject involving universities in France, Italy, and the USA. In addition to partici-pating in doctorate boards in France (Ericson Falabretti – Paris 8), and publish-ing articles and book chapters in international journals, PPGF professors par-ticipated in conferences in France, England, Belgium, Chile, China, Italy, Ger-many, and Portugal. In 2016, the last year of the quadrennium, the PPGF or-ganized the XIV Congress of Contemporary Philosophy at PUCPR and the IX edition of Café Philosophique, which discussed the topic of the seven deadly sins. The Aurora Philosophy Review maintained its usual periodicity at the end of the quadrennium, publishing impactful articles for reference written by na-tional and foreign researchers. After the work missions by Professors Bortolo Valle, Kleber Candiotto, and Ericson Falabretti, PPGF deepened its interna-tionalization process and cultivation of solidarity with the Institute of Philoso-phy and Theology Dom Jaime Garcia Goulart from Dili in East Timor. In 2016, the PPGF also established several research partnerships with Brazilian and foreign universities. Led by PPGF by Professors Eládio Craia and Jelson Oliveira, the Technological Studies Network, formed by several national and foreign universities was consolidated. The increase in research activities around the work of Maine de Biran involved professors from PPGF (Falabretti, Bocca), University Coimbra, and Le Conservatoire national des arts et metiers (Cnam) in Paris. Professor César Candiotto participated in the project titled “TaFac” (Travailler avec Foucault: approches contemporaines), which was an international research network involving researchers from France, Brazil, and Belgium. In 2016, research on the work of Hans Jonas, conducted by Profes-sor Jelson Oliveira, also gained international attention. Professor Oliveira led an international research network around the philosophy of Hans Jonas, with professors from Germany, Belgium, Italy, France, Chile, South Africa, Costa Rica, United Kingdom, and United States, in addition to representatives from eight universities in Brazil. In the same year, Professor Jelson Oliveira, with a CAPES scholarship, took up his post-doctorate internship at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom. In 2016, continuing his research on German philoso-phy, Professor Federico Ferraguto participated in an international research project on Karl Leonhard Reinhold’s “Gesammelte Schriften,” in cooperation with the University of Rome “Sapienza” and “Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes-und Sozialwissenschaften.” Over the entire quadrennium (2013-2016), PPGF professors participated actively in events world over, in approxi-mately 50 conferences at universities and HEIs of recognized academic excel-lence in Latin America, Europe, and Asia. This international inflection of re-search was directly reflected in the flow of student training, whether through the participation of foreign professors in doctorate and master’s degree pro-grams, or in carrying out doctorate and post-doctorate internships abroad, or even in other research activities and academic cooperation (co-orientation). In the 2013-2016 quadrennium, the PPGF awarded 52 master’s degrees and 7 doctorates. The dissertations and theses defended were of a high quality. They were always evaluated by recognized specialists in the area. Further, 2016 was prodigious for the PPGF in terms of the production of articles, book chapters, publication of authorial works, and organization of collections. Re-search developed at PPGF during the quadrennium stood out for its visibility and articulation involving PPGF students and professors and peers from other HEIs.

In 2017, largely owing to a healthy renewal of the permanent faculty, the quali-ty of the research cited in the publication of articles, chapters, and books, and the excellent dynamics in the highly qualified training of human resources (master’s and doctorate levels), the PPGF achieved 5 credits from CAPES, and stood out as a reference program in the field of Philosophy. We saw substan-tial growth in the first year of the quadrennium in areas of social inclusion, sol-idarity, and internationalization (Café Philosophique, Timor-Leste, PhD in Mozambique); the leading role of the Aurora Philosophy Review (A2 in Qualis CAPES) in the field, the maintenance of the Contemporary Philosophy Con-gress at PUCPR as one of the most important events in the field in Brazil, the deepening of the formation of national and international research networks, the international insertion of PPGF professors through publications, presenta-tion of papers at conferences, and covenants and agreements. In 2017, the PPGF expanded its extension activities to undergraduate and graduate stu-dents and to the community in general, mainly through the regular offer of the following study groups coordinated by PPGF professors: Psychoanalysis and Art; A Thousand Plateaus; Metapsychology: Metaphysics and Antimetaphys-ics; French phenomenology; Hans Jonas; Edith Stein; Wittgenstein; Lacan; and Freud. That same year, the PPGF organized and promoted The XV Con-gress of Contemporary Philosophy at PUCPR, titled “Phenomenology of Life,” discussing topics involved in the internal research of PPGF in the field of phe-nomenology by authors such as Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Michel Henry, and Hans Jonas. In 2017, the tenth edition of Café Philosophique was organized on the topic “Left thinking: History, legacy, and current events.” In addition to the publication of relevant articles in the continuous flow, the Auro-ra Philosophy Review published dossiers on Edith Stein’s thought and its re-percussions in the field of phenomenology; Carl Schmitt and the political prob-lem of representation; and Deleuze and the Powers of Thinking. In 2017, the PPGF continued to promote the teaching of philosophy, offering lectures on entrance exam books, study groups, and short programs on the teaching of philosophy, titled “Phenomenologists in the Classroom.” In 2017, the PPGF expanded its solidarity and internationalization activities. Thus, in 2020, the research, orientation, and classes continued with the Institute of Philosophy and Theology Dom Jaime Garcia Goulart from Dili, East Timor. In 2020, from a partnership involving Philosophy, Theology, Human Rights, and Bioethics at PUCPR, PPGF began to integrate – as part of the proposing and training insti-tution – activities as part of the first Doctorate Program in Humanities at the Catholic University of Mozambique (UCM), approved and recognized by the Ministry of Education of Mozambique; it aims to deepen a transversal training profile, combining several disciplinary areas such as theological and philo-sophical foundations, bioethics issues, and the issue of Human Rights. In ad-dition to encouraging the establishment of international research networks in the south-south direction, the Doctorate Program in Humanities in Mozam-bique, considering the activities developed by PPGF professors, namely struc-turing a new doctorate, classes, seminars, doctorate guidance, places the PPGF at a new level in the internationalization process, as a form of human resources training that is simultaneously the agent and promoter of research with an international impact. In 2017, in addition to activities with East Timor and Mozambique, the PPGF deepened various research partnerships with Brazilian and foreign universities such as: i) dual degree agreements with the University of Coimbra; ii) continuation of the work of the National Technologi-cal Studies Network, led by PPGF Professors Eladio Craia and Jelson Oliveira; iii) continuation of the work related to the “TaFac” project (Travailler avec Fou-cault: contemporary approaches), involving researchers from France, Brazil, and Belgium, led by Professor César Candiotto; iv) Professor Federico Fer-raguto (PPGF) continued the international research project on Karl Leonhard Reinhold’s “Gesammelte Schriften,” in cooperation with the University of Rome “Sapienza” and “Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes-und Sozialwissen-schaften;” and v) training of the Revolución Research Network, involving re-searchers from Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Spain, and France. Led by Professors Ricardo Lolas (PUC-Valparaíso) and Francisco Bocca, the main objectives of the Revolución Network are to bring together researchers from the southern zone and from Latin-speaking countries; to leverage research based on the strengthening and international circulation of discourse and knowledge that were found in the field of southern epistemologies, to contribute toward the training of master’s and doctorate students based on exchange and mobility agreements, and to promote publications, etc. In 2017, the PPGF promoted a review of its research projects. New projects on phenomenological orientation on Philosophy and Human Rights and on Technical Philosophy, among oth-ers, were incorporated into the three lines of research of the PPGF.

In 2018, the PPGF consolidated itself as a reference in Philosophy research based on the lines and research projects developed, with an emphasis on ac-ademic production, the internationalization process, and social inclusion. The professors confirmed the program’s vocation as being lean and qualitatively productive. The production of students was also relevant, as a result of en-couraging research and the participation and dynamics of research groups. In 2018, there were 8 in all, around topics and authors such as French phenom-enology, political philosophy, Hans Jonas, Edith Stein, Wittgenstein, Lacan, Freud, Althusser, and Marx. The Aurora Philosophy Review, already consoli-dated in the area, with a rank of A2 on Capes, published 3 dossiers that re-flected the research and academic exchanges of the program’s professors, namely the 3 issues that Volume 30 dealt with: “Schopenhauer reader of Kant,” “Body, phenomenology and the challenges of politics,” and “Karl Leon-hard Reinhold: representation, reason, language” (first dossier published in Brazil about one of the fathers of German idealism and the result of the re-search of Professor Federico Ferraguto, who had been working on the topic and, in 2018, completed his post-doctorate studies at the University of Bern, Switzerland, where he worked on an edition of Reinhold’s critical work). The work will be published by the Swiss publisher Schwabe, with support from Schweizerisches Akademie der Wissenschaften. Therefore, this work is an example of the internationalization of research developed at PPGF and is part of the project of international philosophical interactions focused both on mak-ing a fundamental resource for expanding the historical discussion on the de-velopment of post-Kantian reflection, and on participation in the most current theoretical debate on the relationship between the mind and the world. Anoth-er example of this internationalization effort is the study of the Philosophy of Technique and Technology, led by professors Jelson Oliveira and Eládio Craia from the Technical Studies Center, which is articulated nationally through the working group on Philosophy of Technique and Technology (of which Professor Oliveira is the current coordinator) and, internationally, through the Technique Research Network, which brings together people from Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries. The PPGF consolidated re-search on the philosophy of Hans Jonas and officially created the Hans Jonas Chair and the Hans Jonas Brazil Center in 2018, which is now coordinated by Professor Oliveira in line with the ANPOF GT Hans Jonas and the international network of researchers on Jonasian thought (which held an international event in Siegen, Germany in 2018). The Foucault Research, which was developed by Professors César Candiotto and Fabiano Incerti, represents this interna-tionalization strategy well. In 2018, in addition to several national and interna-tional events, Professor Candiotto served as a visiting professor at the Univer-sity of Lille, as part of works produced under approches contemporaines.

In the field of internationalization, the partnership for a double degree with the University of Coimbra is noteworthy. In 2018, three doctorate students were in Portugal (for six months to a year), which strengthened the links between the programs, as noted by the organization of the First Portuguese-Brazilian Col-loquium on Hans Jonas. In 2018, the PPGF continued its effective participation in the Political Philosophy Research Network called Revolución, which in-volves researchers from Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Spain, and France. This year, three PPGF professors participated in the event held in Valparaíso-Chile. In 2018, the PPGF received Professor Luiz Eduardo Prado de Oliveira (Universi-té de Paris 7 – Denis Diderot) as a visiting professor. As part of its international-ization effort articulated with social insertion, the PPGF consolidated its part-nership with the Dom Jaime Garcia Goulart Theology Institute in Dili, East Ti-mor, and with the National University of Timor, in addition to continuing its support in the creation and maintenance of the Doctorate in Humanities, opened in the city of Quelimane, Mozambique (in 2018, three PPGF profes-sors acted as doctorate thesis supervisors in that program, where one [Jelson Oliveira] was a visiting professor). In the context of social insertion, the continu-ity in the realization of Café Philosophique should be mentioned. In 2018, the topic was “Sexuality and Freedom,” and it served as an opportunity to debate and present the research developed at PPGF to the external community. An-other highlight in 2018 was the XVI Congress of Contemporary Philosophy, during the I Humanitas Congress, organized in partnership with three other graduate programs at the School of Education and Humanities at PUCPR (Theology, Education, and Human Rights). The event, which centered on “The Future of the Humanities,” brought together over 1,000 people and consolidat-ed the articulation between graduate and undergraduate programs. These and other activities, guided by research lines and projects, helped train of 14 new doctorate and 10 new master’s students in 2018, whereas another 10 doctorate and 12 master’s students joined the program. All this confirms the quality of the research, the dynamics, and the core vocation of PUCPR’s PPGF.

In 2019, the PPGF consolidated itself as a program focusing on research quality in contemporary philosophy, with an emphasis on teaching production, the quality of student works, and program internationalization. The most signif-icant innovation in 2019 was the creation of a joint doctoral program between the PPGF of PUCPR and the University of Ferrara in an event held at PUCPR with the participation of professors from both institutions. Another innovation was the opening of the Erasmus Program in partnership with the Catholic Uni-versity of Austria, in Linz, resulting in the transfer of one PPGF master’s student (another in theology) and the offering of four scholarships for students and two for professors, and the establishment of a co-tutoring program in partnership with the University of Coimbra. In addition, it lead to the expansion of the soli-darity partnership with the Catholic University of Mozambique (for the Doctor-ate in Humanities), the Dom Jaime Garcia Goulart Institute of Philosophy and Theology from the city of Dili, and the National University of East Timorin 2019, PPGF received three master’s students and two doctoral students, and two PPGF professors carried out academic activities in East Timor); the continuity of “TaFac” (Travailler avec Foucault: approches contemporaines), in partner-ship with the University of Lille; the NoSoTros political philosophy research group holding an event in Spain in 2019, with the participation of Professors Francisco Bocca and Eladio Craia from PPGF; and the consolidation of works around the Philosophy of Technique. The year 2019 was also marked by the activities carried out by the WG and Centro Hans Jonas Brasil: four national events honoring S Dom Jaime Garcia Goulart (in São Paulo, Curitiba, Brusque, and Teresina), and three international events (in Belgium, Chile, and Portugal) to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Jonas’ book, The Impera-tive of Responsibility. Other important events were the beginning of a partner-ship with the publisher of the University of Caxias do Sul and the launch of the editorial imprint of the collection Filosofia Contemporânea: Contemporary Phi-losophy, coordinated by PPGF, which published six books in 2019. Further-more, in 2019, the PPGF continued its policies to encourage international pro-duction (three articles, one book in French, the organization of one book, and four chapters published abroad); participation in events (18 conferences abroad); and the presence of foreign professors in dissertation and thesis de-fenses, seminars, and conferences. Professor Roberto Formisano, a visiting progressor from the University of Strasbourg, participated in various program activities at University of Ferrara, including the 17th Congress of Contempo-rary Philosophy at PUCPR and the short course “La doppia vita dei fenomeni. Una introdione alla phenomenologia di Michel Henry,” held between October 31 and November 7, 2019. This time was also marked by the offer of a course in English, part of the English Semester, which was promoted in partnership with the other School programs (Theology, Education, and Human Rights). In 2019, we also sent students abroad for joint doctorate programs: One went to Germany and other to Belgium. The strong internationalization of PPGF was a result PUCPR’s efforts and incentive policies, and the outcomes are evident: In 2015–2016, the PUCPR joined the list of the 17 Brazilian universities ranked by the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings, reaching the fifth place, together with 12 other public and private institutions. In this edition, PUCPR was ranked first among Brazilian institutions in the “number of cita-tions” category (30% of the relative weight of the ranking). In 2019, Clarivate Analytics evaluated the scientific production of Brazilian universities from 2014 to 2018: The PUCPR was the only nonpublic university among the 50 universi-ties in the list. Recently, PUCPR has become one the country’s top 10 institu-tions in terms of patents filed. In this sense, the PPGF benefits from a consoli-dated, longstanding, medium- and long-term plan, implemented by the PUCPR. In 2019, we held several research events, including the Congress of the Fichte International Society, held during the 17th PUCPR Philosophy Con-gress; the Colloquium on the 40 years of the Hans Jonas’ The Imperative of Responsibility; the VI Wittgenstein Workshop, whose theme was “Frontiers of the Post-human,” with the participation of professors from eight universities (Freie Universität de Berlin, New York University, Universidad Veracruzana: Mexico, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Universidade de São Paulo, Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina, and the Instituto Federal do Para-ná). This workshop was supported by CAPES/CNPQ and offered social-inclusion activities, including Café Philosophique (organized by Professor Er-icson Falabretti, who addressed the theme alterities: faces, borders, and walls). In 2019, the articulation with the undergraduate degree continued be-cause graduate professors act as professors, teaching undergraduates and guiding their final projects and research. PPGF’s eight study groups and four research groups provide spaces for articulation with the program and the greater community, which participates in the meetings. In addition, the effective participation of PPGF professors in the area committees and the coordination of the ANPOF working groups were also notable; currently, Jelson Oliveira co-ordinates the working group on the Philosophy of Technology and Technique, and Professor Eduardo Fonseca coordinates the one on Psychoanalysis. The quality of the Aurora Philosophy Review improved in 2019, with the publica-tion of three dossiers: 2019/1: “Michel Foucault, um pensamento em mo-vimento”; 2019/2: “Fenomenologia”; and 2019/3: “The Philosophy of Emotions” (with the collaboration of teachers from eight countries). The PPGF used a civil service exam to hire two professors. From 25 applicants (16 Brazilians and nine foreigners, including 12 with an international doctorate), the PPGF se-lected Professor Oswaldo Giacoia Jr. and Professor Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo to join it in 2020. Furthermore, in 2019, 12 master’s and nine doctoral students completed their studies at PPGF, consolidating the program as a research center of excellence in contemporary philosophy. In addition, the research team included a PNPD–CAPES postdoctorate graduate, and the program re-ceived several postdoctoral students from other Brazilian universities (UFAM, Unicentro, UEL, PUC-SP, and UFVJM).

In 2020, the Philosophy Graduate Program (PPGF) continued its mission of training masters and doctors with excellence, focusing on the quality of research in contemporary philosophy, with emphasis on teaching and student production, internationalization, and social inclusion. The Program was challenged by the coronavirus disease pandemic, which forced students and faculty to develop new and innovative education and research strategies. As of March, the Program’s activities have been conducted synchronously and remotely, using specific platforms acquired through Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR).

The PPGF offers an international doctorate (joint PhD) with the Università degli Studi di Ferrara. In addition to the four students already enrolled, another three were selected: two from Italy and one from Brazil. This joint doctorate enhances the mobility of students and faculty (virtually only in 2020), with international co-advising on theses, international boards, international publications, and interaction with other European centers and Brazilian universities through conferences, workshops, and study journeys.

The program maintains solid partnerships with the University of Coimbra, with three participating students, and the University of Lille, its partner in the ViiP Project -Vie, Violence, Power. In 2020, the PPGF signed a new cooperation agreement with Universidad Villa Mercedes, from Argentina. This year, a partnership was established with the Catholic University of Mozambique (in the Doctorate in Humanities, where two doctoral theses were tutored by PPGF faculty). The PPGF received one master’s degree student from the Dom Jaime Garcia Goulart Philosophy and Theology Institute and one master’s degree student and a PhD student from the National University of Timor Leste. There are three more master’s degree students and two more PhD students from these universities with ongoing studies at the PPGF.

The Erasmus Mundus Program is still ongoing, with a partnership with the JKU (Katholische Privat Universität Linz, Austria), which started in 2019, with one master’s degree student. In 2020, two students took virtual courses in philosophy and bioethics that were taught in English. The Program expects to grant four more scholarships to students and to fund two faculty members in the next 2 years, depending on the situation with regard to the coronavirus disease pandemic. Moreover, as part of the internationalization activities, two students completed their International Doctoral Program (PDSE – Programa de Doutorado Sanduíche no Exterior) partly abroad, in Belgium and Germany. A third student could not be sent to France due to the pandemic.

In the second half of 2020, the PPGF enhanced its training activities, exposing its students to a broader international perspective. In conjunction with other PPGs of the School of Education and Humanities, it offered the English Semester, with the theme Brazil and the World Today: Contemporary Topics in Humanities. Courses were offered in partnership with researchers and students from the Universidad de Villa Mercedes, Argentina (Topics of Ethics I), Université Paris VIII (Topics of Philosophy of Psychoanalysis II), Università degli Studi di Ferrara (Topics of Ontology II), Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (Topics of Ontology IV), and Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Topics of Ontology III). In addition, the Program offered the Challenges of Democracy extension course, with the participation of renowned faculty from the Universidade de São Paulo, Pontíficia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Universidad de Buenos Aires, and Universidade de Coimbra.
In 2020, the PPGF organized several international events involving its three lines of research (Philosophy of Psychoanalysis, Ontology and Subjectivity, and Ethics and Political Philosophy). The XVIII International Congress of Contemporary Philosophy at PUCPR, integrated with the second Humanitas Colloquium, brought together researchers from the NoSoTros Network (USA, Central America, South America, and Europe) under the theme “Rights, Borders, Nations, and the State.” As part of the Joint PhD, Transcendental Philosophy History and Forms, two events were organized: in May 2020, the Seminar of Doctoral Research Presentations, by PPGF and the University of Ferrara, and on November 12 through November 14, 2020, the I Italian-Brazilian Workshop on Transcendental Philosophy, History, and Forms, bringing together 23 presentations by researchers and students from various countries, especially Brazil and Italy. PPGF, the Hans Jonas Brazil Center, and the Technical Studies Center held several events in 2020: Hans Jonas Minicourse: Philosophical Profile, on July 27 through 29; the Hans Jonas and Economy Symposium, on April 3, 2020; the International Seminar on Transhumanism: What It Is, Who We Are Going to Be, on November 12 and 13, 2020, with speakers from Europe, the United States, and Latin America; the Symposium Philosophy of Technique: Its Authors and Their Problems, on May 8, 2020; and the first Hans Jonas Day at PUCPR, with 8 weekly meetings; the VII Workshop Wittgenstein: Reality, Language and Cognition, held annually, which in 2020 included international researchers; the Second Schopenhauer International Journey at PUCPR, which was organized by the Philosophy and Psychoanalysis Research Line (PPGF) and ANPOF’s Schopenhauer’s working group (WT), with the support of the University of Lecce, Italy, on June 24-26, 2020, as a part of the Schopenhauer-Gesellschaft international network; the Second Psychoanalysis History Journey at PUCPR, which took place from December 2 through December 4, 2020, and was promoted by PUCPR; the Winnicott Institute, and ANPOF’s Philosophy and Psychoanalysis WT; the Second Reinhold Journey, organized as part of the activities of ANPOF’s Fichte’s WT in cooperation with São Carlos Federal University, the São Paulo Research Foundation, and the University of Ferrara; and the Fichte Gesellschaft on December 14 and 17, 2020.
The international events organized by PPGF correlate with the high number of presentations and works published abroad, indicating the reciprocity of its internationalization activities. In the past 4 years, 85 conferences were held in different countries, 16 articles were published in high-profile magazines, 35 book chapters were featured in international collections, 2 books were published in English and French, and 1 book was published collaboratively in German. In 2020 alone, 29 articles were published by the Program’s 13 permanent faculty, of which 27 were published with A1 to B1 classification grades. Last year, the Program’s faculty published 8 books, 1 with an alumna/alumnus and the other with a researcher from Germany. Five books and 35 book chapters were published, of which 5 were international and 1 in collaboration with students. The students published 35 articles, 12 book chapters, 1 book and 1 edited book last year.

In 2020, the philosophy magazine Revista de Filosofia Aurora continued to publish international dossiers, translations, reviews, and interviews. The issues were as follows: 2020/1: V. 32, N. 55 (2020) – Transhumanism and artificial intelligence, edited by Prof. Dr. Kleber B.B. Candiotto; 2020/2: V. 32, N. 56 (2020), Relevance of Spinoza’s philosophy: matter and form, edited by Professors Dr. Eladio Craia (PUCPR) and Dr. Ricardo Lolas (PUC Valparaíso-Chile); 2020/3: Hans Jonas and the Imperative of Responsibility: 40 years later (2020, v.32, n.57), edited by Professors Dr. Eric Pommier (PUC Chile), Dr. Helder Carvalho (Universidade Federal do Piauí), and Dr. Jelson Oliveira (PUCPR). Registered in the main international indexes, such as Scopus and Web of Science and currently ranked by Qualis Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel; CAPES) A2, the magazine has great impact on the field of philosophy.

As part of its strategic planning for the strengthening and reconfiguration of its lines of research for the next quadrennium (2021-2024), the PPGF conducted an international faculty search for two faculty members at the end of 2019. As a result of this process, in 2020, Professors Oswaldo Giacóia Júnior, who is in the Philosophy of Psychoanalysis research line, and Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo, who is in the Ontology and Subjectivity research line, were hired as permanent faculty. In order to maintain the balance between the three lines, Prof. Ericson Falabretti became part of the line of research in Ethics and Political Philosophy at the end of the same year. Also, in the second semester, the Program approved a new regulation based on the new resolutions of PUCPR and CAPES. Last August, Prof. Cesar Candiotto took over the coordination of the Program, continuing the previous coordination efforts of Profs. Ericson Falabretti and Jelson Oliveira.

In 2020, the PPGF continued to train faculty, as it has done almost every year of its history. Prof. Léo Peruzzo Júnior completed his postdoctoral stay at Università Ca’ Foscari in Venice, Italy, despite the limitations caused by the pandemic. The Program has also been highly sought after by researchers for postdoctoral study under the supervision of its faculty: in 2017, four postdoctoral degrees were awarded; six in 2018; seven in 2019; and four in 2020. Most postdoctoral students are faculty from other institutions who participate in the Program’s activities and research from 6 months to 1 year. Graduates and recent doctors from other institutions, including foreigners, are also welcomed through the junior postdoctoral student selection notices of the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, PNPD-CAPES, or the Araucária Foundation.

In 2020, PPGF faculty coordinated the expansion of social inclusion activities, by offering regular study groups which were open to the community and were largely conducted by the students or alumni themselves under the supervision of the professors. The themes and authors studied were the following: philosophy and gender, philosophy and artificial intelligence, Canguilhem, transcendental philosophy, Hans Jonas, Biopolitics, and Franz Fanon. The Program organized the 13th edition of the Café Philosophique under the curatorship of Professor Ericson Falabretti and in partnership with the Alliance Française of Curitiba, under the theme: “The Narratives of the End.” It was attended by PhD students from PPGF and researchers in the fields of History, Theology, and Philosophy. In March and April 2020, the PPGF held a cycle of reflections on the pandemic, entitled Philosophical Pandemic open to the general public. Several professors also participated in the cycle of conferences, followed by debates, under the title Philosophy & Hope, promoted by the Science and Faith Institute. In addition to the traditional events of other universities open to the general public, to which PPGF professors were frequently invited, most of them were very solicitous to the unprecedented initiatives of channels dedicated to the dissemination of philosophy on social networks during the pandemic, such as “Philosophical Conversations” and “Contemporary Agencies.” The professors also wrote in widely circulated local, regional, and national newspapers, in addition to high profile magazines on different themes, especially education, philosophy, politics, and the pandemic.

Not only are PPGF faculty members involved in many international associations in the area, they are also acknowledged for their activity in the academic agencies and national associations such as ANPOF, CAPES, and the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. Jelson Oliveira continued as coordinator of the Philosophy of Technology and Technique WT; Eduardo Fonseca coordinates the Philosophy and Psychoanalysis WT. Cesar Candiotto is part of the ANPOF Board of Directors, which was elected in 2020 for the 2021-2022 biennium. Prof. Fonseca is also a member of the Dissertations and Theses in Philosophy WT and was a member of the 2020 CAPES Best Philosophy Thesis Award Committee; Leo Peruzzo Júnior and Jelson Oliveira are part of the Journals’ WT. Oswaldo Giacóia Júnior was a member of the CAPES Grand Prize committee for the “Bertha Koiffmann Becker” Thesis, in Applied Social Sciences, Linguistics, Humanities, Arts, and Interdisciplinary Studies, promoted by CAPES. Several of the PPGF’s initiatives have always received great support and recognition from other bodies, such as the School of Education and Humanities; the Dean of Research, Graduate Studies, and Innovation; and the University Council itself. An example of this was the approval of the Hans Jonas Chair at PUCPR in 2020, led by the research of Professors Jelson Oliveira, Anor Sganzerla (from the Masters in Bioethics) and Geovani Moretto (alumnus and Philosophy Course coordinator). Linked to the PPGF and the Centro Hans Jonas Brasil, it was the first chair to be approved at the School and the third to be made official at the higher levels of PUCPR.

As one of the most important results of the Program, in 2020, the PPGF achieved nine dissertations and eight defended theses. Due to the negative effects of the pandemic among their family members and the difficulties of studying in their own home environment, some students failed to complete their work within the scheduled time. At the end of the year, PPGF’s selection process accepted 54 applicants, distributed in the three lines of research, which is evidence of the Program’s strength and attractiveness, and its leadership and excellence in research and training.

The results achieved in the 2017-2020 four-year period position the PPGF as an excellence program in its area of concentration and in the research areas that comprise it. The Program is always committed to its students’ education, supporting its alumni, the updating of its professors, in addition to bibliographic and technical productions characterized by strong internationalization, impact on society and capacity to gain visibility at all levels (local, regional, and national).


Lines of Research


Support Group: Prof. Dr. Bortolo Valle; Prof. Dr. Federico Ferraguto; Prof. Dr. Léo Peruzzo Júnior(Coordination), Prof. Dr. Kleber Bez Birolo Candiotto, Prof. Dr. Eladio Constantino Pablo Craia, Prof. Dr. Roberto Tibaldeo Franzini.

Syllabus: This line of research investigates questions about being and knowing in their contemporary historical-philosophical development, especially from an understanding of the themes of subjectivity, technique, language, cognition, artificial intelligence, nature, and trans and post-humanism. To this end, the perspectives on the nature of knowledge and the justification of its cognitive positions are examined, as well as the epistemic and normative status of the philosophical themes understood under these references and their developments.


  • Ontology and Subjectivity:

Prof. Dr. Eladio Constantino Pablo Craia, Prof. Dr. Ericson Sávio Falabretti (coordinator), Prof. Dr. Federico Ferraguto

Investigating the main aspects of the articulation between subjectivity, ontology, and knowledge in modern philosophy and its developments in contemporary philosophy, emphasizing authors such as Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze.

Keywords: Difference; Virtual; Subjectivity.

Individual research:

Body: subjectivity and intersubjectivity.

In Ideas II, Husserl established the difference between Leib and Körp.  Leib – as opposed to Körper – is the living and sensitive body I inhabit, and for this reason, it is a body that is not reduced to the material atomism of things. Körp, on the other hand, is the body of science, taken as one thing among things: it is an extension, a junction of organs in which linear and objective causal relations operate. For the phenomenological tradition, the notion of Leib underlies the idea of the body as a living, feeling, expressive, intentional, and affective presence. The body, as Leib has it, would be a force that incessantly projects itself outside itself; it is the agent of its action; it has in itself the power and the desire to continually address the world; it is pure intentionality and, at the same time, an object for other bodies. Focusing on the works of Sartre and Merleau-Ponty, this project aims to investigate the constitution of subjectivity based on the phenomenological description of the notion of body and its ethical and political consequences for a theory of intersubjectivity.

Keywords: Merleau-Ponty; Sartre; Body. I. Other.


Instinctive life and transcendental philosophy

Prof. Dr. Federico Ferraguto

The research project, funded by CNPq (Research Productivity Grant, 2022-2025, process: 308011/2021-0), aims to carry out a historical and theoretical investigation into the relationship between instinctive life and the construction of philosophy as a rigorous science. In particular, the project investigates the problematization of the transcendental and psychological debate on the results of Kantian philosophy (Fichte, Reinhold, Freis, Schmid, etc.) and the consequences of the phenomenological analysis of instinctive life as the basis for the constitution of objectivity and the motivations involved in the conscious acts of the concrete subject. Constituent elements in the realization of the project are the definition of the historical lines of the penetration of transcendental philosophy into the contemporary philosophical discussion (reception of Fichte by Neo-Kantianism in Husserl), the inquiry into the theoretical presuppositions of possible integration of the results of an empirical investigation of the structure of subjectivity and the transcendental understandings of subjectivity (Marbach, Frankfurt); the discussion and critical evaluation of the ethereal understanding of consciousness formulated in the context of Anglo-Saxon philosophy of mind (Dennett, Damásio).

Keywords: Transcendental Philosophy; Phenomenology; Impulse; Conscience; Fichte; Husserl.


Vulnerability, care, and relationships. Human development and relational skills

Prof. Dr. Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo

This research project addresses the following questions: What does being a “fully developed person” mean? How should related personal and social skills be promoted in today’s globalized world? The project seeks to demonstrate that philosophy offers a dual contribution: A) it theoretically clarifies the aforementioned expressions, employing notions such as vulnerability, care, and relationships; and B) it envisages how to practically and ethically develop a person’s capacity to flourish. Indeed, being a “fully developed person” involves being responsible in individual terms and in collective and social dimensions. This kind of responsibility depends on reasonableness, judgment, care, imagination, creativity, and commonality – and involves developing and putting a global “culture of responsibility” into practice based on valuing fundamental human characteristics such as vulnerability, care, and relationships. The aim is to argue that this objective is achievable thanks to community philosophical skill-building practices. In this way, we aim to explain the significant impact of philosophy in the face of urgent social challenges.

Keywords: Vulnerability; Care; Responsibility; Personal development; Skill.



The Ontological Singularity of the Notions of Difference and the Virtual in Gilles Deleuze

Prof. Dr. Eladio Constantino Pablo Craia

In Deleuze’s philosophy, the notion of Difference occupies a neuralgic place. This centrality is based on the very ontological status of Difference; now, this alliance between ontology and difference necessarily implies thinking of being itself as Difference and, in this way, shifting both its analytical function and its semantic field. To take this movement forward, Deleuze mobilizes a whole set of conceptual operators, particularly in the texts Difference and Repetition as well as Logic of Sense (but also in his first text dedicated to Espinoza), the most important of which are univocity, immanence, multiplicity, and meaning. Now, putting the issue through a more specific analytical prism, Deleuze recognizes that postulating Being-Difference, free from metaphysical conditioning and agitated by the diversity of given entities and phenomena, requires thinking of it from the point of view of recognizing a singular nature in its “ontological dynamics” (which, for the French philosopher, is always of the order of “becoming”), which is consistent with the whole of his ontology. Deleuze proposes the concept of virtual-actual for this task, thus postulating a “virtual difference”; it is precisely through the passage from the virtual to the actual that being-difference is also understood as phenomenological becoming. Analyzing this conceptual complex is the aim of this research.

Keywords: Deleuze; Ontology; Difference; Virtual-actual.


1.2. Philosophy of the technique:

Prof. Dr. Eladio Constantino Pablo Craia (coordinator), Prof. Dr. Jelson Roberto de Oliveira and Prof. Dr. Kleber Bez Birolo Candiotto

Abstract: The research aims to analyze the presuppositions and developments of the so-called philosophy of technique, both regarding authors considered “founding fathers” of this reflection (such as Heidegger and Jonas) and those whose work is based on the so-called empirical turn, already in the 20th century.

Keywords: Technique; Technology; Transhumanism; Technological convergence; Heidegger ; Deleuze; Hans Jonas.

Individual research


The Ontological and Epistemological Status of Technique in Heidegger, Simondon, and Deleuze

Prof. Dr. Eladio Constantino Pablo Craia

This research aims to identify the regions of intersection and crossing of reflections on the question regarding technique and technology between the philosophies of Martin Heidegger, Gilbert Simondon, and Gilles Deleuze. Under this premise, the first thing that must be recognized is that, based on the thoughts of these three authors, the question of technique and technology will be examined according to an ontological question. As a result, this project will primarily investigate the ontology of technique and technology, taking the thoughts of Heidegger, Simondon, and Deleuze as their expressive vectors. Secondly, but no less important, issues arising from the crossing between technique and politics will be analyzed in a specific way, which implies that today, as a concrete phenomenon of our contemporaneity, a whole “techno-political” field is presented and, thus, a complete “new characterization of power in the collective sphere.” In short, the aim is first to set out the central axes of these problems and the conceptual operations mobilized by each author to analyze later the shifts and continuities verified between the three thinkers in their analysis of the problem of technique and technology.

Keywords: Heidegger; Simondon; Deleuze; Ontology; Technique; Technology.


Technique and nihilism

Prof. Dr. Jelson Roberto de Oliveira

Technological civilization has given humanity unparalleled power to dominate nature and itself at a time when the legitimacy of the supreme values guiding human action has come into question. As a hallmark of Western culture, nihilism presents itself as the “will to unlimited power” and is realized in the technological domination of the world in the cosmic, anthropological, and ethical spheres.

Hans Jonas’ philosophy, while taking on the Nietzschean and Heideggerian diagnosis of nihilism and its relationship with technology (whether in a theoretical or practical sense, in modern technology, technological convergence, and its more contemporary forms, such as transhumanism), proposes an ontological (as well as ethical and political) confrontation of the issue, to guarantee the continuity of life in the future. Finally, the aim is to analyze the repercussions of these reflections on the currents of transhumanism and post-humanism.

Keywords: Nihilism; Technology; Responsibility; Transhumanism; Post-humanism.


1.3 Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Sciences: Prof.  Dr. Bortolo Valle, Prof. Dr. Léo Peruzzo Junior e Prof. Dr. Kleber Bez Birolo Candiotto (coordinator)

The dialogue generated by cognitive sciences has revived old philosophical questions, including the mind, language, representation, and intentionality, constituting the derivation of analytical philosophy called Philosophy of Mind. The project is based on the epistemological study of the problem of the relationship between cognition, language, and artificial intelligence, as well as its developments in the debate on human enhancement and embodied cognition. The authors featured are Wittgenstein, Quine, Putnam, Dennett, Searle, Fodor, Clark, Chalmers, Maturana, and Pinker.

Keywords: Evolutionism; Cognition; Embodied Cognition; Mental Phenomena; Artificial Intelligence; Human Enhancement.

Individual research


Language in Perspective

Prof. Dr. Bortolo Valle

The “linguistic turn” determined philosophy’s way of being in the 20th century. Ludwig Wittgenstein is one of its protagonists. In both the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and Philosophical Investigations, the centrality of language makes up a core of considerations which, in the first work, seeks to highlight its specular identity and, in the second, its pragmatic consistency. The substrate that feeds both is born from the problem of the essence for language, established in the Tractatus and denied in InvestigationsSeeing and Showing shape, the Tractatus, which ends in the affirmation of the ineffable. The following of rules, a hallmark of Investigations, highlights the expressiveness of context and the consequent need for the contours of intersubjectivity. The research is based on Wittgenstein’s contributions. The primary object of interest lies in the problem of the ineffability of language as expressed in the last entries of the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, specifically in proposition 6.522: “There is certainly the ineffable. It shows itself, it is the Mystic”. This statement reveals the central object, which is the mystic. The object is then located in the reference recorded in Philosophical Investigations.

Keywords: Language; Mystic; Ineffability; Wittgenstein.



The affirmation of scientific knowledge

Prof. Dr. Bortolo Valle

Is science a social activity, and regardless of whether the answer is yes or no, how does it impact and is impacted by the demands that shape the fabric of society? What determines scientific knowledge? Is science neutral? Is its history made without regard for all the dramatic events that precede or follow it? Are there limits to science? How are its truths created? What kind of collaboration is established between its practitioners? Establishing an identity for science, composing its ontology, and prescribing its scope by circumscribing its place(s) are some challenges faced by both philosophers of science and epistemologists. The research is based on the contributions of authors such as Karl Popper, Thomas Kuhn, Imre Lakatos, and Paul Feyerabend. Karl Popper is the author who stands out, specifically in his contributions to the limits of the inductive method. The research object is shown from the fallibilism defended by Popper in the dialogues with the issue of paradigms in Kuhn, that of research programs according to Lakatos, and that of the method proposed by Feyerabend.

Keywords: Fallibilism; Paradigms; Research Programs; Method; Science.


Frontiers of Cognition and the Epistemological Status of Mental Representation

Prof. Dr. Léo Peruzzo Júnior

The epistemological incompleteness of metaethical theories [cognitivist and non-cognitivist] can be thought of from the point of view of the mental representation problem. Thus, in the wake of discussions on the status of mental representations of moral content, the research aims to explore the extent to which we can speak of a construction of moral experience. The study, therefore, takes two directions: on the one hand, it considers the semantic scenario employed by psychological concepts and moral predicates and, on the other, the developments of physicalist and biological models on the mental representation of moral content. It also analyzes the constitution of the criticisms postulated between cognitivists and representationalists in contemporary philosophy, particularly the development of enactivist approaches to cognition and the environment.

Keywords: Mental Representation; Cognitivist; No-Cognitivist; Metaethics; Language. Wittgenstein.


Human Enhancement: Perfection, Desire, and Capabilities

Prof. Dr. Léo Peruzzo Júnior

Although the human enhancement thesis has sparked many academic and public debates, it must be more epistemologically challenging and ethically weak. In general terms, this is because only biomedical enhancements deserve the title of “human enhancement” since other types of enhancement [moral, cognitive, among others] are not directly coupled to the body. This article focuses on some conceptual issues of human enhancement from the idea of design, which has important ethical implications. Thus, it examines how human enhancement is falsely linked to the need to overcome design and, consequently, to the concern that rapid technological expansion could put our species at risk. Against this argument, it is argued that the “promise of a better future” is just a vile remnant of how we have naturally evolved throughout history.

Keywords: Human Improvement; Advancement; Embodied Cognition; Enhancement Technologies.


Epistemic Foundations of Embodied Cognition and Challenges of the Cognitive Turn

Prof. Dr. Léo Peruzzo Júnior

This project aims to analyze the epistemic challenges of embodied cognition, particularly Andy Clark’s arguments about mental processes. To this end, it examines the idea that mental phenomena are not restricted to the brain and their implications for the connection between cognition, the body, and the environment. In this way, the project initially analyzes the main materialist perspectives that have limited the self to the skull and then investigates the extended character of the mind, especially in the hypothesis that it ‘escapes its natural limits and blends “unashamedly” into the world.’ Thus, more than simply considering that laptops, notebooks, cell phones, among other objects, play an essential role in guiding our actions, it is also necessary to evaluate how changes in the environment can cause changes in the behavior of the cognitive agent and, of course, their consequences for the problem of mental causation and the coupling of non-biological artifacts. Finally, we investigate the clash between integrating biological bodies with technological artifacts or tools and, consequently, the challenges to the artificial intelligence program.

Keywords: Cognition; Self; Extended Mind; Cognitive Sciences; Physicalism; Philosophy of Mind.


Epistemological Foundations of Cognitive Sciences

Prof. Dr. Kleber Bez Birolo Candiotto


Research into cognitive sciences, in the wake of the development of artificial intelligence based on the conceptual foundations presented by Alan Turing, has produced arguments and theories about the mind that have revisited old philosophical questions such as the criterion of truth, the possibility of knowledge, representation, intentionality, and consciousness. Studying the nature of mental phenomena and their connection to behavior in the search for an explanation of the relationship between the mind and the brain culminated in the problem of consciousness. With this, the philosophical debate centered on qualia to articulate criticism of the predominance of the reductionist approach of physicalism in cognitive sciences. Therefore, the ontology of mental states and their developments are discussed. The prominent authors of this project are Jerry Fodor, Daniel Dennett, John Searle, Thomas Nagel, and David Chalmers.

Keywords: Conscience; Representation; Intentionality; Physicalism.


Philosophy of artificial intelligence and its transhumanist perspectives

Prof. Dr. Kleber Bez Birolo Candiotto


With current technological advances such as big data, deep learning, natural language processing, and robotics, recent research into AI aims to achieve what is known as “general Artificial Intelligence” and, with this, the insertion of technologies capable of interacting cognitively with humans. Among this research to promote more significant human-machine interaction is affective computing, by Rosalind Picard (1995), which starts from assumptions about the nature and architecture of emotions that raise important ontological and ethical questions. In addition, a super-intelligent AI (Nick Bostrom) obtained through RSI (recursive self-improvement) is also conjectured, as suggested by authors such as Ray Kurzweil and his hypothesis of the technological singularity. Based on authors such as Luciano Floridi, David Chalmers, and Andy Clark, among others, this research studies the philosophical problems of consciousness and autonomy and their consequences, given the pretension of the contemporary artificial intelligence project to create autonomous machines, that is, machines endowed (or as if they were endowed) with decision-making capacity.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Conscienc; Autonomy; Transhumanism.


1.4. The thing-in-itself in post-Kantian philosophy:

Prof. Dr. Eduardo Ribeiro da Fonseca and Prof. Dr. Federico Ferraguto (Coordination)


The project aims to study, through a reconstruction of the historical constellation and a study of theoretical perspectives, the decisive debate surrounding the distinction between things in themselves and phenomena, which affects both the development of critical authors’ thoughts regarding so-called classical German philosophy (from Fichte and Reinhold to Schopenhauer) and affects the definition of the relationship between mind and world in contemporary philosophical discussion, involving authors such as Husserl, Cassirer, Franks, Delbos, Strawson, and McDowell.

Keywords: Thing in itself; Phenomenon; Criticism; Idealism; Transcendentalism.

Individual research


The problem of being in the post-Kantian debate

Prof. Dr. Federico Ferraguto

The project aims at historical reconstruction, through documentary analysis, editing of texts, and theoretical research, of the branches of development regarding understanding the ‘being’ in the post-Kantian debate. The project addresses the issues raised by the Hegelian critiques of Fichte’s philosophy and Reinhold’s rational realism. It aims to problematize the Hegelian thesis that the being cannot remain something abstract, having to become a synthesis between finite and infinite that is unattainable from a formal-logical point of view.

This definition, which is reflected in the elaboration of the Science of Logic, can be contextualized from the debate that develops around the legacy of Kantian philosophy (Reinhold, Fichte, Schelling, Jacobi), goes through Fichte’s Atheism Dispute and crosses the reflection on the structures of subjectivity, to be understood not just as a psychological pole of supposed human faculties, but as a horizon in which reason is articulated concretely, valuing a global idea of philosophy as subjective praxis that is transparent to itself and reconciled with a radical and autonomous otherness that praxis highlights, but does not produce

Keywords: Being; Transcendental Philosophy; Kant; Hegel; Subject.


Art, will, and sexuality in Schopenhauer’s philosophy

Prof. Dr. Eduardo Ribeiro da Fonseca

This project promotes the debate around a question internal to Schopenhauer’s Metaphysics, concerning the opposition between what the philosopher says in the Metaphysics of Sexual Love, concerning the impossibility of escaping the context of affirming will, even in the most minor things, in contrast to the possibility of suspending the will suggested in the Metaphysics of Beauty. Furthermore, there are indications in the Metaphysics of the Beautiful present in the “Ergänzungen” for us to understand this apparent suspension of the will as something that occurs only in the realm of consciousness, being, in fact, a sublimated effect of the impulse itself, already subordinated or amalgamated with the cerebral impulse that leads us to knowledge. It is a field of research that has only recently been opened and deserves more attention in Schopenhauerian research. In this sense, the project’s lines of research are open to questions related to ethics and those linked to the contemplation of beauty and artistic making and its consequences. In this way, the problems linked to art acquire new relevance and are open to think about, for example, issues linked to contemporary art and its relationship with politics.

Keywords: Metaphysics of Beauty; Contemplation; Impulse; Conscience; Art.


1.5. Phenomenologies and their Developments:

Prof. Dr. Ericson Sávio Falabretti, Prof. Dr. Jelson Roberto de Oliveira, Prof. Dr. Federico Ferraguto e Prof. Dr. Bortolo Valle (coordinator)

An investigation into the origins of phenomenology and its developments in contemporary philosophical discourse, with emphasis on questions about perception, intentionality, corporeality, expression, language, mysticism, nature, life, and technique, based on the work of thinkers from the pre-and post-Husselian tradition.


Keywords: Phenomenology; Perception; Lif; Expression; Corporeality; Mysticism.

Individual research


Habit and Skill. Modern roots and contemporary problematization.

Prof. Dr.Federico Ferraguto

The project aims to thematize the concepts of habit and skill, reconstructing their historical genesis in their modern roots from Montaigne (Essays) to Hegel (Encyclopedia, 1830) and showing how they are configured in the concept of motor intentionality (Merleau-Ponty, Husserl). In defining the structure of qualified actions, exploring this concept provides an alternative to the distinction between conscious and unconscious (Kihlstrom) and between psychological and phenomenal consciousness (Chalmers), as well as broadening the horizon for understanding intentional states in general (Searle). The project, funded by Cnpq (Universal, 2021, process: 403103/2021-5), has as its constitutive moments the historical reconstruction of the genesis in terms of habit and skill, theoretical discussion of motor intentionality, the elaboration of an interdisciplinary model that allows, from the historical reconstruction and theoretical reflection, empirical validation and makes it possible to provide valuable indications for social policies aimed at the development of psychomotor skills.

Keywords: Habit; Skill; Intentionality; Conscience; Practical Philosophy; Experimental Philosophy.

Phenomenology of Nature

Prof. Dr. Ericson Savio Falabretti

The Phenomenology of Nature research project investigates how, based on phenomenology, especially the work of Merleau-Ponty, we can ontologically re-signify nature without the detriments of Kantian-inspired intellectualist schematism, whether in its formal sense – nature as a rational synthesis – or in its material perspective – nature as the totality of appearances given to sensibility. According to the Structure of Behavior, we need to rethink the relationship between consciousness and nature based on an analysis of behavior to arrive at a new understanding of nature. In the Phenomenology of Perception, examining nature is based on the role of perception and the body itself. Finally, as we can read in Nature and the Visible and the Invisible, the discussion about the being of nature was radicalized based on the notion of incarnation. In this phenomenological approach, we find a new perspective on nature by presenting an empathic circuit between the body and the world: “Einfühlung with the world, with things, with animals, with other bodies.” This ontological link immanent to the sensible will allow Merleau-Ponty to open a way of describing the being of nature and rework his thesis about the phenomenal body as flesh.

Keywords: Perception; Body; Nature; Ontology.


Phenomenology of life

Prof. Dr. Jelson Roberto de Oliveira

The theme of life occupies a central place in phenomenology. In the wake of his masters Husserl and Heidegger – and at the same time against them – Hans Jonas formulates what is perhaps “the only declared phenomenology of life” (as Renaud Barbaras suggested) insofar as he conceives a philosophical biology capable of noting the failure of both dualism and the post-dualist movements (idealist monism and materialist monism) in understanding this phenomenon. His 1966 work, The Phenomenon of Life, is thus an essential philosophical source whose aim is to present the hypothesis of integral monism, according to which life must be understood in its psycho-physical unity. The present project aims to analyze this perspective from the phenomenological description proposed, involving both the question about life in general and that which concerns, more specifically, animal, and human behavior (animality), especially concerning the experience of corporeality.

Keywords: Phenomenology of Life; Hans Jonas; Animality. Body.

Feminine Epistemology: Mysticism, Exile, Empathy and Suffering

Prof. Dr. Bortolo Valle

Edith Stein, Simone Weil, and Maria Zambrano are new in the history of Western philosophy. They are thinking of women in an eminently masculine culture. In their reflections, it is possible to identify a network of multiple concomitances, intersections, and confluences that constitute critical content towards the evolution of history and the contemporary situation of Western culture. In this critique, the unquestionable singularity of each coincides with the others, turning their works into an action and a poiesis (in its Greek sense). Life and thought, so inextricably linked in each of them, were linked in the search for what can be identified as living reason. The research is centered on the thoughts of Edith Stein, Simone Weil, and Maria Zambrano. The object of the research is the affirmation of an Epistemology of Feminine Matrix and its consequences, more explicitly concerning themes hitherto foreign to philosophy: Empathy in Edith Stein, Violence/Suffering in Simone Weil, and Mysticism and Exile in Maria Zambrano. Thus, the aim is to analyze some philosophical responses made possible by recomposing the place of thought in the affirmation of our cultural identities.

Keywords: Mystical; Ineffable; Simone Weil; Edith Stein; Maria Zambrano.

It is an investigation of themes relating to human action, with a particular focus on ethics and political philosophy, both from the point of view of analyzing the foundations and critique of morality and the challenges of politics, considering the relationships between power, truth, and subjectivity, the challenges of human rights and the intersection between art and morality.

Keywords: Ethics; Political Philosophy; Individual; Culture; Freedom; Governance.

Support group: Prof.  Dr. Jelson Roberto de Oliveira, Prof. Dr. Alexandre Franco de Sá, Prof. Dr. Cesar Candiotto, Prof. Dr Fabiano Incerti, and Prof. Ericson Falabretti (coordinator).



Abstract: The research studies the relationship between concepts such as democracy, citizenship, human rights, and autonomy and their importance in the face of the significant challenges facing today’s politics, especially those deriving from the effects of biopolitics, cultural pluralism, and the trivialization of violence.

Keywords: Politics. Radical democracy. Human rights. Biopolitics. Autonomy.

Prof. Dr. Cesar Candiotto (Coordination), Prof. Dr. Ericson Sávio Falabretti, Prof. Dr. Alexandre Franco de Sá, and Prof. Dr. Jelson Roberto de Oliveira.


  1. Neoliberalism, Democracy, and the Constitution of the Subject

Prof. Dr. Cesar Candiotto

Description: The project appropriates, in a different way, the wide-ranging debate arising mainly from the analyses of Michel Foucault and Wendy Brown on the problematic relationship between neoliberalism and democracy in order to make a political diagnosis of the present, precisely when the rise of anti-democratic and at the same time neoliberal politics is taking on explicit features, threatening historic achievements in the field of political and social rights. In addition to its political relevance for democratic life, the project has considerable scientific and social impact. Scientific because it discusses with rigor and without prejudice thinkers who are usually left out of political and social philosophy, such as Friedrich von Hayek, to reasonably consider their statements without neglecting to examine their possibilities and limits. Social because the dissociation between the ends of politics and the social question put into practice in neoliberal forms of government has been a mechanism that generates inequalities and weakens democracy. The project finally tries to be philosophically fair to Foucault when it examines hasty criticisms of his analysis of neoliberalism.

Keywords: Neoliberalism; Democracy; Constitution of the subject; Michel Foucault; Wendy Brown


  1. Environment and Democracy

Prof. Dr.Jelson Roberto de Oliveira

The aim is to analyze the relationship between democracy and the environment based on the critique of the utopia of technical progress formulated (primarily but not exclusively) by Hans Jonas in his 1979 magnum opus, The Responsibility Principle.) The aim is to examine how the environmental issue can and should be tackled by democratic regimes and to what extent democracy can contribute to tackling the ecological crisis with its global impact. In this sense, the project investigates the centrality of the development issue in the political and economic model, national and international environmental policies, the role of international organizations and mechanisms, the relationship between government decisions and public opinion, and the effective participation of subjects (especially traditional peoples and communities) in decision-making. The Brazilian scenario and the relationship between Jonas’ thought and national and Latin American Amerindian thought are part of the analysis horizon.

Keywords: Environmental Challenge; Democracy; Development; Traditional People;


  1. Utopia, image, care, environment. The ethical-anthropological-political contribution of Hans Jonas

Prof.  Dr. Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo

The research focuses on the notions of utopia, image, and care in the philosophy of the German thinker Hans Jonas (1903-1993). Jonas fully develops the interdisciplinary relevance of the concepts of utopia, image, and care by investigating the relationship between imagination, experience, reflection, and ethics. Jonas’ efforts aim to address threats related to contemporary political and technological utopias. Jonas’ reflections on “care” for the vulnerable sacredness of the “image of man” are at the heart of his innovative “utopia” and are relevant to today’s controversial ethical and bioethical issues related to technology, such as the ecological crisis, genetic manipulation, and human enhancement. The research foresees the following phases: 1) An investigation into Jonasian philosophical anthropology to understand the role played by the concepts of imagination, image, utopia, and care; 2) The second phase focuses on the notion of “dystopia” in Jonas’ ethical thought; 3) In the third phase, I will focus on Jonas’ critique of anthropological, political, and technological utopias; 4) In the last phase, I will consider the ethical-political and educational meaning of “care” proposed by Jonas.

Keywords: Hans Jonas; Utopia; Image; Care; Philosophical Anthropology; Vulnerability.


  1. Democracy: invisibility, difference, and recognition

Prof.  Dr. Ericson Savio Falabretti

This research project investigates democracy as a community of universal interests and differences. Although the universal principles of inalienable rights found in the works of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau remain fundamental, they are no longer sufficient to meet the demands of the social struggles of different subjects and political identities. The crucial question is to think about the conditions for a democratic regime that accommodates, at the same time, common rights, and plural and diffuse interests. In short, is democracy a community of universal interests or a community of differences? In the first case, it tends to suppress freedom in favor of absolute equality. In the second, inequalities are elevated for freedom and differences. In order to respond to these dilemmas, the project takes up Merleau-Ponty’s analysis of violence and politics, Lefort’s work on the space of power, Derrida’s post-structuralist thinking on the aporetic structure of democracy, Honneth’s critical theory on social struggles and recognition, Rancière’s conception of democracy as a political process aimed at new forms of emancipation and justice, and Mouffe’s proposal on democracy based on plurality and conflict.

Keywords: Democracy; Invisibility; Differenc; and Recognition


Abstract: The project discusses the relationship between philosophy and the practices of the self, especially the contemporary reading that thinkers such as Michel Foucault, Pierre Hadot, Michel de Certeau, and Hanna Arendt have made of ancient philosophy, characterizing it based on notions such as spiritual exercises, self-care, parrhesia, truth, and politics. The project studies the hermeneutic field of these notions, convergences, and divergences between these views of the ancient world and how their problematization helps to rethink the role of philosophy as a diagnosis of the present.

Keywords: Practices of self. Parrhesia. Spirituality. Ancient philosophy. Ethics. Politics.

Prof. Dr.  Fabiano Incerti (Coordination) and  Prof. Dr. Cesar Candiotto


  1. Philosophy and spirituality in contemporary thought

Prof. Dr. Fabiano Incerti

Spirituality, as a philosophical thought and practice, can be understood as the transformations the subject carries out on themselves to gain access to the truth. Far from the idea of a purely intellectual product or even something merely physical, it encompasses the totality of the individual and is characterized by a set of searches, conducts, and experiences, such as purifications, asceses, renunciations, conversions of the gaze, changes in existence, meaning, above all, an art of living and a way of being in the world. Many of these “spiritual exercises” were widely developed and used by pagan philosophical schools, extended, and given new meanings in the Christian tradition, especially among mystics. Many of them have reached the present day. With this research project, based on the writings of Michel Foucault and Pierre Hadot, we hope to understand how the relationship between philosophy and spirituality becomes essential for questioning the relationship with one’s existence, with others, and with the world.

Keywords: Spirituality; Philosophy; Contemporary French Thought; Art of Living.


  1. Parrhesia, truth, and politics

Prof. Dr. Cesar Candiotto

The project discusses the complex relationship between truth and politics. The aim is to examine whether there is a form of truth that can set limits to political power or whether, on the contrary, political power is impervious to any form of truth. Hanna Arendt recognizes that the perception that truth and politics can never be reconciled is commonplace. The impression prevails that, in this domain, truth is powerless, and it is the nature of political power to deceive and mislead. In his last writings, Foucault points out that in ancient democracy, frankness or freedom of speech designated by parrhesia was appreciated because, in democracy, anyone could take the floor and express what they thought. However, the freedom to speak one’s mind always comes up against the risk of demagoguery, lies, or fake news, making it difficult to know who the bearer of ethical excellence is for properly exercising democratic government. There is no democracy without freedom of speech, but the dangers that freedom of speech entails can make democracy paradoxically inoperative.

Keywords: Parrhesia; Democracy; Lies; Truth; Politics ; Fake news


  1. Between mysticism and philosophy: The life and work of Brother François Rivat in the context of practices of the self

Prof.  Dr. Fabiano Incerti

The main objective of this research is to show, in dialogue with the thought of Pierre Hadot, how Brother François Rivat, the first Superior General of the Marist Institute, belongs to a “mystical-ascetic” tradition of self-constitution that began at least 18 centuries before the appearance of the Exercitia spiritualia proposed by Ignatius of Loyola, that is, in the pagan Greco-Roman philosophical schools. An encyclopedic and self-taught man, Brother François was the author of more than 6,000 pages spread over 22 volumes called carnets, written between 1818 and 1879, containing retreat notes, lecture outlines, notes on religious studies, comments on scientific studies, a spiritual diary, and others. From the knowledge we are beginning to have of his writings and biography, as well as placing him alongside great Christian mystics such as Francis of Assisi, Tereza D’Avila, and John of the Cross, the novelty is to have him, for the same reasons, alongside Epicurus, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, Philon of Alexandria, among others. In the same way that Brother François corresponds well to the destiny of many spiritual authors of the 19th century, and in opposition to a particular spiritual “naivety” described in most of his biographies, we maintain in this research that he developed a sophisticated model of spiritual life which, anchored in a solid philosophical-theological tradition of exercises and practices, became an “art of living,” a concrete attitude that encompassed his entire existence.

Keywords: Marist spirituality; Ancient Spiritual Exercises; Christian Philosophy; Practices of Self.



Prof. Dr. Cesar Candiotto, Prof. Dr. Alexandre Franco de Sá (Coordination) and Prof. Dr  Jelson Roberto de Oliveira

The project analyzes human rights’ possibilities, limits, and challenges regarding their epistemological understanding, ethical-political foundation, and concrete implementation. The need to philosophically justify these rights and their claim to universality in the Kantian, contractualist, and neo-contractualist tradition is counterbalanced by criticisms of this claim from relativism, radical contextualism, and communitarianism. Beyond its rationale, the project seeks to discuss the practical challenges of guaranteeing these rights, especially in the political domain of the phenomena of totalitarianism, genocide, static racism, biopolitics, and the crisis of the nation-state; in the field of new technologies and their uses (concerning which we can situate, in the 20th century, the emergence of ecological rights and the right to genetic heritage) and in the broad domain of cultural transformations deriving from economic globalization, the discussion around secularization, migration and multiculturalism.

Keywords: State; Technology; Biopolitics; Human rights.

Individual research


  1. Crises of biopolitics, governmentality, and post-pandemic societies

Prof. Dr. Cesar Candiotto

This project examines the reconfigurations of the biopolitics exercise in the governmental production of new vulnerable populations in post-pandemic societies. On the one hand, it aims to identify the different crisis regimes that mark contemporary biopolitical governmentality: health crisis, economic and social crisis, political crisis, and ecological crisis. On the other hand, it is also a question of analyzing the vulnerable forms of life revealed by these different crises at the individual, population, and institutional levels. Finally, the aim is to highlight the effects of these crises on the very notion of biopolitics, which can be reclassified as thanatopolitics or necropolitics. Resistance to these re-qualifications of biopolitics can be exercised through other ways of living from an ecocentric perspective or a decentralized perspective of the human-animal-environment relationship. Finally, they can lead to biopoetics, a form of living in which the modulation of existence is guided by techniques of the self, resulting from the subject’s physical and spiritual exercises towards themselves.

Keywords: Crises of Biopolitics; Governmentality; Necropolitics; Biopoetics.


  1. Transhumanism, posthumanism and human rights

Prof. Dr. Jelson Roberto de Oliveira

The project aims to analyze the consequences and threats of technological convergence to the dignity, authenticity, and integrity of the human condition and the guarantee of human rights in their reciprocal relationship with other forms of life and nature in general. The assumption of the research is the relationship between technique and nihilism, thematized from the philosophy of Hans Jonas, for whom the project of “human improvement” (and its repercussions in post- and transhumanism) associates the greatest of powers with the greatest of voids, “the greatest of capacities, with the least of knowledge about what to use that capacity for” (PR, p. 65). The aim is to analyze how the magnitude and ambivalence of the new powers, combined with the neutralization of essences and the denial of any “stable structure of being,” put the basic principles of human rights in check, both from the point of view of their theoretical foundation and their adequate guarantees. In addition, it is a question of analyzing whether the proposal of the responsibility principle can be understood as an alternative for dealing with this dangerous scenario.

Keywords: Technology. Transhumanism. Nihilism. Principle of Responsibility. Hans Jonas


  1. A historical-conceptual approach to human rights

Prof.  Dr. Alexandre Franco de Sá.

The various approaches to the concept of human rights can only be differentiated understandably concerning their political use. The attempt to find a strong foundation for them is typical of a liberal political tradition, which has stopped at discussing the articulation of these rights with the representation of a subject approached from the point of view of their freedom and the capacities that should underlie it. On the other hand, the reconfiguration of the Marxist tradition by a “postmodern” left discarded the classic critique of the concept of human rights, appropriating them from the project of building an “emancipatory script” that sought, in its implementation, the realization of cultural hegemony. Thus, the analytical approach of the liberal tradition was contrasted with a critical approach to human rights in which, along with the appropriation of the human rights concept in the context of a struggle for cultural hegemony, its nineteenth-century critique also resonated. In this context, our project outlines a historical-conceptual approach, which, by opening up a third approach based on intensifying its articulation in a history of concepts, can overcome the assumptions of the previous approaches.

Keywords: Human Rights; History of Concepts; Power; Sovereignty; State.



Participants: Prof. Dr.Jelson Roberto de Oliveira (Coordination), Prof. Dr. Bortolo Valle, Prof. Dr. Eduardo Roberto da Fonseca, Prof. Dr. Oswaldo Giacoia Jr. (as of 2020), and Prof. Dr. Léo Peruzzo Júnior.

Abstract: The research aims to establish a framework of the primary theoretical references on the constitution of contemporary culture, which necessarily involves the question of the crisis of modernity and the collapse of its foundations, as pointed out by 19th-century philosophers such as Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and Freud, with repercussions in the 20th century in thinkers such as Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse, and Hans Jonas, among others.

Keywords: Bad Conscience; Resentment; Culture; Anthropology; Pragmatism; Moral Language; Friendship; Compassion ; Modernity.

Individual Research


  1. European nihilism and the critique of culture

Prof.  Dr. Oswaldo Giacoia Jr.

The project’s core objective is to examine the relevance, timeliness, and fruitfulness of Friedrich Nietzsche’s work – in particular, his concept of nihilism – for understanding the problems and dilemmas of our times, for spiritual guidance in thinking and acting. Nietzsche’s cultural critique provides the impetus for some of the main directions taken by contemporary thought, not only in the strict field of philosophical disciplines. The project aims to accompany the discussion on this subject from the perspective of the crisis of the ethical-political values of modernity, whose exhaustion is denounced by postmodern and post-human attempts to measure up to the tradition of humanism, either from the perspective of the technological overcoming of the human or as a preservationist appeal to responsibility in the broadest sense. The threat of an apocalyptic end to human history is common to both strands. While on the one hand, the end of history is realized as the overcoming of the human in transhumanism and post-humanism, on the other, the stakes are the human responsibility for the imminent ecological catastrophe. A dialog with Nietzsche’s critique of cultural modernity is an inevitable way of addressing these issues.

Keywords: Nietzsche; Nihilism; Culture; Ethics; Technoscience; Politics


  1. From the history of moral sentiments to the genealogy of morality

Prof. Dr. Jelson Roberto de Oliveira

The figure of the free spirit is one of the central concepts in Nietzsche’s work and plays a central role in the so-called “intermediate period” (1876-1882), being linked to his physiopsychological procedure for analyzing and criticizing Western morality. This project aims to analyze how this concept serves as the guiding theme of the strategy that leads from historical philosophy to the genealogy of morality or, in other words, from the (non-metaphysical) history of moral feelings to the question of moral value as such. In order to do this, it is necessary to delve into Nietzsche’s relationship with the so-called French moralists and, above all, the thematic articulation of continuity between the works of the second period and those of the third, especially, in this case, Beyond Good and Evil, Towards a Genealogy of Morals and Thus Spoke Zarathustra, in order to analyze the origins, constructions and implications of themes such as freedom, truth, compassion, equality, asceticism, resentment, selfishness, innocence and great health. It is, therefore, a question of whether and how the free spirit can be thought of in its relationship (or opposition) to the late concept of Übermensch.

Keywords: Nietzsche; Moral Sentiments; Genealogy of morality; Free S/pirit ; Übermesch.

  1. Life and responsibility

Prof. Dr. Jelson Roberto de Oliveira

The aim is to analyze the presuppositions and foundations of the ethics of responsibility proposed by Hans Jonas in the face of the advance of technological power, its threats, and dangers related to the conditions for the continuity of future life on the planet. To do this, we start with an analysis of the ontological basis of ethics proposed by Hans Jonas in his work “The Phenomenon of Life” in order to emphasize one of the central elements of responsibility: the defense of the authenticity and integrity of life, from which derives the ecological imperative proposed by the philosopher, to which concepts such as “heuristics of fear” and “comparative futurology” are linked. It starts with analyzing the 1966 work The Phenomenon of Life and its repercussions on developing a new responsibility-based ethics described in Das Prinzip Verantwortung. This analysis includes examining concepts such as freedom, authenticity, image, well, value, purpose, teleology, futurology, utopia, progress, and others. In other words, it is necessary to go through the main concepts developed by Jonas throughout his work.

Keywords: Hans Jonas; Life; Responsibility; Fear heuristic; Futurology.


  1. The educational revolution of “Philosophy for Children.”

Prof.  Dr. Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo

This project aims to shed light on the contribution to education made by the theoretical work and teaching practice of philosophers Matthew Lipman (1923-2010) and Ann Margaret Sharp (1942-2010). Their long-lasting cooperation gave rise to the well-known Philosophy for Children “/” (P4C) curriculum, now widely disseminated worldwide. P4C has the following innovations: firstly, the unprecedented connection between philosophy and childhood; secondly, the reformulation of philosophy as practice, i.e., in terms that are not reductively theoretical; thirdly, the use of philosophy to achieve democracy and moral capacities through the development of children’s autonomous thinking as a cognitive self-defense against the manipulation of consumerist society; finally, the critique of strictly cognitivist approaches to education. More than contextualizing these innovations in their historical and social context, the project aims to show that P4C’s revolutionary stance in education depends on the fruitfulness of Lipman and Sharp’s intellectual cooperation and their multiple skills as researchers, teachers, trainers, communicators, motivators, and community builders. The project analyzes Lipman and Sharp’s philosophical-educational vision and the school curriculum they developed together. Finally, the project provides a critical and comparative assessment of P4C’s achievements and prospects.

Keywords: Matthew Lipman; Ann Margaret Sharp; Philosophy for Children; Community; Democracy; Philosophy of Education.


  1. The landscape between seeing, doing, and should be

Prof. Dr.  Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo

Since at least the publication of the “European Landscape Convention” under the auspices of the Council of Europe in 2000 and the founding in 2012 of the “Latin American Landscape Initiative” (LALI), the notion of landscape has gained public, political, social, economic, and educational relevance. Unfortunately, this change has not yet been adequately thematized by academic contributions in the field of philosophy, which either focus only on the aesthetic aspect of the landscape or, when considering general environmental issues, usually ignore the ecological relevance of the landscape. This project aims to show that the connection between landscape and philosophy is vital for dealing with climate change and social justice issues. Furthermore, the essential interdisciplinarity of landscape provides a general ethical-political framework capable of restoring a future-oriented, responsive, and caring individual and collective responsibility, as well as a practical perspective for achieving a more equitable and sustainable future. The project aims to contribute to the acquisition and development of a cultural sensitivity capable of interpreting the evolution of the landscape, as well as designing interdisciplinary practices to raise environmental awareness and appreciate landscape values.

Keywords: Landscape; Environment; Image; Responsibility; Care; Ecological Crisis; Ecological Transition; Environmental Education.


  1. Anthropology and Culture

Prof. Dr. Bortolo Valle

A possible anthropological conception detached from the Tractatus is configured on the horizon of a metaphysical subject who, in his identity, traces the contours of the will and, by extension, of ethics, arriving at contributions about God, death, and happiness. The writing of Philosophical Investigations witnessed a change that can be seen in the shift from a conception centered on a mystical man to one centered on a ceremonial man. While at the time of the Tractatus‘ gestation, the plot was woven around solipsism, which affirmed the presence of “my world” and “my language,” now the meanings of common belonging to the world are cultivated, which will end up postulating the presence of “our world” and “our language. “The research, centered on the thought of Ludwig Wittgenstein, discusses cultural elements from the notion of seeing aspects. The traces of a possible anthropology in the author are explored. More specifically, the study turns to the idea of engagement made possible by the expressive force of the notions of language games, rule-following, and way of life that constitute ceremonial man.

Keywords: Wittgenstein. Language Games. Form of Life.


  1. From the Pragmatic Turn of Language to the Open Texture of Law: Critique and Limits of (Neo)positivism (Logical)Legal

Prof. Dr. Léo Peruzzo Júnior

This project aims to analyze how Wittgenstein’s critique of language has repercussions on unfolding the legal, philosophical tradition, especially from what Hart called the “open texture of law.” It is within this scenario, then, that Hart sees the problem of the nature and incompleteness of the law [vagueness of law], as well as the possibility that judicial discretion can be identified in its most vital sense. This position gives rise to severe criticism and objections, especially from R. Dworkin, later answered in other texts, including the Post-Scriptum. Thus, issues such as the recognition of legal rules, the political role of the courts, judicial activism, the influence of morality on the legal system, the impact of technology on decision-making, the dichotomy between justice and legality, the habit of obedience to the sovereign power of the state, the divergence between international law and morality and the justification of hermeneutic work on legal texts find space for analysis. To this end, the project investigates, in general terms, the constitution of legal positivism within logical neo-positivism and the anti-formalist critique presented by authors such as Kelsen, Waismann, Fuller, Dworkin, Rawls, and Alexy.

Keywords: Language; (Neo)Legal Positivism; Open Texture of Law; Philosophy of Law



The project aims to analyze the debate about art promoted by Nietzsche related to Schopenhauer and his profound divergence from Schopenhauer regarding valuing life, joy, and even illusion. From this basis, the project arrives at a problematization of nihilism in the relationship between the arts (especially literature) and philosophy because of authors such as Nietzsche, Albert Camus, and Dostoyevsky. It aims to unfold this reflection in the context of contemporary aesthetics, referencing the thoughts of Michel Foucault, Walter Benjamin, Roland Barthes, Baudelaire, Flaubert, and W. G. Sebald.

Keywords: Art; Suffering; Resignation; Decadence; Overcoming.

Participants: Prof. Dr. Fabiano Incerti (Coordination), Prof. Dr. Jelson Roberto de Oliveira  and Prof. Dr. Eduardo Ribeiro da Fonseca

Individual research


  1. Nihilism between the arts and philosophy

Prof. Dr. Jelson Roberto de Oliveira

The aim is to analyze the premises and developments of the theme of nihilism in the relationship between the arts (especially literature) and philosophy, looking at authors such as Nietzsche, Albert Camus, and Dostoyevsky. It starts from an interpretation of nihilism as a symptom of Western culture, going back to the primitive roots of Gnosticism (as demonstrated by the works of Hans Jonas and Albert Camus himself, whose works analyze the relationship between nihilism and Gnosticism) and the crisis experienced at the end of the 19th century, the repercussions of which were decisive for the characteristic events of the 20th and 21st centuries, especially World War II and everything related to the advance and constitution of the so-called technological civilization. So, starting from the literature, it is necessary to revisit the role of the arts in understanding and explaining the concept and resisting its effects and consequences in cultural terms.

Keywords: Nihilism; Philosophy of Art; Nietzsche; Camus; Dostoyevsky.

  1. Art and sexuality in Schopenhauer’s philosophy

Prof. Dr. Eduardo Ribeiro da Fonseca


Art, will, and sexuality in Schopenhauer’s philosophy

Prof. Dr. Eduardo Ribeiro da Fonseca

This project promotes the debate around a question internal to Schopenhauer’s metaphysics concerning the opposition between what the philosopher says in the Metaphysics of Sexual Love related to the impossibility of escaping the context of the affirmation of the will, even in the most minor things, in contrast to the possibility of the suspension of the will suggested in the Metaphysics of Beauty. Furthermore, there are indications in the Metaphysics of Beauty present in the “Ergänzungen” for us to understand this apparent suspension of the will as something that occurs only in the realm of consciousness, being, in fact, a sublimated effect of the impulse itself, already subordinated or amalgamated with the cerebral impulse that leads us to knowledge. This field of research has only recently been opened and deserves more attention in Schopenhauerian research. In this sense, the project’s lines of research open to questions linked to ethics and those linked to the contemplation of beauty and artistic making and its consequences. In this way, the problems linked to art acquire new relevance and are open to thinking about, for example, issues linked to contemporary art and its relationship with politics.

Keywords: Metaphysics (of Beauty); Contemplation; Impulse; Consciousness ; Art.


  1. Literature, subjectivities, and political resonances

Prof.  Dr. Fabiano Incerti

This project, which addresses the relationship between philosophy and literature, aims to show how this dialogue, often characterized by productive and creative approaches and spaces of tension and disagreement, is constantly marked by movements of complementarity, both in the possibility of making critical diagnoses of reality and in the exercise of moving around, creating new ways of being in the world: reconfiguration of feelings, affections, emotions, redistribution of the order of bodies, re-signification of the meanings of the thinkable, the sayable and the visible and, ultimately, in its broader ethical and aesthetic character, a new understanding of life itself. In this sense, both, from their interconnected theoretical perspectives, mark and confirm the emergence of modern subjectivity, where the “I” assumes all its power of interiority in an ever-renewed, tense, and often conflicting dialog with the social and political spheres. Authors such as Michel Foucault, Walter Benjamin, Roland Barthes, Baudelaire, Flaubert, and W.G. Sebald will be the direct interlocutors of this research.

Keywords: Literature; Philosophy; Modernity; Subjectivity.



Abstract: The Philosophy of Psychoanalysis research line establishes a dialog between philosophy and psychoanalysis in three of its meanings: (1) psychoanalysis considered by philosophy as an object of reflection and criticism from an analytical or epistemological perspective; (2) the convergence between philosophy and psychoanalysis based on a field of problems that constitute an object of common interest, such as art, politics, religion, society, and others; (3) psychoanalysis as a field of induction and renewal of philosophy’s problems. (65 words)

Keywords: Consciousness; Unconscious; Representation; Will; Desire; Impulse

Support group: Prof.  Dr. Francisco Verardi Bocca,  Prof.  Dr. Oswaldo Giacóia Jr. and  Prof.  Dr. Eduardo Ribeiro da Fonseca (coordinator).



Participants: Prof. Dr. Francisco Verardi Bocca (coordinator), Prof. Dr. Eduardo Ribeiro da Fonseca, and Prof. Dr. Oswaldo Giacoia Jr.

Abstract: Study of the theories developed by Freud in addition to their epistemic and historical presuppositions, including the sciences and discoveries that underlie psychoanalysis or precede it, as well as philosophers who, directly or indirectly, have a relationship with psychoanalytic theory. (42 words)

Keywords: History of Philosophy; Consciousness; Unconscious; Drive; Language.

Individual research


  1. Passions and life: From the antecedents of modernity to psychoanalysis

Prof. Dr. Francisco Verardi Bocca

Abstract: This research projects into some notions that characterized the modern age, such as human passions and their implications for the constitution of sensibility, cognition, and politics. The research is based on thinkers such as René Descartes, Thomas Hobbes, and John Locke, authors of a conception of man that implied the prestige of passions such as love, desire, and pleasure, which resulted in the exaltation of humanity founded on the power of desire. It is an investigation that, in addition to these, includes 18th-century materialist philosophers such as Étienne Condillac, Julien de La Mettrie, and the Marquis de Sade, whose philosophies gave pleasure the status of a fundamental passion of human nature. This research itinerary, together with the life sciences of the 19th century (Biology, Psychiatry, and Neurology), created the conditions for understanding its consequences and implications for Freud’s thinking regarding his notion of man, his psyche, and his history.

Keywords: Philosophy; Psychoanalysis; Passions; Love; Desire; Pleasure.


  1. Civilization without purpose – or the logic of a history without meaning

Prof. Dr. Francisco Verardi Bocca

Abstract: This project of philosophical investigation starts from the Kantian question about the conditions of possibility for thinking about human history from a point of view that projects intelligibility and order onto its facts, in other words, thinking of them according to order, progress, and finality. It is an inquiry into the conditions of a rational history since, from the point of view of sensible experience, nothing like progress or decline can be affirmed with certainty. In addition to Immanuel Kant’s thinking, it also investigates other authors such as Sigmund Freud and Charles Darwin. Far from representing a rejection of the Kantian recommendation, it is a question of taking the former into account for the finalist, declinist point of view it supports and the latter for offering an alternative answer to the Kantian question about human history precisely without resorting to metaphysical resources such as order, progress, and finality. An evolutionist point of view that has been crowned by Georges Canguilhem’s recent studies in historical epistemology.

Keywords: Philosophy; Psychoanalysis; Purpose; Progress; Decline; Evolution.


  1. Freudian psychoanalysis: between science and philosophy

Prof. Dr. Eduardo Ribeiro da Fonseca

Abstract: It is a dialogue between philosophy, science, and psychoanalysis based on the core concept of Trieb, which can be translated as drive, instinct, or impulse and is considered by Freud as the most crucial concept in his theory. Its different approaches over time aim to resolve issues that are still not peaceful in psychoanalysis today, such as aggression and destructiveness, narcissism, and the modes of energy circulating in the organism, and the libido determines the context and serves as the backdrop for all the psychic relationships that will be the subject of Freudian clinical practice. The problems derived from the Trieblehre (drive doctrine or theory) are at the heart of the concerns of the two Freudian drive theories and, in this sense, the convergence between philosophy and psychoanalysis is seen from a field of problems that constitutes an object of interest from its determined origin in the critical philosophy of Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and from the dialogue with science in general and evolutionism.

Keywords: Representation; Unconsciou; Impulse; Desire; Evolution.


  1. Perspectivism and Interculturalism

Prof. Dr. Oswaldo Giacoia Junior

In Friedrich Nietzsche’s work, the theme of perspectivism appears, on the one hand, as a legitimate fruit of European nihilism and, in this context, as one of its configurations; on the other hand, perspectivism acquires a relevant status among the virtuality inherent in nihilism and its developments, as a possibility of overcoming it. With this, Nietzsche’s thought opens up to a philosophy of interculturality, which maintains a close theoretical and practical link with perspectivism insofar as it emerges from the process of loss of meaning and binding force on the part of the highest values, which provided the axiological bases and guidelines for societies formed based on Western-European culture. Within the framework of his reconstruction of the history of nihilism, Nietzsche articulates a gloomy prognosis for modern times based on a critical reflection on the undermining of projects for the ultimate foundation of knowledge – especially according to the parameters established by the Western philosophical tradition – the effects of which also include the field of praxis. However, it also considers the possibilities this process has opened up for thought and action. If, as a result of the rise of nihilism, ‘the world’ is only configured as such in the multiplicity of perspectives, irreducible to a global, all-encompassing, and totalitarian perspective, then the traditional concept of ‘the world’ is stripped of its former metaphysical solidity, to become the realm of ‘happening’ for human existence in its historicity. With perspectivism, the disruptive power of Nietzschean criticism undermines the hitherto undisputed identity between philosophy and Europe, between Greek, Western-European philosophy and human rationality, opening up the horizon for an isonomic and fruitful dialog with other ‘worlds of life’ with other historical-cultural experiences of human habitation in the world.

Keywords: Nietzsche; Perspectivism; Interculturalism; Nihilism



Participants: Prof. Dr. Eladio Constantino Pablo Craia and Prof. Dr. Eduardo Ribeiro da Fonseca (Coordination)

Abstract: Developments in psychoanalysis based on Freudian theory, including the internal criticisms and developments of contemporary psychoanalysts and their schools, both in the clinical and theoretical spheres, as well as the dialog between psychoanalysis and contemporary philosophers. (36 words)

Keywords: Ethical Experience; Human Becoming; Constitution of the Subject; Criticism and Psychoanalysis; Schizoanalysis; Tendency Towards Integration; Anthropology.

Individual research


  1. Become Human and the Fates of the Pulses.

Prof.  Dr. Oswaldo Giacoia Junior.

In Freud’s metapsychology, the genealogical reconstruction of the origins of moral conscience and the feeling of guilt, as well as the different formulations of his theory of drives, lead to a fruitful rapprochement with cultural anthropology, as well as with the historical tradition of Western philosophy, in particular with the cultural legacy of German idealism and the thoughts of Friedrich Nietzsche and Arthur Schopenhauer. In this context, the relationship between subjectivity, thought, discourse, and action, the questions of the genesis of religion, morality, and human sociability, in connection with the feeling of guilt and anguish, the dynamics of drives, the themes of the symbolic universe and language in general, the limits of sublimation and psychopathologies, allow us to place psychoanalysis, both Freud’s and its contemporary developments, among the most important contributions to understanding the process of civilization and to reflecting on fundamental questions of culture, both in terms of theoretical reason and practical reason: in the sphere of science and technology as well as ethics, religion, morality, politics and education.

Keywords: Pulses; Unconscious; Language; Nature; Culture.


  1. Psychoanalysis and Art: The reciprocity of domains and their mutual investigation

Prof. Dr.  Eduardo Ribeiro da Fonseca.

Abstract: This investigation is wide-ranging into the common issues between art and psychoanalysis. Starting from Freud’s works, it investigates the Viennese author’s aesthetic paradigm, its consequences, and ways of reciprocating concerning contemporary artistic thought and Lacanian psychoanalysis. If, on the one hand, Freud’s and Lacan’s methods are used in the analysis of the various domains of psychic and social life, including art and artists, there is also, conversely, the artists’ thinking about psychoanalysis and psychoanalysis as it is seen within works of art, especially in cinema, the visual arts and literature. In addition, the problems linked to culture and art involving the great movements and social ruptures, such as the autonomy of art related to science and political and economic life, the connection between art and religious precepts, the relationship between art, culture industry, and mass psychology, are the target and object of psychoanalytic analysis, both from a historical and contemporary point of view.

Keywords: Philosophy; Art; Artists; Method of Psychoanalysis.


  1. Clinic, technique, and the future of psychoanalysis

Prof.  Dr. Eduardo Ribeiro da Fonseca

Abstract: The project aims to debate the objectives of the psychoanalytic clinic, the conditions for analysis, and the end of analysis in an investigation based primarily on the debate between psychoanalysis (especially Freud and Lacan), philosophy, and anthropology. In this sense, the guiding question is: What can we expect from a personal analysis under the transferential conditions pertinent to the various theoretical strands of psychoanalysis, and what would allow us to say something about the duration of this analysis and its best outcome? Another aspect of the project refers to practical advances in psychoanalytic theory and clinical practice in contemporary times, with themes linked to gender issues, on the one hand, and issues linked to new ways of doing psychoanalysis, such as public clinics and online psychoanalysis, on the other. The question of the training of psychoanalysts, the conditions of this training, and the problems linked to the insertion and social reach of the psychoanalytic clinic are also debated, including the questions of psychoanalytic epistemology and psychoanalysis in the public and institutional context of health.

Keywords: Psychoanalytic Clinic; Transference; Listening; End of Analysis.


  1. Deleuze and Guattari on Psychoanalysis

Prof. Dr.  Eladio Constantino Pablo Craia

Psychoanalysis, considered in the two dimensions of its historical process, has always promoted schools, traditions, and loyalties, all of which are more or less stable. However, this process has never ceased to trigger displacements, ruptures, and new conceptual and clinical constructs with the same intensity. It is precisely from this latter perspective that, throughout the 1970s, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari became severe and prominent critics of psychoanalysis, based on two strands, one internal to psychoanalysis itself, stemming from Guattari’s work and the other philosophical, in line with Deleuze’s thinking. This critique, first exposed theoretically, progressed to constructing a new type of clinic and analytical work in general. Finally, in the last years of the 20th century to the present day, the theoretical construction that underpins Deleuze and Guattari’s approach has become the object of a re-reading by some philosophers and psychoanalytic theorists, promoting new intersections between the domain of classical psychoanalysis and Deleuze and Guattari’s proposal. The main aim of this research project is to follow this production field and verify its conceptual fertility.

Keywords: Philosophy; Psychoanalysi; Guattari; Deleuze; Schizoanalysis.

PPGF professors are assigned to 14 individual booths, each equipped with Dell Pentium-4 computers with high-speed Internet, lockers, printers, and tele-phones. These spaces have software infrastructure that allows researchers to store and process data from research developed by research groups, as well as guidelines of masters and doctorate students. There is also a coordination room and a study room for master’s and doctorate students and other under-graduate students pursuing education in Philosophy.

The Program has a full-time secretary, who works from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm. This secretariat provides documentation services and as-sistance to students and professors. There are four computer labs that support students in their study and research activities on various subjects that need resources. A video conferencing room is used for the presentation of qualifica-tions and for the defense of dissertations and theses, as well as for meetings among research groups, presentation of research projects and other works, and expository classes. Four equipped auditoriums are used for programs, lectures, and seminars.

PPGF also offers a complete remote learning structure, with virtual classroom subscription for teachers and students. In addition, it has a high quality bibliographic collection, with material and remote access, made available by the Central Library of the University.

PUCPR’s PPGF maintains a consolidated program to encourage international post-doctorate work by professors and participates in public notices and maintains “sandwich” internship scholarships abroad for students. It maintains co-guardianship programs with the University of Coimbra, in addition to a Joint PhD with the University of Ferrara. As of 2019, it maintained an Erasmus scholarship project with the University of Litz, Austria. Internationalization also occurs through numerous partnership projects with international research networks, participation in international events and welcoming foreign students to PPGF. Currently, the PPGF maintains an international doctorate with the Catholic University of Mozambique and a partnership with the National University of East Timor, combining internationalization and international solidarity. PUCPR also maintains policies to encourage the publication of articles, books, and book chapters abroad, in addition to encouraging the participation of professors and students in events abroad.


PUCPR and Università degli Studi di Ferrara, opened up a Joint PhD in Philosophy in 2019, governed in accordance with the provisions of the European Charter of Researchers and Italian and Brazilian legislation, in addition to the regulations relating to the Declaration of Bologna and the internal rules and procedures in force at UNIFE and PUCPR. The program is aimed at highly qualified candidates from all nations, European and non-European, who meet the admission criteria established by the regulations in force in the partner institutions. UNIFE and PUCPR are responsible for accepting PhD students in Philosophy, whose selection will be based on their academic records, language proficiency, and the fulfillment of other requirements established by the institution of origin and agreed upon by partner institutions. Acceptance to the Program is restricted to students who are already enrolled in the National Doctorate Program in Philosophy at one of the partner institutions. Candidates will be accepted into the program based on their research proposals, which will evaluated by the Joint Coordination Committee. Candidates must submit their PhD theses in Philosophy by the end of the third year of their participation in the program. In exceptional situations, the Joint Coordination Committee may extend the deadline by up to one year. The Joint Evaluation Board will comprise eligible academics from both partner institutions, in accordance with the national regulations in force in both institutions.

The PhD thesis will be prepared under the direction of the supervisor and co-supervisor. The supervisor must be a researcher from the institution that recruited the student and the co-supervisor will be appointed by the other institution. The supervisor and co-supervisor shall jointly develop a research and study plan for the PhD student, in accordance with the regulations applicable in the countries of the partner institution. Students who have successfully defended their theses will receive a double diploma: each partner institution issues its own Doctorate Diploma in Philosophy, signed by the legal representative of each institution, in accordance with national regulations. 


Since 2017, the Graduate Program in Philosophy at PUCPR has maintained a joint-supervision program with the University of Coimbra. The agreement provides for the application of Brazilian students approved under PPGF selection processes to carry out their doctorate studies simultaneously at the University of Coimbra, under the tutelage of a Brazilian and a Portuguese professor. Having fulfilled all requirements, students will defend their theses and receive double degrees. Each partner institution issues its own Doctorate Diploma in Philosophy, signed by the legal representative of that institution, in accordance with national regulations.


This cooperation agreement, definitively signed on 10/3/2018, includes jointly designed programs related to the (I) mobility of professors; (II) mobility of undergraduate and graduate students, including dual degrees; (III) joint research; (IV) participation in academic events; (V) exchange of materials and academic information; (VI) short-term cultural, training, and academic programs;  and (VII) professional development. The Agreement is a result of the partnerships between the Graduation Programs in Philosophy of the two Universities, especially the contemporary French Philosophy CNPQ/PUCPR Research Group and the l’UMR 8163 Laboratory “Knowledge, Texts, Language,” from the University of Lille, with only two stages so far:
1) 2017–2018: TAFAC: The purpose of this agreement is to reinforce and extend the research dynamics driven by the first opening of the “TaFac” program (Travailler avec Foucault: approches contemporaines) developed within the framework of a call for projects from the University of Lille (“Internationalization of research”) and founded through a partnership between the universities of Lille, Liège, Brussels, and Curitiba (PUCPR and UFPR). This opening of the Tafac Program is supported especially in the already well-established relationships between researchers from these different universities in the field of Foucault studies. At the scientific level, the TaFac project aims at considering the great diversity of contemporary approaches to Michel Foucault’s work and the strong interest aroused by his research (particularly in the domain of political thought on the relations between power and resistance, between standards and subject) both in France and abroad.
2) 2019–present: VIIP: Life, Violence, and Power. The Life, Violence and Power Project (“Vida, Violência e Poder – ViiP”) takes the biopower hypothesis as its starting point, as it was formulated by Foucault in the mid-1970s. The aim is to explore the assumptions that support this hypothesis to restore its internal genealogy and confront them with contemporary issues that allow to assess its timeliness, relevance, limits, and necessary reformulations. The project was submitted to CAPES-COFECUB in July 2019, and the International Colloquium was held at the Université de Lille on October 2 and 3, 2019.

ERASMUS COOPERATION PROGRAM WITH THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF LINZ, AUSTRIA. As for the mobility of students and professors, with one master’s student from the PPGF having already done a research internship, others will participate in the online classes in 2020. The Agreement was signed in 2019, with a duration of 3 years, and it currently includes the option of virtual mobility because of the world health crisis of the coronavirus disease pandemic. 


Since 2017, the PPGF of PUCPR has maintained a partnership with the Catholic University of Mozambique in order to provide a doctorate in Humanities, in which PUCPR’s Theology, Bioethics, and Human Rights Programs are also involved. The research lines for the doctorate program include: Philosophical Foundations, Theological Foundations, Human Rights, and Bioethics. Five PPGF professors participate in this program. They guide and teach in Mozambique as visiting professors. The PhD program in the humanities fills a gap that the Catholic University of Mozambique (UCM) currently has, that is, the lack of specialists in the areas of Theology, Philosophy, Bioethics, and Human Rights. With the opening of the Faculties of Philosophy and Theology (in Maputo), it is justified to move toward a PhD in these areas, with the presence of professors from both UCM and PUCPR, who go to Mozambique annually to support, from the scientific perspective, the lines of research and guide the work developed by the students. This way, the Doctorate Program in Humanities aims to deepen a transversal training profile, by combining different disciplinary areas in order to provide doctorate students with a transversal profile in the fields of theological, philosophical, and bioethical knowledge and Human Rights.

The objectives of the Doctorate in the Humanities program are to reflect and deepen, around the main theoretical and conceptual frameworks, the scientific and professional profiles of future specialists in the humanities area, and to deepen and systematize the portfolio of competences in terms of scientific research, in the fields of theological, philosophical, and human sciences.

The organization of this doctorate program is based on a transdisciplinary perspective, although its key focus is in the humanities area. The program structure has three components: (i) in the first component (two semesters), students deepen topics related to the three lines of investigation; (ii) in the second component (two semesters), students design their research projects, accompanied by seminars to support scientific research, both in person and from a distance. At the end of the 4th Semester, doctorate students will have to publicly defend their research projects before a jury constituted for this purpose. Once they receive approval, doctorate students can continue their investigation, which will culminate in the public defense of their doctorate theses.



Since 2019, the PPGF PUCPR has maintained a research agreement with the National University of East Timor in Dili. As part of the activities under the agreement, UNTL has received professors from PPGF as visiting teachers for classes, seminars, and other teaching and research activities, while PPGF has received students from that institution (professors in the area of Philosophy) to pursue master’s and doctorate courses at PUCPR. To be selected, candidates must register and pass the PPGF selection processes and must comply with the discipline in Brazil. They must fulfill other requirements in order to obtain a master’s degree or doctorate.


The Graduate Plan Brazil/Timor-Leste is positioned in the context of the Solidarity Project between the Churches of Brazil and East Timor. It began in 2014 and involves the National CNBB, through the Commission Missionary Action, the National Conference of Bishops of East Timor (CNT), the Higher Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Dom Jaime Garcia Goulart, of East Timor (ISFT), and the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná. The fundamental objective of this plan is to create conditions from people from Timor-Leste to participate in master’s degree and/or doctorate programs in Brazil. For this, candidates begin their preparation by taking programs and preparing a project before visiting Brazil. Once they are selected in line with the processes followed by PPGF, they study the subjects and fulfill all other legal requirements to obtain the title of Master and/or Doctor in Philosophy from PUCPR.


Created in 2017, the Political Philosophy Research Network NoSoTros, brings together researchers from Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Spain, and France. Internationally led by professors Ricardo Lolas (PUC-Valparaíso) and Jordi Ribas (Autonomous University of Barcelona), and locally by professor Francisco Bocca (PUCPR), the NoSoTros Network has the following objectives: to bring together researchers from the southern cone and countries of ; to leverage research based on the strengthening and international circulation of discourses and knowledge that we find in the field of Southern Epistemology; to contribute to the training of masters and PhDs through exchange and mobility agreements; and to promote publications, among others. Organized to think about and discuss the problems and challenges of contemporary politics, such as aporia of democracy, refugees, inequality, violence, militarized capitalism, the NoSoTros Network has been prominent in promoting and organizing congresses and publications. Thus, the first event, held at the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso (Chile), between May 2 and 3, 2017, with the presence of researchers from Latin America, Europe, and the United States, was the “International Colloquium on Theory Criticism: Violence, Politics, and Events.” On the occasion, Professor Francisco Bocca and Professor Ericson Falabretti presented the following works, respectively: “Philosophy and criticism of culture: Freud and the pleasure principle as a regulator of a civilization in decay”; and “Democracy and recognition.” Still in 2017, as a continuation and deepening of the work, the NoSoTros Research Network, promoted the second meeting “Apories de la démocratie” in Paris between November 29 and December 1. Researchers from Brazilian, Chilean, Spanish, and French universities, PPGF professors, Francisco Bocca (event organizer), Ericson Falabretti, and Cesar Candiotto participated in this event presenting lectures on the topics of democracy, true religion. In 2018, the network organized the II Euro-Latin American Colloquium, in Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, between the 25th and 27th of July, with the theme immigrants, refugees, displaced people, in which professors Francisco Bocca, Cesar Candiotto and Jelson Oliveira participated. In 2019, professors Francisco Bocca and Eladio Craia participated in the annual event held in Donostia, in the Basque Country, Spain. The 2020 wasat PUCPR. It is worth remembering that three international collections have already been published, in addition to two dossiers in the Aurora Journal Philosophy resulting from the research conducted by the group.


While this is an accurate translation, consider saying “POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION” here.


The CNPQ Research Group, founded in 1998 and certified by PUCPR, focuses on the study and analysis of contemporary French philosophical thought, mainly its developments in the areas of ontology, phenomenology, ethics, and politics. It brings together members of the following three lines of research: ethics and political philosophy, ontology and epistemology, and philosophy of psychoanalysis.

The repercussions of its activities can be identified by the (1) performance of its members in the participation and coordination of working groups; (2) undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral supervision; (3) publications in national and international specialized journals; (4) coordination of several research projects financed by state and federal funding agencies; (5) participation and promotion of events related to research carried out with national and international coverage; (6) attraction of new researchers through informal study groups; and (7) participation in international projects involving Brazil and France.


Cesar Candiotto (leader) – (PUCPR/CNPq)

Eladio Pablo Craia (co-leader – (PUCPR)

Fabiano Incerti (PUCPR)

Ericson Sávio Falabretti (PUCPR)

Daniel Verginelli Galantin (PNPD – PUCPR/CAPES)

Guilherme Castelo Branco (UFRJ)

Rodrigo Alvarenga (PUCPR)


The CNPQ research group, founded in 2008 and certified by PUCPR, aims at promoting philosophical research on the historical assumptions and the developments in the theoretical production of Freudian psychoanalysis. During the past few years, the group has promoted several national and international activities and publications of great relevance. Their work is particularly relevant in the ANPOF’s Philosophy and Psychoanalysis WG. 


Eladio Constantino Pablo Craia (PUCPR)

Luiz Eduardo Prado de Oliveira (Université Paris VIII)

Luiz Roberto Monzani   (UNICAMP)

Richard Theisen Simanke (UFJF)

Zeljko Loparic (UNICAMP)

Weiny César Freitas Pinto

Sidney Nilton de Oliveira

Rogério Miranda de Almeida (FASBAN)

Claudio Eduardo Rubin

Daniel Omar Perez (UNICAMP)


The Technical Studies Center (NET) is a permanent interdisciplinary space for dialogue among academics, professors, and researchers on the topic of technique. Linked to the Graduate Program in Philosophy and the School of Education and Humanities of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, it is integrated into the National Network for the Study of Technique, which brings together researchers from several Brazilian universities (including USP, UFMG, UFU, UFVJM, UFABC, and UFPI). In addition to the NET, the Scientiae Studia Association, from USP, the Nucleus for Studies of Contemporary Thought at UFMG/UFU, and the Institute for Advanced Transdisciplinary Studies (IEAT-UFMG) are part of the network. Within the scope of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, NET is linked to the Graduate Program in Bioethics and intends to expand with other programs that are interested in the topic. It is also integrated into the Technical Study Group and the Hans Jonas Research Group. It is also part of the Deleuze and the Hans Jonas Working Groups from the National Association of Graduate Studies in Philosophy (ANPOF). At the international level, it has the support and involves researchers from other countries, particularly Argentina, through consolidated research links with the Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Germany, and France.

The Technical Studies Center intends to act within the scope of teaching, research, and university extension, while serving as an articulation of researchers interested in the subject of technique in terms of its theoretical assumptions (ontological, epistemological, and metaphysical) and its practical developments (ethical and political). It aims to promote a trans and interdisciplinary view on the subject, and contribute toward the understanding of the modern phenomenon of technology in the contemporary world, in order to favor both a specialized and vanguard theoretical interpretation of the subject and the production of knowledge, values, and practices that are in line with the construction of a democratic and civic society. To this end, the Technical Studies Center intends to organize systematic meetings to present research, debates, and events, publications and other initiatives that enable the integration of researchers and the broad debate of ideas on the issue of technique. With this initiative, NET also hopes to contribute to the university’s updated social commitment around the challenges arising from technical action, which, as a power and a way of being human in the world, has also highlighted the vulnerability of life at a time that carries utopian promises that deserve to be evaluated for their philosophical, ethical, and political consequences.

  1. Objectives
  • To implement and develop teaching, research, and extension activities on the issue of technique;
  • To encourage linking students, professors, and researchers interested in the question of technique, both from the perspective of its theoretical assumptions and practical developments.
  • To promote interdisciplinary studies, research, and extension activities on the issue of technique;
  • To contribute toward the development of reflection around ethical values capable of generating responsible practices within the scope of technical power;
  • To provide opportunities to exchange experiences and training on the issue of technique;
  • To integrate research and academic initiatives, considering social and institutional interests around the proposed issue;
  • To compose national and international networks of studies on technique;
  • To produce knowledge and new teaching and research methodologies on the issue of technique at the university level;
  • To establish scientific, technical, and technological cooperation agreements and conventions on the subject with public and private bodies.


  1. Guidelines
  • Organization of multi-disciplinary spaces committed to the theoretical discussion on the topic of technique and technology and the promotion of ethically supported practices;
  • Valuing interdisciplinarity and the combination of inter-institutional initiatives and cooperation at the national and international levels;
  • Dissemination of democratic and human values on technical exercise in various spheres of human life.


  1. Members
  • Professor Dr Eládio C. P. Craia (PPGF-Coordinator of the Nucleus)
  • Professor Dr Jelson R. de Oliveira (PPGF)
  • Professor Dr Anor Sganzerla (PPGB)
  • Professor Dr Geovani Viola Moretto (Philosophy PUCPR)
  • Professor Dr Paulo Sérgio Guimarães Pinto (Philosophy PUCPR)
  • Doctorate Student, Thiago Vasconcelos (PPGF-PUCPR)



In line with the 50th anniversary of the publication of “The Phenomenon of Life,” the Hans Jonas Working Group of the National Association of Graduate Studies in Philosophy decided to establish the Hans Jonas Center, which aims to deepen the study of the works of Hans Jonas, bringing together students, professors, and researchers in philosophy, bioethics, and related fields, with the objective of promoting synergies and establishing partnerships capable of keeping the Jonasian legacy alive, while continuing to take on the challenges proposed by their philosophy, by simultaneously taking the Brazilian context into account. The Hans Jonas Center is based at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, in Curitiba and is linked to the Graduate Program in Philosophy at the School of Education and Humanities at PUCPR.

The Center’s organization highlights the articulation of various HEIs involved in the project through its researchers at national and international levels, that are engaged in the publication, translation, and interpretation of the work of Hans Jonas and his interlocutors in four theoretical domains: gnosis, life, technique, and responsibility. It focuses on articulating the areas of ontology, ethics, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of technique, bioethics, and the history of religion, which comprise the central spectrum of Jonasian work, in an interdisciplinary manner.

Operating from these four thematic axes, the Hans Jonas Center aims to contribute toward:

1) The translation and publication of Hans Jonas’ work in Portuguese.

2) Ensuring the availability of original texts, letters, and manuscripts for researchers to consult.

3) The publication of works to disseminate, interpret, and comment on Jonas’ work.

4) Holding events to debate and deepen Jonasian philosophy and its different aspects.

5) Articulation with research bodies that maintain similar interests (Technical and Technology WG; NET).

6) Providing support for national and international research and exchange activities among students (master’s, doctorate, and post-doctorate levels) and other researchers.

7) Publication of a journal specialized in the thinking of Hans Jonas and/or the thematic axes of CHJ.

8) Creation and maintenance of the Hans Jonas Chair, with classes, seminars, and other academic activities carried out with the participation of Brazilian and foreign professors.

9) Creation and maintenance of a website to guarantee the promotion and circulation of works, and the dissemination of the activities of the institutions and researchers involved.


  • Anor Sganzerla (PUCPR)
  • Helder Buenos Aires de Carvalho (UFPI)
  • Jelson R. de Oliveira (PUCPR)
  • Lilian Simone Godoy Fonseca (UFMG)
  • Wellistonny Carvalho Viana (PNPD/UFPI)
  • Wendell Evangelista Soares Lopes (UFMG)


  • Angela Michelis (Università degli Studi di Torino)
  • Antonio José Romera Valverde (PUCSP)
  • Bartolomeu Leite da Silva (UFPB)
  • Eric Pommier (PUC Chile)
  • Flaviano Oliveira da Fonsêca (IFS)
  • Ivan Domingues (UFMG)
  • Marijane Lisboa (PUCSP)
  • Nathalie Frogneux (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
  • Regenaldo Costa (UFC)
  • Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo (PUCPR )
  • Robinson dos Santos (UFPel)


  • Adaiana Pinto Orcheski (Unioeste)
  • Francisco Vale Lima (UFPI)
  • Geovani Moretto (PUCPR)
  • João Batista Farias Jr (UFPI)
  • José Erivaldo da Ponte Prado (UECE)
  • Michelle Bobsin Duarte (PUC Rio)
  • Paulo Sérgio Guimarães (PUCPR)
  • Priscilla Cavalcante Normando (UnB)
  • Raimunda Diva Ribeiro Vasconcelos (PUCSP)
  • Rita de Cassia Falleiro Salgado (PUCPR)
  • Roberta Nazario (UFPE)
  • Sarah da Conceição Oliveira de Moura (UFRJ)
  • Valdir Gonzalez Paixão Júnior (UNESP)
  • Thiago Vasconcelos (PUCPR)


Hans Jonas Zentrum (Berlin)

  • Graduate Program in Philosophy – Federal University of Piauí
  • Graduate Program in Philosophy – Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná
  • PPGB – Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná
  • NET – Technical Studies Center (PUCPR)
  • Graduate Studies Program – Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná
  • Graduate Program in Technology and Society – Federal Technological University of Paraná
  • Institut supérieur de philosophie – Université catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve

Please provide a designation for this individual.


Alexandre Guilherme Barroso de Matos Franco de Sá

Alexandre holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Coimbra, Portugal (2007). He studied at the Portuguese Catholic University, University of Lisbon, and the Albert Ludwig University, in Freiburg, Breisgau (Germany). As a Pro-fessor at the University of Coimbra, he taught several undergraduate and graduate programs and held seminars in Philosophy and European Studies, while also collaborating with the Graduate Program in Classical Studies at the University. He is a member of the Martin Heidegger-Gesellschaft, Carl Schmitt-Gesellschaft, and the Portuguese Association of Phenomenological Philoso-phy, of which he was the Vice-President. He has translated the works of au-thors like Fichte, Heidegger, Carl Schmitt, and Ernst Jünger (for which he won his first “Latin Union” translation prize in 2004). He has developed and pub-lished works in several areas of Philosophy, from ancient to Contemporary Philosophy, with a special focus on political philosophy. In this context, he has mainly researched topics such as political theology, sovereignty theory, and human rights.
Main publications:
Books and articles:
1) Poder, direito e ordem: ensaios sobre Carl Schmitt. 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Via Verita, 2012. v. 1. 269p.
2) O poder pelo poder: ficção e ordem no combate de Carl Schmitt em torno do poder. 1. ed. Lisboa: The Centre for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon, 2009. v. 1. 703p.
3) The Event of Order in Carl Schmitt's Thought and the Weight of Circum-stances. Telos (New York, N.Y.) , v. 147, p. 14-33, 2009.

Bortolo Valle

About the professor:
Text not provided
BORTOLO VALLE Bortolo Valle has a degree in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Specialization in Philosophy of Education and in Didactics of Higher Education, both from PUCPR. Master in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo and a PhD in Communication and Semiotics from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo). He is currently professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná - PUCPR, at the Vincentian Faculty of Philosophy - FAVI and at the Centro Universitário Curitiba - UNICURITIBA. He has worked with the disciplines of Philosophy and Law, Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Philosophy of Language. His research in development are centered on Wittgenstein's thinking, more specifically on the question of "ineffable", as well as on the theme of aesthetics in the author. He also develops research projects on the issue of the body in Edith Stein, the mystical in Simone Weil, the theme of exile in Maria Zambrano and the philosophy of science of Karl Popper. E-mail: [email protected]
Main publications:
Books and articles:
1) Simone Weil: o sofrimento como pathos da Filosofia. REVISTA DE FI-LOSOFIA: AURORA, v. 31, p. 574-603, 2019
2) Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Cientificidade da Psicologia. Diálogos, v. 4, p. 53-69, 2019.
3) Wittgenstein A forma do silêncio e a forma da palavra. 1. ed. Curitiba: Champagnat, 2003. v. 01. 127p

César Candiotto

César is a recipient of the CNPq Productivity Scholarship. He is a post-doc scholar at the Institut d'études Politiques de Paris (SciencesPo). He holds a PhD in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2005) and completed his doctorate internship at Université Paris Est-Créteil and at Center Michel Foucault (2004). He holds a master’s degree in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (2000), and a teaching degree in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (1991), in addition to a bachelor’s degree in Theology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (1997). César is Coordinator and Professor in the Master/Doctorate pro-gram in Philosophy and in the master’s program in Human Rights and Public Policies, both at PUCPR. He is the author of the book "Foucault and the Cri-tique of Truth" (second edition revised in 2013). He also edited volumes such as "Mind, cognition, language" (Champagnat, 2008), "Ethics: Approaches and perspectives" (second edition revised and expanded in 2011) and co-edited "Foucault and Christianity" (Authentic 2012). He has experience in the field of Contemporary Philosophy, with publications in sub-areas such as Ethics, Polit-ical Philosophy, and Human Rights. He mainly works on Ethics, Politics, Sub-jectivity, Biopolitics, Governmentality, Human Rights, and Resistance.
Main Publications:
1) A dignidade da luta política: incursões pela filosofia de Michel Foucault. Caxias do Sul, RS: EDUCS, 2020, 221p.
2) Foucault e a crítica da verdade. 2. ed. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica Editora, 2013. v. 1. 176p.
3) La solidarité et la sécurité. In: Ángel Puyol; Jordi Riba; Patrice Vermeren. (Org.). Un Nouveau Regard sur la Solidarité?. 1ed.Paris: L'Harmattan, 2020, v. 1, p. 37-51.
4) Le néolibéralisme américain et l´ambigüité de l’homo oeconomicus chez Michel Foucault. CAHIERS CRITIQUES DE PHILOSOPHIE, v. 18, pp. 93-108, 2017.
5) Subjection Subjectivation and migration: Reconfigurations of biopolitical governmentality, Kriterion, 61 (146), pp. 319-338, 2020.

Eduardo Ribeiro da Fonseca

Eduardo holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of São Paulo (USP). He is currently a Professor of Aesthetics in the Philosophy program and con-ducts research in the field of Philosophy of Psychoanalysis, studying psycho-analytical assumptions and their dialogue with Philosophy, according to the general project of the line of research and with his specific project, called “Metapsychology, Metaphysics, and Science,” in which he studies Kant, Freud, Lacan, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Darwin, and Lamarck. He is a professor of the Humanistic Axis, teaching Ethics and Philosophy. He is a writer and trans-lator and was awarded two Jabuti awards, one as an author (2013) and the other as a translator by Schopenhauer (2015).
Main Publications:
1) PSIQUISMO E VIDA: Sobre a noção de Trieb nas obras de Freud, Schopenhauer e Nietzsche. 1. ed. Curitiba: Editora UFPR, 2012. v. 1. 383p. (Book).
2) Nietzsche e o caso Darwin. Cadernos Nietzsche, v. 41, p. 191-208, 2020 (Article).
3) Sade e Schopenhauer: matéria e metafísica. NATUREZA HUMANA (ONLINE), v. 21, p. 83-101, 2019.

Eládio Constantino Craia Pablo

Eládio holds a PhD in Philosophy from UNICAMP. He works in the field of Epistemology and Ontologie. He is engaged in research on Project "Truth and Method", through a study titled "The ontological and epistemological status of the Tech-nique in Heidegger and Deleuze," and on the "Subjectivity and Knowledge" Project, through a study titled "The ontological singularity of the notions of Dif-ference and virtual in Deleuze." He studies the works of Fou-cault, Deleuze, Derrida, and Heidegger. He has a special interest in discus-sions on the issue of technique and contemporary ontological problems.

Main Publications:
1) Heidegger and the technique: about a possible limit , Revista de Filoso-fia Aurora, v.25, n.36, 2013.
2) La técnica entre dos ontologías Quadranti –Rivista Internazional e di Fi-losofia Contemporanea, V. IV, nº 1-2, 2016
3) Gilles Deleuze e a questão da Técnica, Dois Pontos, v. 8, n. 2 (2011)
4) La racionalidad tecnológica a partir de la ontología de lo técnico en Si-mondon, Pensando, 2020.
5) Gilles Deleuze e o pensamento sobre a técnica - In: FILOSOFIA DA TECNOLOGIA: Seus autores e seus problemas, EDUCS, 2020.

Ericson Sávio Falabretti

Ericson holds a PhD in Philosophy from UFSCar, and develops research in the fields of Ethics and Epistemology. In the ethics line of research, as a part of a project on Political Liberalism and its Critics, his works are organized around that of Rousseau and the political thought developed in the 17th and 18th cen-turies. In the Epistemology line of research, which is linked to the Subjectivity and Knowledge Project, his work mainly includes a focus on Merleau-Ponty and is aimed at exploring the topics of behavior, consciousness, body, space, and structure.
Main Publications:

1) Violência e história: o Lebenswelt da política. TEOLITERÁRIA: REVIS-TA BRASILEIRA DE LITERATURAS E TEOLOGIAS, v. 10, p. 13-35, 2020.
2) Liberdade e democracia em conflito. REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA: AURO-RA, v. 32, p. 886-908, 2020.
3) A linguística de Rousseau: A estrutura aberta e potência criadora da linguagem. ANALYTICA (UFRJ), v. 15, p. 147-198, 2011.
4) Merleau-Ponty: o sentido e o uso da noção de estrutura. Dois Pontos (UFPR), v. 5, p. 153-192, 2008.

Fabiano Incerti

Graduated in Philosophy and History at the State University of Western Paraná (1998), master's degree in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (2007), doctorate in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2013) and post-doctorate in Social Sciences from the Univer-sidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). He is currently a Professor in the Graduate Pro-gram in Philosophy and Director of the Science and Faith Institute of the Pontif-ical Catholic University of Paraná. He has experience in philosophy, especial-ly with the following themes and authors: modern and contemporary philoso-phy, critical diagnoses of contemporaneity, Greek tragedy, dialogue between science, culture, faith, mysticism, and spirituality; Michel Foucault, Pierre Hadot, Baudelaire, Roland Barthes. He is the author of articles and books on these subjects.
Main publications:
1) O NASCIMENTO DO INQUÉRITO NA TRAGÉDIA DE "ÉDIPO-REI": UMA LEITURA FOUCAULTIANA. Kriterion [online]. 2016, vol.57, n.134, pp.545-564.
2) DA TRANSGRESSÃO À PUREZA: SABER, PODER E POLÍTICA NO ÉDIPO DE FOUCAULT. Univ. philos. [online]. 2019, vol.36, n.72, pp.305-327.
3) FOUCAULT E AS DRAMATURGIAS DE ÉDIPO-REI. Rev. Filos., Aurora, Curitiba, v. 31, n. 52, p. 141-166, jan./abr. 2019.
4) UMA BREVE REFLEXÃO SOBRE O DIREITO À PREGUIÇA. Conjectu-ra: Filos. Educ., Caxias do Sul, RS, v. 25, e020034, 2020.

Federico Ferraguto

Federico holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Rome “Tor Verga-ta,” and a post-doctorate from the University of Rome “Sapienza,” the Universi-ty of Parma, and the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), as part of the PNPD-CAPES Program. He is a visiting professor at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (theoretical philosophy). In addition to research on JG Fichte’s doctrine of scientific knowledge, he engaged with the critical edition of K. L. Reinhold’s works in collaboration with the University of Bern, which was pub-lished Schwabe. He develops research on the theory of instinctive life in Fichte and Husserl, on the methodology of historical-philosophical research (Konstelltionsforschung) and neo-Kantism (E. Lask). A German and French translator, he is currently working on the books of Wilhelm Schmid and the Es-says by Montaigne (Fazi Editore, Roma) in Italian.
Main Publications:
1) Filosofare prima della filosofia. Olms, 2010.
2) Philosophy of Art and Art of Philosophy. Art, Language and Religion in Fichte and Schelling (1807-1812). Kriterion
3) Reflection on the nature and the problem of application: Between ra-tional real-ism and transcendental philosophy (1799-1801). Dois Pon-tos.
4) The Truth beyond the Ground. Reinhold’rational realism. Cadernos de filosofia alemã, 2020.
5) Rhythmus and Setzen Fichte’s Answer to Rational Realism. In: Imhof Silvan; Bondeli Martin. (Eds.). Fichte and Reinhold in Confrontation. 1ed.Berlin\Boston: De Gruyter, 2020

Francisco Verardi Bocca

Francisco holds a PhD in Philosophy from UNICAMP (2001) and a Bachelor and Teaching Degree in Philosophy from UNICAMP (1997 ). He graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (1985), and holds a master’s degree in Philosophy from the State University of Campinas (1994). He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Pontifical Cath-olic University of Paraná. Francisco has extensive experience in the field of Philosophy, with an emphasis on Ethics. He engages mainly on Psychoanaly-sis, Materialism, and Evolutionism.
Main Publications:
1) From natural laws to enthusiasm for the Republic. Revista Studia Kantiana, V. 15, 2017.
2) Principle of pleasure as regulator of a declining civilization. Revista Trans-formação, V. 42, 2019.
3) Freud, materialist-mechanist to the ultimate consequences. Revista Latino-americana de Psicopatologia Fundamental. V. 23, 2020.
4) Nietzsche and the Darwin case. Cadernos Nietzsche. V. 41, 2020.
5) Ontology without mirrors. Essay on reality. Éditeur L`Harmattan. Par-is, 2019

Jelson Roberto de Oliveira

Jelson is a Professor at the Graduate Program in Philosophy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná. He holds a bachelor’s in Philosophy from the Federal University of Paraná (1999), and a specialization in Political Sociology and a master's degree in History of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy from the same university (2004). He has a Doctorate in Philosophy from the Federal University of São Carlos, following his research on Friendship in Nie-tzsche. He was the coordinator of the Philosophy Degree program (2009-2011) and the Graduate Program, both master’s and doctorate levels (2012-2013) at PUCPR, where he was the Director of the Undergraduate programs (2014-2015). He is currently a member of the Hans Jonas Research Group at CNPq, of ANPOF (National Association of Graduate Studies in Philosophy). He has experience in the field of Philosophy, with an emphasis on Ethics and History of Contemporary Philosophy. He focuses mainly on ethics, morals, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, and Hans Jonas.
Main Publications:

1) Negação e Poder: do desafio do niilismo ao perigo da tecnologia. 1. ed. Caxias do Sul: Editora da Universidade de Caxias do Sul, 2018. 496p.
2) La valeur de la vie: entre Nietzsche et Hans Jonas. Revue Philosophique de Louvain (Imprimé), v. 117, p. 251-271, 2019.
3) Filosofia da tecnologia: seus problemas e seus autores. 1. ed. Caxias do Sul: EDUCS - Editora da Universidade de Caxias do Sul, 2020. v. 1. 340p.
4) Vocabulário Hans Jonas. 1. ed. Caxias do Sul: EDUSC - Editora da Uni-versidade de Caxias do Sul, 2019. v. 1000. 260p.

Kleber Candiotto

Kleber holds a PhD in Philosophy from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar). He is a collaborating professor at the Graduate Program in Philoso-phy at PUCPR. Associated with the Epistemology line of research, he has an individual research project titled "Investigation of internalism and externalism on the mind: the problem of intentionality and mental representation." His re-search focuses on authors such as J. R. Searle, J. A. Fodor, and D. C. Dennett, among others that are linked to Philosophy of the Mind and Cognitive Scienc-es.
Main publications:
1) Fundamentos Epistemológicos da Teoria Modular de Mente de Jerry A. Fodor. Trans/Form/Ação, v. 31, p. 2, 2009.
2) Artefatos biológicos artificiais: do modelo imitativo de inteligência artifi-cial ao advento de organismos vivos programados. Revista de Filosofia Aurora, v. 32, p. 92-111, 2020.
3) Limites da Teoria Computacional da Mente: Divergências com a Psico-logia Evolucionista. In: Juliano Santos do Carmo, Robinson dos Santos. (Org.). Ética, linguagem e antropologia: perspectivas modernas e con-temporâneas. 1ed.Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2012, v. 1, p. 181-202.
4) Ciência básica e ciência especial: uma discussão sobre as leis causais psicológicas de Jerry Fodor, Episteme NS, v. 31, p. 19-39, 2011.

Léo Peruzzo Júnior

Graduated in Philosophy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR), Master in Philosophy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR) and PhD in Philosophy at Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Post Doctorate (Visiting Scholar) at Ca´ Foscari University, Venezia. Editor-in-chief of the Aurora Journal of Philosophy. Her research focuses on the area of Contemporary Philosophy, especially in Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Law. Research Topics: Language, Cognition, Realism/Anti-Realism, Metaethics. Email: [email protected]
Main publications:

1) PERUZZO JÚNIOR, LÉO; CANDIOTTO, Laura (Org.) . Cognição, Lin-guagem e Realidade. 1. ed. Curitiba: CRV, 2020. v. 2000. 186p 2.
2) O Futuro da Filosofia. 1. ed. Curitiba: CRV, 2019. v. 1000. 168p.
3) PERUZZO JÚNIOR, L.; Valle, B. (Org.) ; MARTÍNEZ, Horácio Lu-jan (Org.) . Wittgenstein: Perspectivas (2ª Ed.). 2. ed. Curitiba: CRV, 2020. v. 500. 174p.
4) Filosofia da Linguagem (2ª Ed.). 2. ed. CURITIBA: PUCPRess, 2020. v. 1000.

Oswaldo Giacoia Jr

Oswaldo is a professor at the Philosophy Department at UNICAMP since 2013. He became a professor at the Graduate Program in Philosophy at PUCPR in 2020. He graduated in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic Uni-versity of São Paulo (1976) and in Law from the Law School of the University of São Paulo (1976). He has a master’s degree in Philosophy from the Pontifi-cal Catholic University of São Paulo (1983) and a Doctorate in Philosophy from Freie Universität Berlin (1988). He has a post-doctorate from Freie Uni-versität Berlin (93-94), Vienna (97-98), and Lecce (2005-2006). His research focuses on Modern and Contemporary Philosophy, with an emphasis on the History of Philosophy, Ethics, and Philosophy of Law. He deals with topics such as: the theory of culture, pure and applied ethics, Philosophy of Law, so-cial philosophy, politics and history, and classical French and German philos-ophy especially with the works of Augusto Comte, Arthur Schopenhauer, and Friedrich Nietzsche.
Main Publications:
1) Agamben: Para uma Ética da Vergonha e do Resto. São Paulo: N-1, 2018.
2) Política. Nós também (não) sabemos fazer. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2018.
3) Heidegger Urgente. São Paulo: Três Estrelas, 2013.
4) Nietzsche: O Humano como Memória e como Promessa. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2013.


Graduated (laurea vecchio ordinamento) in Philosophy at the University of To-rino (1997). He obtained the “Diploma di studi superiori in Scienze della cultu-ra” at the Fondazione Collegio San Carlo in Modena (2005). PhD in Philoso-phy at the University of Torino (2011). Research Fellow in Political Philosophy at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa (2010-2015). Post-doc at the Uni-versité catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve (2015-2018). Area of specialisation: contemporary philosophy, with an emphasis on philosophy of biology, ontolo-gy, and ethics (esp. Hans Jonas). He carried out research on the following top-ics: social philosophy, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of technology, philosophy of religion, interculturality, philosophy of education, philosophical practices.
Main Publications:
1) La rivoluzione ontologica di Hans Jonas. Uno studio sulla genesi e il significato di «Organismo e libertà». 1. ed. Udine-Milano: Mimesis, 2009. 432p.
2) Hans Jonas and Vasily Grossman: Reflections on the Human Condition after Auschwitz. ETHICS IN PROGRESS, v. 5, p. 215-245, 2014.
3) Hans Jonas, Gnosticism and Modern Nihilism, and Ludwig von Ber-talanffy. Philosophy & Social Criticism, v. 38, p. 289-311, 2012.
4) The Vulnerability of Life in the Philosophy of Hans Jonas. Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice. 1ed.: Springer Internati-onal Publishing, 2016, p. 81-120.

Email: [email protected]


Dissertation Seminar I and II

Dissertation Workshop I and II
Description: The Dissertation workshop aims to improve the theoretical and methodological elements of the Research Project (Research Problem, Hypothesis and Objectives), as well as discussing research techniques in the production of philosophical texts. It also aims to accompany the progressive development of academic work and the theoretical underpinning of research at postgraduate level. The aims of the course are: 1. to present a critical analysis of a dissertation project. 2. to discuss methodological elements in the formatting of a research project. 3. to improve the delimitation of research and the instruments of research methodology in Philosophy. The course is structured in two stages: the first is dedicated to the individual monitoring of the Project – the student must schedule a meeting with the teacher throughout the semester; the second stage is participation in the three face-to-face meetings on the dates previously scheduled in the timetable – the student must present their new results preserving the marking of the text.

COSSUTA, Fréderic. Elementos para a leitura dos textos filosóficos. São Paulo:
Martins Fontes, 1994.
FOLSCHEID, D.; & WUNENBURGER, J.-J. Metodologia filosófica. São Paulo:
Martins Fontes, 1997.

Independentes Studies

Independent Studies
Estudos Independentes relacionados ao projeto de pesquisa com o objetivo de levar ao aluno ao amadurecimento para o debate acadêmico.
Desenvolvimento de atividades de pesquisa relativas ao tema de sua dissertação e com o acompanhamento do professor orientador, cujos resultados são levados a público fora da PUCPR, em eventos ou por meio de publicações da área. Comprovar a publicação, aprovação ou submissão de, no mínimo, 01 (um) artigo em revista ranqueada em ou 01 (um) capítulo de livro, no caso de mestrando(a) e, no caso de doutorando(a), publicação ou termo de aceite para publicação de, no mínimo, 02 (dois) artigos em revistas ranqueadas ou 02 (dois) capítulos de livro. A publicação em conjunto com o(a) orientador(a) satisfaz este critério.

Bibliography related to the research project

Project Seminar

Project Seminar
Syllabus: The nature of philosophical knowledge and the methodologies used to construct it. The figure of the philosopher and the identity of philosophical texts. The challenges of producing philosophical knowledge today and its structuring requirements. The philosophical research project and its developments: Problem and research problem; objectives and justification; theoretical foundation and bibliographical references.

1.To analyze the identity and modes of production of philosophical knowledge.
2.To identify and discuss the constituent elements of a research project in philosophy.
3.Prepare and present a research project in philosophy.

Thesis Seminar I (Doctorate)

Thesis Seminar I (Doctorate)
The course aims to supervise and guide methodological, structural and formal aspects in the writing of the first chapter of the doctoral thesis by students of the PPGF at PUC-PR.
In addition to autonomous work on the first chapter of the thesis, the course consists of 5 face-to-face meetings, 1 of which is to discuss any doubts and difficulties in writing the chapter and 2 meetings to discuss the results, prior to handing in the 2nd chapter to the course lecturers. The teacher will be available at the other meetings for individual and collective guidance on specific methodological issues.

Assessment: Delivery of the first chapter as planned in the research project approved by the previous seminars.

Thesis Seminar II (Doctorate)

Thesis Seminar II (Doctorate)
The course aims to supervise and guide methodological, structural and formal aspects in the writing of the second chapter of the doctoral thesis by students of the PPGF at PUC-PR.
In addition to autonomous work on the second chapter of the thesis, the course consists of 5 face-to-face meetings, 1 of which is to discuss any
doubts and difficulties in writing the chapter and 2 meetings to discuss the results, prior to handing in the 2nd chapter to the course lecturers. The teacher will be available at the other meetings for individual and collective guidance on specific methodological issues.

Assessment: Delivery of the second chapter as planned in the research project approved by the previous seminars.

Topics of Contemporary Philosophy

Topics of Contemporary Philosophy
This class aims to explore the theme of hospitality from a philosophical perspective from Greek Antiquity to the contributions of classical French philosophers such as MerleauPonty, Sartre and Foucault. Different conceptions of hospitality will be examined, taking into account the relationship between nature and society. Themes such as openness to the other, the relationship between the self and the other, the role of alterity in social construction, the ethics and politics of hospitality, colonial racism and hierarchical inclusion of black people in Brazil will be addressed.

References for section 1
BENVENISTE, Émile, Le Vocabulaire des institutions indo-européennes, Paris, Éditions
de Minuit, 1969, t.1.
BLOMART, Alain. Des dieux à l’image des citoyens. In: Antiquité et citoyenneté. Actes
du colloque international de Besançon (3-5 novembre 1999) Besançon: Institut des
Sciences et Techniques de l’Antiquité, 2002. pp. 325-339.
COULNGES, Fustel. A Cidade Antiga: estudos sobre o culto: o direito e as instituições
da Grécia Antiga e de Roma. São Pulo: Edipro, 2006.
DERRIDA, Jacques. Cosmopolitas de todos os países, mais um esforço. Coimbra:
Minerva, 2001.
GERNET, Louis. Anthropologie de la Grèce Antique. Paris: Flammarion, 2002.
GLOTZ, Gustave. Ancient Greece at Work: An Economic History of Greece From the
Homeric Period to the Roman Conquest. NEW YORK: Barnes & Noble, Inc, 1926.
HOMERO. Ilíada. São Paulo: Penguin Companhia, 2013.
________. Odisseia. São Paulo: Penguin Companhia, 2011.
KNOX, Bernard; EASTERLING, Patricia Elizabeth. The Cambridge history of classical
literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
KRISTEVA, Julia. Estrangeiros para nós mesmos. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 1994.
LONIS, Raoul. La Cité dans le Mond Grec: structures, fonctionnement, contradictions.
Paris: Éditions Nathan, 1994.
PAYOT, Daniel. À propos de l’hospitalité: institution et inconditionnalité. Appareil [En
ligne], 20 | 2018, mis en ligne le 26 octobre 2018.
SCHÉRER, René. Zeus hospitalier. Éloge de l’hospitaté. Paris: La Table Ronde, 2005.
SOPHOCLE. Œdipe Roi, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2007.
SPITZER, Philippe. Les Xénia, morceaux sacrés d’hospitalité. In: Revue des Études
Grecques, tome 106, fascicule 506-508, Juillet-décembre 1993. pp. 599-606.
VERNANT, Jean-Pierre; Naquet, Pierre-Vidal. Mito e tragédia na Grécia Antiga. São
Paulo: Perspectiva, 1999.

References for sections 2 and 3:
BONAN, R. Le Problème de L’intersubjectivé dans la Philosophie de Merleau-Ponty: la
dimension commune. Paris: L’ Harmattan, 2001. v. 1.
DESCARTES, R. Discurso do método; As paixões da alma; Meditações metafísicas;
Objeções e respostas. 5. ed. São Paulo: Nova Cultural, 1991. (Os Pensadores).
FALABRETTI, Ericson. A presença do outro: intersubjetividade no pensamento de
Descartes e de Merleau-ponty. Revista de filosofia: aurora, v. 22, p. 515, 2010.
HUSSERL, E. Méditations cartésiennes (Introduction a la Phénomenologie).
Paris: (Librairie Philosophique) J. Vrin, 1947.
KANT, I. Crítica da razão pura. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1985.
MERLEAU-PONTY, M. Fenomenologia da percepção. São Paulo: Martins Fontes,
MERLEAU-PONTY, M. A prosa do mundo. São Paulo: Cosac & Naify, 2002.
MERLEAU-PONTY, M. A estrutura do comportamento. São Paulo: Martins
Fontes, 2006
SARTRE, J-P. L’être et le neant: essai d’ontologie phénomenológique. Paris:
Gallimard, 2013. (Collection Tel).

References for the section 4:
CANDIOTTO, C. Candiotto, C. (2022). O governo biopolítico do migrante de
sobrevivência: uma leitura crítica da lógica do capital humano na era neoliberal.
TRANS/FORM/AÇÃO: Revista De Filosofia, 44(2), 87–106.
CANDIOTTO, C. Sujeição, subjetivação e migração: reconfigurações da
governamentalidade biopolítica. Revista Kriterion, [S. l.], v. 61, n. 146, 2020. Disponível
em: Acesso em: 30
jul. 2023.
FOUCAULT, Michel. Nascimento da biopolítica. Curso dado no Collège de France
(1978-1979). São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2008.
FOUCAULT, Michel Sécurité, territoire, population. Cours au Collège de France.
1973-1974, Paris, Gallimard-Le Seuil-EHESS, coll. « Hautes études », Paris 2003.
FOUCAULT, Michel. « Le problème des réfugiés est un présage de la grande migration
du XXIe siècle. Interview exclusive du philosophe français M. Foucault », in Dits et
écrits, Paris, Gallimard, coll. « Bibliothèque des sciences humaines », 1994, III, n° 271,
p. 798-780.
LE BLANC, Guillaume et Brugère, Fabienne. La Fin de l’hospitalité : Lampedusa,
Lesbos, Calais… jusqu’où irons-nous ? Paris, Flammarion, 2017.
BOUDOU, Benjamin. Politiques de l’hospitalité, Paris, CNRS éditions, 2017
REVEL, J. Ne pas faire vivre et laisser mourir. Revue Esprit, juil./août 2018. Disponível
Acesso em: 10 fev. 2020

References for the section 5
ESPOSITO, Roberto. Comunidad, inmunidad, biopolítica. Barcelona: Herder
Editorial, 2009.
FERNANDES, Florestan. A integração do negro na sociedade de classes. Vol. I. São
Paulo: Globo, 2008.
GALANTIN, Daniel. A dimensão literária da genealogia em Foucault. In: Kriterion.
N.143. Agosto de 2019, Belo Horizonte, pp.297-317.
GALANTIN, Daniel; RIBAS, Thiago F. Biopolitics and (in)security in Foucault:
elements for a diagnosis of the management of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. IN:
Revista Aurora. V.34, N.61, jan/abril 2022, Curitiba, pp.153-173.
MBEMBE, Achille. Crítica da razão negra. São Paulo: N-1 Edições, 2018.
SCHWARCZ, Lilia. O espetáculo das raças. São Paulo: Cia das Letras, 1993.
SEVCENKO, Nicolau. A revolta da vacina. São Paulo: Cosac&Naify, 2010.

Topics of Epistemology

Topics of epistemology
Epistemological foundations of cognitive science. Cognitivism and computational theory of mind. Representational theory of mind and its assumptions: the mind-body relation, the nature of mental representations, intentionality and evolutionary psychology. Embodied theory of mind and criticisms of representationalism. Ecological approach of mind and dynamical systems theory.

ANDLER, D. (org). Introdução às ciências cognitivas. São Leopoldo : Ed. Unisinos,
CALVO, P. & GOMILA, A. (Eds.), Handbook of Cognitive Science: An Embodied
Approach. Oxford: Elsevier, 2008.
CHEMERO, A. Radical Embodied Cognitive Science. Massachussetes: MIT Press,
CHURCHLAND, P. M. Matéria e consciência: uma introdução contemporânea à
filosofia da mente. São Paulo : Editora UNESP, 2004.
CLARK, A. An embodied cognitive science? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 3, 345-351,
CLARK, A. Natural-born cyborgs: Minds, technologies, and the future of human
intelligence. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.
CLARK, A. Supersizing the mind: embodiment, action, and cognitive extension. New
York: Oxford University Press, 2011.
CLARK, A. Surfing uncertainty: prediction, action, and the embodied mind. New York:
Oxford University Press, 2016.
DARWIN, C. A Origem das Espécies e a seleção natural. São Paulo: Madras, 2004.
DENNETT, D. A Perigosa Idéia de Darwin. Rio de Janeiro : Rocco, 1998.
DENNETT, D. Brainstorms: ensaios filosóficos sobre a mente e a psicologia. São Paulo
: Editora UNESP, 2006.
DENNETT, D. Tipos de Mente. Rio de Janeiro : Rocco, 1997.
FODOR, J. A. A theory of Content and Other Essays. Cambridge Massachusetts: The
MIT Press, 1990.
FODOR, J. A. The Language of Thought. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University
Press, 1975
FODOR, J. A. The Modularity of Mind. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press,
FODOR, J. A. The Mind Doesn’t Work That Way: The Scope and Limits of Computational
Psychology. Cambridge, Massaschusetts: The MIT Press, 2001.
HASELAGER, W.F.G. (2004). O mal estar do representacionismo: sete dores de cabeça
da Ciência Cognitiva. Em: A. Ferreira, M.E.Q. Gonzalez e Coelho, J.G. (Eds.).
Encontros com as Ciências Cognitivas, v. 4. (pp. 105-120). São Paulo: Coleção Estudos
KELSO, J. A. S. Dynamic Patterns: The Self-organization of Brain and Behavior. MIT
Press, 1995.
PINKER, S. Como a Mente Funciona. São Paulo : Companhia das Letras, 1998.
PINKER, S. Tabula Rasa: a negação contemporânea da natureza humana. São Paulo :
Companhia das Letras, 2004.
SEARLE, John R.; DENNETT, Daniel Clement; CHALMERS, David John. O mistério
da consciência. Tradução: André Yuji Pinheiro Uema e Vladimir Safatle. São Paulo: Paz
e Terra, 1998a.
SEARLE, John R. A Redescoberta da Mente. Tradução: Eduardo Pereira e Ferreira. São
Paulo : Martins Fontes, 1997.
SEARLE, John R. Intencionalidade. Tradução: Julio Fischer e Tomás Rosa Bueno. São
Paulo : Martins Fontes, 1995.

Topics of Ethics

Topics of Ethics
Since at least the invention of writing, education has been attributed the task of transmitting and consolidating knowledge. Education has thus become an institution, playing a fundamental social and political role. Throughout history, the meaning of the educational task has changed significantly and has always been accompanied by philosophical reflection, whose role has been to clarify education’s foundations and objectives. After a brief historical-philosophical analysis of these semantic changes from antiquity to contemporaneity, the course will focus on the development of “democratic education” (from Rousseau, Diderot and Kant to Dewey, Arendt, Freire, Lipman, Sharp, Nussbaum, Ingold, and Biesta, among others). This perspective is characterised by a normative view of human relations, which evidences a  twofold aspect: Democracy sets and assigns to both citizens and educators specific “educational duties”, while on a more general level, it is a social strive for the better, and therefore evidences a “progressive” pretension. The aim of the course is to carry out a critical enquiry into the concepts of “educational duties”, “progress”, “better”, “future”, which are central to today’s political and educational debate, and to the related environmental challenges.


ARENDT, H. Responsabilidade e julgamento. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2004.
ARENDT, H. Entre passado e futuro. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2007.
BENHABIB, S. Situating the Self. Gender, Community and Postmodernism in
Contemporary Ethics. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1992.
BENNETT, J. The Ecological Transition. New York: Pergamon Press, 1976.
BIESTA, G. Have we been paying attention? Educational anaesthetics in a time of
crises, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 2020a, DOI:
BIESTA, G. The three gifts of teaching: Towards a non-egological future for moral
education. Journal of Moral Education, 2020b.
BIESTA, G. World-Centred Education. A View for the Present. New York-London:
Routledge, 2022.
BLEAZBY, J. et al. Responding to climate change “controversy” in schools: philosophy
for children, place-responsive pedagogies & critical indigenous pedagogy.
Educational Philosophy and Theory, 2022,
BLEAZBY, J. et al. Teaching about climate change in the midst of ecological crisis:
Responsibilities, challenges, and possibilities. Educational Philosophy and Theory,
BOULDING, K. The Meaning of the Twentieth Century. The Great Transition. New
York: Harper, 1964.
Todos os materiais bibliográficos serão disponibilizados ao longo da disciplina.
BURGH, G.; THORNTON, S. Teaching Democracy in an Age of Uncertainty. PlaceResponsive Learning. Abingdon-New York: Routledge, 2022.
CASSIDY, C. The Present and Future of Doing Philosophy with Children: Practical
Philosophy and Addressing Children and Young People’s Status in a Complex World.
Childhood & Philosophy 19, 2023,
COMÊNIO, I. A. Didáctica magna, 1621-1657,
DEWEY, J. Democracia e educação. São Paulo: ed. Nacional, 1979.
DIDEROT, D. Plano de uma universidade. Em Id., Obras I: Filosofia e política. São
Paulo: Editora Perspectiva, 2000.
FABRE, M. L’éducation au politique. Les problèmes pernicieux. Londres: ISTE
Éditions, 2022.
FRANZINI TIBALDEO, R.; LINGUA, G. (orgs.). Philosophy and Community
Practices. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2018.
FRANZINI TIBALDEO, R. Matthew Lipman and Ann Sharp: Philosophy for
Children’s Educational Revolution. Cham: Springer, 2023.
FREIRE, P. Pedagogia do oprimido. Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo: Paz & Terra, 2020.
GREGORY, M.; LAVERTY, M. (orgs.). In Community of Inquiry with Ann Margaret
Sharp. Abingdon-New York: Routledge, 2018.
HAGÈGE, H. Education for Responsibility. Hoboken: Wiley, 2019.
HÖSLE, V. Filosofia da crise ecológica. São Paulo: Liber Ars, 2019.
INGOLD, T. The Perception of the Environment: Essays in Livelihood, Dwelling and
Skill. London: Routledge, 2000.
INGOLD, T. Correspondences. New York: Polity Press, 2021.
INGOLD, T. On not knowing and paying attention: How to walk in a possible world.
Irish Journal of Sociology, 31, 1, p. 20-36, 2023.
JONAS, Hans. O princípio responsabilidade: ensaio de uma ética para a civilização
tecnológica. Rio de Janeiro: Contraponto, 2006.
JONAS, H. Técnica, medicina e ética. São Paulo: Paulus, 2013.
KANT, I. Resposta à pergunta: “O que é o Esclarecimento?”, 1783,
KITCHER, P. The Main Enterprise of the World: Rethinking Education. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2022.
LEVITAS, R. Utopia as Method. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
LIPMAN, M. A filosofia vai à escola. São Paulo: Summus, 1990.
LIPMAN, M. Thinking in Education. Segunda edicão. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2003.
LIPMAN, M. A Life Teaching Thinking. Montclair: IAPC, 2008.
MONTAIGNE, M. Os ensaios (1588). São Paulo: Companhia das Letras-Penguin,
NUSSBAUM, M. Sem fins lucrativos. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2015.
ONU. Our Common Future (Brundtland Report). Oxford: Oxford University Press,
PLATÃO. A República. Belém: EDUFPA, 2000.
RASKIN, P. et al. Great Transition. The Promise and Lure of the Times Ahead. Boston:
Stockholm Environment Institute, 2002.
ROUSSEAU, J.-J. Emílio; ou, Da educação. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 1995.
SCHÖN, D. The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action. New York:
Basic Books, 1983.
SCHÖN, D. Educating the Reflective Practitioner: Toward a New Design for Teaching
and Learning in the Professions. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1987.
SHARP, A. M. What is a ‘Community of Inquiry’? Journal of Moral Education 16, 1, p.
37-45, 1987.
SHARP, A. M. The Role of Intelligent Sympathy in Educating for Global
Consciousness. In M. R. Gregory; M. J. Laverty (eds.), In Community of Inquiry with
Ann Margaret Sharp, p. 230-240. Abingdon-New York: Routledge, 2018.
THORNTON, S. Eco-Rational Education. An Educational Response to Environmental
Crisis. Abingdon-London: Routledge, 2024.
TRONTO, J. Caring Democracy: Markets, Equality, and Justice. New York: NYU Press,
UNESCO. Philosophy. A School of Freedom. Paris: Unesco, 2007.
VIVEIROS DE CASTRO, E. Metafísicas canibais. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2015.

Tópics of History of Philosophy

Tópics of History of Philosophy
In this class we intend to offer a study of Freud’s philosophy of psychoanalysis from the point of view of the philosophy of history, using the works of Kant, Schopenhauer and Darwin as a counterpoint. Some of the most relevant aspects of a philosophical confrontation between the perspectives on History of these authors are those that question the scope of the concept of history, the possibility of the moral progress of Humanity, and also on issues linked to memory and genealogy, as well as on the recurrence of the past, variation and evolution.

Kants Works
All quotations from Kant correspond to the form adopted by the AkademieAusgabe and
accepted as standard by the Brazilian Kant Society. AA Akademie Ausgabe
Anth Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht (AA 07) Antropologia em sentido
EaD Das Ende aller Dinge (AA 08) – O fim de todas as coisas
EEKU Erste Einleitung in die Kritik der Urteilskraft (AA 20) – Primeira introdução à
Crítica da faculdade do juízo
FM Welches sind die wirklichen Fortschritte, die die Metaphysik seit Leibnizens und
Wolff’s Zeiten in Deutschland gemacht hat? (AA 20) – Quais são os verdadeiros
progressos que a metafísica realizou na Alemanha desde a época de Leibniz e Wollf
GMS Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten (AA 04) – Fundamentação da metafísica
dos costumes
IaG Idee zu einer allgemeinen Geschichte in weltbürgerlicher Absicht (AA 08) – Ideia de
uma história universal com uma intenção cosmopolita
KrV Kritik der reinen Vernunft (Originalpaginierung A/B) – Crítica da razão pura
(paginação original A/B)
KU Kritik der Urteilskraft (AA 05) Crítica da faculdade do juízo
KpV Kritik der praktischen Vernunft (AA 05) – Crítica da razão prática
MAM Mutmaßlicher Anfang der Menschheitsgeschichte (AA 08) – Início conjectural da
história humana
MS Die Metaphysik der Sitten (AA 06) – Metafísica dos costumes
Pädagogik (AA 09) – Pedagogia
Recensionen von J. G. Herders Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menscheit (AA
08) – Recensões às Ideias para uma filosofia da história da humanidade de J.G. Herder
ÜGTP Über den Gebrauch teleologischer Principien in der Philosophie (AA 08) – Sobre
o uso de princípios teleológicos na filosofia
WA Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung? (AA 08) – Resposta à pergunta: que
é esclarecimento?
WDO Was heißt sich im Denken orientiren? (AA 08) – O que significa orientar-se no
ZeF Zum ewigen Frieden (AA 08) – À paz perpétua
Schopenhauer´s Works
O Mundo como Vontade e Representação – Tomo I
O Mundo como Vontade e Representação – Tomo II
Parerga e Paralipomena – I e II
Obras de Darwin
Darwin´s Works
A origem das espécies
A expressão das emoções nos homens e animais
Obras de Freud
Freud´s Works
Totem e Tabu
Moisés e o Monoteísmo

Topics of Ontology

Topics of Ontology
The class aims to deepen the relationship between the project of a transcendental philosophy as a rigorous science, as formulated by Edmund Husserl in the Cartesian Meditations (1931) and the demand for a radical critique of philosophy from its material conditions, as proposed in Pierre Bourdieu’s Pascalian Meditations (1997), in order to determine the impact of the critique that the French philosopher and sociologist formulates for Husserlian transcendental phenomenology. The proposed approach aims to determine how the pre-conscious dimension conditions the theoretical performances of subjectivity by problematizing the concept of habitus, which in the context of both transcendental phenomenology and Bourdieu’s dispositional theory can be understood as an expression of forms of competence, schemes of practical understanding and preferences that make action possible and meaningful, in both the practical and cognitive senses. The habitus reflects the actor’s social location (society, era, generation, gender, class, etc.), situating them in a socio-culturally evolving world, without dissolving them in it. From a historical point of view, Bourdieu’s critique, which explicitly echoes the Husserlian writing of 1931, presents an opportunity to reflect on the ways in which contemporary discussion re-elaborates and receives two philosophical styles that dominated the modern era, and yet which are still divergent: the Cartesian, based on the affirmation of the self-transparency of reason, and the Pascalian, in which reason remains the property of an individual who is open to the infinite, who has no capacity to dominate, who is aware of the impossibility of dominating “orders” other than the one to which he belongs, and who is constantly exposed to the unpredictability of concreteness. The course therefore aims to delve into a fundamental moment in the historical and theoretical development of modern and contemporary discussion and to problematize the development of transcendental philosophy with regard to three fundamental binomials that characterize it:
(a) instinct and freedom
b) consciousness and being
c) the individual and society.

Bourdieu, P. (2001). Meditações pascalianas. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil.
Husserl, E. (2001). Meditações cartesianas. São Paulo: Madras.
Descartes, R. (2018). Discurso sobre o método. Voszes: Petropolis.
Descartes, R. (2004). Meditações sobre filosofia primeira. Editora da Unicamp:
Pascal, B. (2005). Pensees. Hackett: Indianapolis.
Leibniz, G.W. (1974). Textos escolhidos. São Paulo: Abril Cultural.
Aboulafia, M. (1999). ‘A (Neo) American in Paris: Bourdieu, Mead, and Pragmatism’, in
R. Shusterman (ed.) Bourdieu: A Critical Reader. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Alexander, J. (1995). Fin de Siècle Social Theory: Relativism, Reduction and the Problem
of Reason. London: Verso.
Barone, F. (1964). Logica formale e trascendentale, I: Da Leibniz a Kant. Torino:
Edizioni di Filosofia.
Berger, Peter L. and Thomas Luckmann (1966). The Social Construction of Reality: A
Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge. New York: Doubleday.
Bernet, R. (2004). Conscience et existence. Paris: PUF.
Bourdieu, P. (1980). Le sens pratique. Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit.
Bourdieu, Pierre (1990). The Logic of Practice. Stanford, CA: Stanford University
Bourdieu, P. (1983). “Esboço de uma Teoria da Prática”. In: ORTIZ, Renato. A
Sociologia de Pierre Bourdieu. São Paulo: Ed. Ática.
Bourdieu, P, (1984). Homo academicus. Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit.
Bourdieu, P. (2000). Esquisse d’une théorie de la pratique. Éditions du Seuil.
Bourdieu, P. (2001). Meditações pascalianas. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil.
Bourdieu, P. (2007a). A distinção: crítica social do julgamento. São Paulo: Edusp; Porto
Alegre: Zouk.
Bourdieu, P. (2007c), O poder simbólico. 11.ed. Trad. Fernando Tomaz. Rio de Janeiro:
Bertrand Brasil.
Brainard, M. (2004). Epoché and Epoch in Logotectonic Thought. The New Yearbook for
Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, 4, 263– 272.
Calhoun, C. (1993). ‘Habitus, Field, and Capital: The Question of Historical Specificity’,
in Craig Calhoun, Edward LiPuma and Moishe Postone (eds) Bourdieu: Critical
Perspectives. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Casey, E. (1976). Imagining: A Phenomenological Study. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press.
Csordas, Thomas, ed. (1994b) Embodiment and Experience. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Garfinkel, H. (1967). Studies in Ethnomethodology. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Garnham, N.; Williams, R. (1980). ‘Pierre Bourdieu and the Sociology of Culture: An
Introduction’, Media, Culture and Society 2(1): 209–23.
Good, B. (1994). Medicine, Rationality and Experience. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Hallowell, I. A. (1955). Culture and Experience. Philadelphia: University of
Pennsylvania Press.
De Palma, V. (2011). Ist Husserls Assoziationstheorie transzendental?
Phänomenologische Forschungen, 87-110.
Dedeurwaerdere, T. (2002). Action et contexte. Du tournant cognitiviste à la
Phénoménologie transcendentale. Hildesheim-Zürich-New York: OLMS.
Descartes, R. (2018). Discurso sobre o método. Voszes: Petropolis.
Descartes, R. (2004). Meditações sobre filosofia primeira. Editora da Unicamp:
Husserl, E. (1950-). Gesammelte Werke, ed. por H. L. van Breda and S. Ijsseling, Den
Haag 1950-
Husserl, E. (2012). A crise das ciências europeias e a fenomenologia transcendental. Rio
de Janeiro: Forense universitária.
Husserl, E. (2001). Meditações cartesianas. São Paulo: Madras.
Edelman, G. (2007). Seconda Natura. Mente, cervello e conoscenza umana. Milano:
Fabbianelli, F., & Luft, S. (2014). Husserl und die Klassische Deutsche Philosophie.
Dordecht: Springer.
Funke, G., & Schmandt, J. (1961). Gewohnheit. Archiv Für Begriffsgeschichte, 3, 7-606.
Holenstein, E. (1971). Passive Genesis. Eine begriffsanalytische Studie. Tijdschrift Voor
Filosofie, 33, 112-153.
Johnstone, A. (1986). The Role of “Ich Kann” in Husserl’s Answer to Humean
Skepticism. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 46, 577-595.
Krell, D. (1982). Phenomenology of Memory from Husserl to Merleau-Ponty. Philosophy
and Phenomenological Research, 42, 492-505.
Landes, D. (2015). Between Sensibility and Understanding: Kant and Merleau-Ponty and
the Critique of Reason. The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 29, 335-345.
Leibniz, G.W. (1974). Textos escolhidos. São Paulo: Abril Cultural.
Mauss, M. (1950). Les Techniques du Corps, Sociology et Anthropology. Paris: Presses
Universitares de France.
Micali, S. (2006). Affektion und Immanenz bei Husserl. Phänomenologische
Forschungen. 85-98.
Mohanty, J. N. (1995). ‘The Development of Husserl’s Thought’, in B. Smith and D.
Woodruff Smith (eds) The Cambridge Companion to Husserl. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Pascal, B. (2005). Pensees. Hackett: Indianapolis.
Piazza, M. (2015). La filosofia francese dell’abitudine da Montaigne a Deleuze. Milano:
Philipse, H. (1995). ‘Transcendental Idealism’, in B. Smith and D. Woodruff Smith (eds)
The Cambridge Companion to Husserl. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Piazza, M. (2018). Creature dell’abitudine. Abito, costume, seconda natura da Aristotele
alle scienze cognitive. Bologna: Il Mulino.
Pugliese, A. (2013). Subjektive und intersubjektive Genesis der Handlung.
Phänomenologische Forschungen, 181-196.
Sapir, E. (1958). ‘The Emergence of the Concept of Personality in a Study of Cultures’,
in David G. Mandelbaum (ed.) Selected Writings in Language, Culture and
Personality. Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Shusterman, R. (1999). Bourdieu: A Critical Reader. Oxford: Blackwell.
Schutz, A. (1962) .Collected Papers, Volume 1: The Problem of Social Reality. The
Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
Smith, B.; Woodruff Smith, D. (1995). ‘Introduction’, in B. Smith and D. Woodruff
Smith (eds) The Cambridge Companion to Husserl. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Thao, Trân Duc (1986). Phenomenology and Dialectical Materialism, Boston Studies in
the Philosophy of Science, vol. 49. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Company.
Thompson, J.B. (1991). ‘Editor’s Introduction’, in Pierre Bourdieu Language and
Symbolic Power. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Wacquant, Loic D. (1992). ‘Toward a Social Praxeology: The Structure and Logic of
Bourdieu’s Sociology’, in Pierre Bourdieu and L. Wacquant (eds) An Invitation
to Reflexive Sociology. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Topics of Political Philosophy

Topics of Political philosophy
This class aims to address the relationship between Heidegger’s philosophy and politics through three topics. First, starting with a reflection on the fundamental concept of Dasein, we will consider the development of Heidegger’s “path of thought”, from fundamental ontology to the history of being (Seinsgeschichte), connecting it to the question of politics. Second, we will relate this thought with its tragic historical context, especially with the rise of National Socialism in Germany. Finally, we will consider the influence of Heidegger’s political thought on contemporary Europe, and we will focus particularly both in the confrontation between populism and liberalism and in the relationship between Western liberal Europe and contemporary Russia.

[More specific bibliography will be provided during the class].
DUGIN, Aleksandr. A Quarta Teoria Política. Rio de Janeiro: Ars Regia.
HEIDEGGER, Martin. Ser e Tempo. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2012.
_____. Os conceitos fundamentais da metafísica: mundo, finitude, solidão. Rio de
Janeiro, Forense, 2011.
_____. Escritos políticos. Lisboa: Piaget, s.d.
JÜNGER, Ernst. O Trabalhador. Lisboa: Hugin, 2000.
LACOUE-LABARTHE, Philippe; NANCY, Jean-Luc. Le mythe nazi. Paris: Aube,
LOPARIC, Zeljko. Heidegger Réu: um ensaio sobre a periculosidade da filosofia.
Campinas: Papirus, 1990.
LOSURDO, Domenico. La comunità, la morte, l’Occidente: Heidegger e l’ideologia
della guerra. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri, 1991.
PHILLIPS, James. Heidegger’s Volk. Stanford: Stanford Univers

Topics of History of Psychoanalisis

Topics of History of Psychoanalisis
In this class, we intend to offer a study of Freud’s philosophy of psychoanalysis from the point of view of the philosophy of history, using the works of Haeckel, Nietzsche, Paul Rée, Darwin and Canguilhem as a counterpoint. Some of the most relevant aspects of a philosophical confrontation between the perspectives on history of these authors are those that question the scope of the concept of history, the possibility of the moral progress of Humanity, and also on issues linked to memory and genealogy, as well as on the recurrence of the past, variation and evolution.

ASSMANN, S. J. & BAZZANELLA, S. J. A vida como potência a partir de Nietzsche
e Agamben . São Paulo: LiberArs, 2013.
BARRENECHEA, M. A. et al. Nietzsche e as Ciências. Rio de Janeiro: 7 Letras, 2011.
CÂNDIDO, A. O Portador. In: Nietzsche. Os Pensadores. Obras incompletas. Trad.
Rubens Rodrigues Torres Filho. São Paulo: Abril Cultural, 1978.
FAZIO, D. A ética na escola de Schopenhauer: o caso de Paul Rée. Ethic@ –
Florianópolis, v. 11, n. 2, p. 87 – 98, julho de 2012.
FREZZATTI Jr., W. A. Nietzsche contra Darwin. São Paulo: Ed. Unijui, 2001.
________. Haeckel e Nietzsche: aspectos da crítica ao mecanicismo no século XIX.
In: Scientiæ Studia, Vol. 1, No. 4, 2003, p. 435-61.
ITAPARICA, A. L. M. Nietzsche e Paul Rée: o projeto de naturalização da moral em
Humano, Demasiado Humano. Dissertatio, UFPel [38, 2013] 57 – 77.
NIETZSCHE, F. Da utilidade e desvantagem da História para a Vida. In: Nietzsche. Os
Pensadores. Obras incompletas. Trad. Rubens Rodrigues Torres Filho. São Paulo: Abril
Cultural, 1978.
_________. Homero e a filologia clássica. Trad. Juan Bonaccini. Princípios, Natal, vol.
13, nos. 19-20, jan./dez. 2006, p. 169-199.

More Information

To obtain a MASTER’S DEGREE, a student should:

  • Have completed 24 credits
  • Have been approved in an English language proficiency test
  • Have published a scientific paper
  • Have been approved in qualification and defense
  • Have participated in at least two defense boards

To obtain a DOCTORATE, a student should:

  • Have completed 48 credits
  • Have sufficiency approval in two foreign languages, one of which is English
  • Have two publications of scientific work
  • Have been approved in qualification and defense
  • Have participated in at least four defense boards

The Post-Graduate Program in Philosophy at PUCPR, both at the master’s and doctorate levels, takes direct action to impact society positively by producing and disseminating research, training qualified professionals who can then act in a competent and ethical manner, and seeking common good. To this end, in addition to the publication and dissemination of research in scientific journals and books, the PPGF holds events, symposia, seminars, congresses, and short programs, while also maintaining assiduous and effective relationships with ecclesial and non-governmental organizations, other entities, and government sectors.

Since 2011, PUCPR has engaged in a project called Excellence in Stricto Sensu that is aimed at internationalizing the institution’s programs to achieve maximum scores of 6 and 7 and to promote transdisciplinarity and innovation in different areas of knowledge, especially in its strategic areas. The PIBIC master program is one its greatest differentials (it allows talented students to attend both undergraduate and graduate stricto sensu programs and develop part of their research in a highly qualified foreign institution) as well as being in harmony with society and focusing on innovation.

The institution must also be constantly attentive to the changing needs of the society, with alignment/realignment to the CAPES criteria and oriented to develop internationally, having internationalization as its main guide in the search for quality in teaching and research.

Every graduate program must meet the criteria set by their corresponding committee; therefore, each program strategic planning and operating criteria needs to be done accordingly.

Criteria for each area need to be discussed within the program annually so that all necessary and appropriate corrective actions can be taken during the four-year period. Each program is committed to structuring and readjusting its strategic planning annually in search of excellence. In addition, the programs are encouraged to rethink their lines of research in order to adapt to the rapid changes that may occur in international and national scenarios.

This graduate program’s dynamism and flexibility must always meet quality criterion both in master’s and doctoral training and in the development of research and innovation, essentially aiming at the improvement of society. Thus, an annual review of each program strategic planning is requested that contains the topics below at a minimum:

  • i. Mission and vision of the program;
  • ii. Summarized annual opinion produced by an external evaluator; the annual evaluation by an external member is an institutional practice conducted since 2006, which allows for the annual performance of each program to be assessed according to the area criteria;
  • iii. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and risks (preparation of a SWOT matrix showing external and internal factors) considering the goals for the current and next four years;
  • iv. Goals (measurable objectives) established for the consolidation and development of strengths and improvement of weaknesses;
  • v. Actions (processes) necessary to achieve the objectives, people in charge, and monitoring instruments; in this topic, the coordinator and the institution should get involved to consider resizing the faculty and the student body, criteria for accreditation/re-accreditation, infrastructure, selection process, strategies to increase fundraising, and citations and innovation, among other items;
  • vi. Preliminary text of the program’s self-assessment describing the last four years containing at least the following information: stages of the self-assessment process; analysis of results and achievement of objectives; necessary actions for its consolidation and internationalization;

The IDP (Institutional Development Plan) document presents the strategic plans of all the programs aligned with the institutional planning, containing the Mission, Vision, SWOT Matrix, Canvas, and road map, and providing information on the needs and intentions of the programs for the 2017–2020 and 2021–2024 quadrennium of the CAPES evaluation.


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